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  1. Sticky
    CPHU - Home and Safehouse Tweaks Patch needs an update as Home and Safehouse Tweaks is now only single files for NV and TTW versions.
    1. dartstalker
      • premium
      • 39 kudos
      Here you go
    2. Shardoom
      • premium
      • 23 kudos
      Can you do an official update through nexus, I dont feel safe just downloading strange files from mega. Plus it's better to be able to track versions.
    3. piber20
      • supporter
      • 86 kudos
      Been super busy. I pinned this comment for people in the mean time
  2. Drakaruso
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Sadly, It's not compatible with TTW More Interiors Combo. :(
  3. Otterdisappointment
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can you make a patch for The Sink Redux?
  4. nkorea
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    How does this mod handle bobbleheads? For example, if I save megaton and later purchase the Tenpenny Tower suite, do the bobbleheads "sync" between locations?
    1. piber20
      • supporter
      • 86 kudos
      Yes they do sync, as long as you installed the mod before placing the bobbleheads
    2. nkorea
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Yep -- I did that, and that's great.

      Reading the hints in the description, what is the method for obtaining the Tenpenny Suite without paying 5k caps?
    3. piber20
      • supporter
      • 86 kudos
      Just don't disarm the bomb. I believe that's the only way Burke gets mad in TTW, not 100% sure though. It simply checks the BurkeMad variable.
    4. nkorea
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      My main motivation for this mod was that I wanted a choice to own what is, in my opinion, a property in the nicest building in the entirety of Fallout 3's map without removing a whole settlement for the sake of being cartoonishly evil. I just prefer not to live in an ugly metal shack in a poorly designed settlement.

      I might be imagining things because I "looked around" at other mods before getting this one, so there might not be a way to get it without paying 5k caps. Don't worry at all. I'll save up any buy it later on in my playthrough. After all, maybe it's better that I don't get a suite in a 5 star hotel for free just because I don't feel like paying yet. I tend to accumulate a stupid amount of caps in the hundreds of thousands once I hit the thirties.
    5. piber20
      • supporter
      • 86 kudos
      I think you might be able to trick the system by buying the suite and then disarming the bomb. Burke will get mad but it'll be after you own the suite, nothing he can do about it, lol
  5. CommyGT
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Is there a way to change the themes of Tenpenny Tower's Suite without Michael Masters or Lydia Montenegro? I'm able to purchase the property but now I can't furnish it :(
    1. piber20
      • supporter
      • 86 kudos
      None at the moment, unless you let Roy kill everyone. I never considered your specific outcome though, maybe I'll figure something out for some future update.
    2. CommyGT
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you, haha. But yeah, it's been so many years since I played F3 and I forgot what Roy does when you let him in. So once they killed the residents I killed the ghouls and had no way of purchasing themes after installing this. I also didn't blow up Megaton of course so I was happy you added the notes in there to allow the property to be purchasable, thank you for that. Also would it be possible to add purchasable themes via the terminal near the bed? The one used to change themes and deactivate the butler? That would be a convenient solution since it's right in the apartment but I am unsure how programming terminals works in Fallout. All of my modding has been tailored to Saints Row and GTA although I might pick up Fallout and make TTW mods myself.
    3. piber20
      • supporter
      • 86 kudos
      Thinking about it, that's actually a good idea as a potential workaround if all npcs you can talk to are dead - make the themes and upgrades purchasable via the terminal. Just like the Lucky 38. I'll see about adding that in some future update.
    4. CommyGT
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you, I would appreciate it. I'm sure others who are blood thirsty will be too haha.
  6. Cinnaspice
    • supporter
    • 26 kudos
    This might be a huge ask and I apologize if it seems cheeky, but I was wondering if it were possible to get a TTW version without any changes to Megaton? I love the mod and all of its features, except I'd like to be able to use a different mod for Megaton. If it isn't possible, is there a way I could make the change/edit myself (I'm not sure how to go about doing that)? Thank you for your mods and consideration. 
  7. Sirknobbles
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Downloading this mod doesn't seem to do anything for my game, and it doesn't look like i have any conflicts
  8. XEdit shows me Error: Could not be resolved in the new patch for Home and safehouse tweaks.
    1. piber20
      • supporter
      • 86 kudos
      OK, wow. I've never had this happen before. I just put out a hotfix, should be good now.
    2. Thanks, and yeah, it's also the first time that I see something like that.
    3. Okay, I check again and it's still showing that error.
    4. piber20
      • supporter
      • 86 kudos
      You got the updated patch right? You may have downloaded the old one right as I was updating maybe?
    5. Yep, I also downloaded the patch once more and checked again. Still showing that error. It's weird.
    6. piber20
      • supporter
      • 86 kudos
      WTF? Okay, I need to get some sleep, but I'll unarchive the old patch. Only real conflict is the setting for the brotherhood safehouse will still be of the old bugged version but it'll still work. I'll have to look into this tomorrow.
    7. piber20
      • supporter
      • 86 kudos
      It's just so weird because it loaded for me, but that maybe because my load order is the exact right index? So strange
    8. piber20
      • supporter
      • 86 kudos
      Hopefuly there are FINALLY no errors. :(
    9. Paspartan1
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Yep, finally it works. You can rest now. Thanks! :)
    10. piber20
      • supporter
      • 86 kudos
  9. maxcorrice
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    wanted to request a "dirty water" option, keeping the water condition similar to nearby sinks and toilets.
    1. piber20
      • supporter
      • 86 kudos
      Any reason why? Nearby sinks and toilets, as in the ones in other buildings?
    2. maxcorrice
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Immersion, making project purity matter more, making boiling water more important(i think thats from one of my other mods)

      and yeah other buildings nearby, idk if novac is meant to have clean water for example. i plan on editing it myself as well but it would be a nice option
    3. piber20
      • supporter
      • 86 kudos
      Sure. I was just curious as to the reasoning. I'll see if I can make it an optional setting at some point, probably shouldn't be that hard.
  10. sleepyjesse
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    is it possible to hide the terminal? while it is neat, it just looks out of place
    1. piber20
      • supporter
      • 86 kudos
      I assume you're referring to the theme terminals, in which case not at the moment. But you could open the console, click it, and type "disable"
      Some time on the future this mod is going to get some retouches and I may redo how themes are swapped between. Maybe with the robot butler? And probably fix up the novac hotel room to not be such a mess with all the upgrades
    2. piber20
      • supporter
      • 86 kudos
      As of the last update they are now inside the homes attached to the machines associated with the robot butlers. The Novac one has also been removed. This might be more up your alley.
    3. sleepyjesse
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Nice! Although it's almost a year since I last played NV lol, but I do really really appreciate you going back to my comments. This mod, alongside a plethora of new stuffs, and also the amazing TV show might just make me reinstall NV, TTW and 4 lol.
      You're too cool. Thank you, truly!
    4. piber20
      • supporter
      • 86 kudos
      Yeahh, I look through comments all the time for helpful criticism. Plus I like to update stuff even if they're years old. Thank you for the kind words.
  11. paul12344
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    For some reason, the file extension won't be recognized by my computer...