Fallout New Vegas

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    No disrespect to the mod author but I'm posting this for awareness: This mod caused me no short amount of grief trying to figure out which mod in my load order was causing this but alcohol was giving me random stat distributions like DT+, H20+/-, etc, etc.

    How to recreate: Upon being under the effect of alcohol, saving and quitting the game COMPLETELY then loading that save back up you will have some random stat distribution that you shouldn't have instead of the standard -1 Intelligence, +1 Charisma, +1 Strength. Now I did test this with only this mod in my list and it didn't occur, which means something is conflicting with it which I'm not willing to figure out because I'm so tired... but because I only have a few mods in my list that edit alcohol, which would be either Jsawyer or YUP, my guess is either of those aren't having friendly interaction with this mod. You can kind of imagine my frustration here but I hope this helps save some poor sap randomly dying to dehydration upon loading their save game only to find out he's getting +1 H20 for 30 minutes because he drank 10 bottles of whiskey lol.
    1. Catakysm
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      I have encountered similar problems in the past, sometimes with this mod, sometimes without. I think it’s a scripting issue — some mod probably alters alcohol effects through a script which causes the random changes in stats. However, this mod doesn’t change stats — it only adds an effect with an image space modifier to the end of the list of item effects. So, I really don’t understand how it could be causing the problem. 

      In my own attempts to solve the issue, I’ve noticed that script problems sometimes occur when you load into a game too quickly from the main menu. If a script alters the alcohol stat changes on the save you load, but that script isn’t given enough time to initialize on the main menu, it might cause discrepancies in effects. Similar things can happen with other mods, such as hair mods that add hairs via script. 

      The difficulty in finding the problematic mod is that if the changes occur through script, the effect / item won’t be referenced in FNVEdit. So, you’d have to manually search all of your mods for a script which alters alcohol stats, or reference their mod pages. It’s also possible it’s the result of some engine bug, in which case I’d be at a loss as to how to fix it. I suppose it could also be a compatibility issue, though I’m not sure what could be causing it. 

      If I’m able to find a solution, I’ll let you know. Otherwise, good luck!
    2. Catakysm
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      So I've done some more testing and this mod does in fact seem to be causing the random changes in stats on item effects.

      I still have no idea what exactly is causing the problem (obviously some sort of script error, probably related to the JIP "AddNewEffect" function), but I'll report back if I find anything more. Thanks for letting me know, by the way
    3. BioX853
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Is this still occurring? If so, file a report in the xnvse discord
  2. deleted179430981
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
    Since I play with TTW, which file should I use?
    1. Catakysm
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      Use the TTW version (it's in the main files now)
  3. deleted171259413
    • account closed
    • 3 kudos

    • Still works on TTW 3.3.2?
    • Is the Main File already includes TTW version? Because the only TTW version I could find is on Old Files section.
    • When used along with any mods that alter item effects, should I loaded 'DrugVisuals.esp' before or after the alter item mod esp?

    Thanks in advance!
    1. Catakysm
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      1. I'm not super familiar with how TTW works but it should still be fine unless they for some reason changed the chem IDs (which I can't imagine they would)
      2. You can use the TTW version in the old files and it will work the same as the main file. I just forgot to take it out of the old files after the scripted version ended up being bugged and I brought the older main version out of retirement
      3. Whichever mod you load last will completely override the item effects changed by the other without a patch. The regular version is patched for YUP and the TTW version is patched for TTW obviously. It's pretty easy to patch them in xEdit if you care to keep them consistent, otherwise load the one whose effects you want last (probably this mod as if you override its effects there is no point in having it installed)

      I appreciate the questions, they are helpful for anyone who wants the same answers. I would like to revisit this mod and fix it up more but as it is I'm pretty swamped for time. Hopefully someday someone else will pick it up or I'll have time to return and work on it
    2. deleted171259413
      • account closed
      • 3 kudos
      One more question, do you think your Simple Drug Visuals compatible with Immersive Four Eyes Visuals?
    3. Catakysm
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      Should be compatible since they wouldn't override each other's effects
  4. ecnelis
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Is there a way for me to make a quick edit of the plugin to increase the visual effects' length? I'm using the TTW version.
    Thank you!
    1. Catakysm
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      I can’t remember off the top of my head but it should be fairly simple. I know in the GECK you would go to the ImageSpace Modifier (contained in one of the menus at the top of the editor, I think “World” or “Character”) for the particular drug effect and there are values to change the length of time the visual effect appears for. Should also be possible to edit the same value in xEdit. 

