Mod articles
Q: Not lore friendly/incorrect b/c realism/etc.
A: I don't care.
Q: This model doesn't have a bolt release!
A: Look, buddy: I don't care.
Q: Will you make condition-dependent jams for more weapon sets?
A: Unlikely, but you never know.
Q: Please make a version without the weapon-condition dependent jams.
A: I really don't feel like it. Just delete all of the lines in the .json that have scripts attached.
Q: Why did you remove the Rockbiter locomotion option?
A: Because they're located here now.
Q: Lever-action rifles?!?
A: .357 first. Then Lever-Action. If these mods do well.
Q: What FOV should I use?
A: Should be fine with whatever disgustingly high FOV you want to use, bu...