      Some of the effects are tied to scripts which may affect how long they last, but it’s been a while so I can’t fully remember. Alcohol in particular is one I would be concerned with as there is a special script to end the effect. However, you could always try just changing the duration of the ImageSpace Modifier and see how well that works. You would have to do it for each individual effect as they all have separate durations. 

      Hope that helps, let me know if you have any questions 
    2. ecnelis
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      It looks like I need to change both the duration under image space adapter and the duration of the chem's last effect added by your mod under the ingestible list. Changing only one of them didn't change the visual effect duration.
      Thank you for the help :D
  5. LowbeeBob
    • premium
    • 63 kudos
    Hi,Catakysm,could I use one of imageSpaceModifier data of this mod on my upcoming mod?
    1. Catakysm
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      • 22 kudos
    2. LowbeeBob
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      thank you,I have published it in NEXU!
  6. renoquierido
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    Heya! Super love the mod but am running into a wee bit of trouble here-- I have YUP installed, but the German language version, as I'm playing the game in German. The mod doesn't seem to recognise YUP as existing in its German form, and so I've tried reactivating the English version and then just disabling the plug in, and though it made the mod work, it was... an unfortunate choice, as it messed up all sorts of other things (ex, weapons mods were still in German, weapon names were not, so weapons couldn't be modded as it wouldn't recognise the weapon as the same thing? and some serious dialogue glitches to boot) so I've had to uninstall for now . Unfortunately I'm still very much learning when it comes to mods , so I was wondering if you might could have any suggestions, as I adore this mod and would love to have it working properly again ! Also, I don't know if this is an odd thing to say but well , if you ever need a translator for this mod, I'd be more than happy to provide any German language translations ! : ) Cheers!!
    1. Catakysm
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      Hey there, glad you like the mod!

      As far as I know, the German and English versions of YUP should be more or less the same on the backend, which should make it a fairly simple matter of switching the master from YUP-EN to YUP-DE. I’m traveling right now but once I get back to my computer I should be able to make such a version.

      Of course, there is also the scripted version, which doesn’t require YUP but has a fairly serious bug (see the comments). It works fine as long as you don’t save and exit the game while drug effects are active, but it can be a bit annoying to remember. One of these days I really need to find a way to fix that bug, but I haven’t been able to find out why it happens. 

      As for playing the game in German, I think that if you can understand English well it might be preferable to play the game in English. The problems you describe with dialogue seem to be common to other language versions, especially with mods, most of which aren’t made with other languages in mind. At least, that is my experience. Same thing with a game like Skyrim, which I always wanted to play in German to improve my comprehension, but could never quite get all my mods to work properly. 

      If you are interested in learning more about modding, I would highly recommend Viva New Vegas: https://vivanewvegas.github.io/

      It is a fully stable setup for the English version of the game which is close to vanilla while improving performance and balancing. It has plenty of resources to teach you about modding, including how to use xEdit to fix mods and what mods you should avoid to prevent bugs and crashing. And, of course, when you are done you can switch out mods you don’t like and add ones you do. 

      Anyway, hope that helps. Like I said, I will try to add a German version in the near future, or at the very least fix the bug with the scripted version. Cheers!
    2. Catakysm
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      I have uploaded the German version now. Let me know if you run into any problems
    3. renoquierido
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      You're a doll- thank you so much!! I so appreciate you taking the time , especially considering that you have been busy! You are so kind ! I'm just reaaally forgetful, so what with the not exiting with active effects thing, I kept setting myself up for problems ha ha. Thank you!! : )
      I probably should just deal with it and play more of my games in English, especially as I'm really enjoying learning about mods, but I've been sort of lazy so I just don't tend to switch it over ha ha, and usually I can mostly make it work when I get the weird half translated bits, but having YUP in English and the game in German was surely a bad time . Skyrim was actually the worst for that-- I believe I did end up switching it come to think of it, because the voices would switch dubs randomly even without mods sometimes and that was too much even for me! At least with New Vegas if I put YUP on properly in German, and don't put *too many* English only mods, the base translations are good and don't flicker between languages as much. If you ever want a game that's good to play in German to better learn, I would recommend Dragon Age series! The translations are usually very good, and it functions well in German ! 
  7. ShadowSharkAlive
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    Great mod
  8. Thunderbyrd
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Thank you for a TTW version!
  9. lonestander
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    1. Catakysm
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      Looks like a cool mod. Sure, I'll add support for it sometime soon. 
    2. lonestander
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Hey thanks man! Love your mod. Cant wait man! 
    3. Catakysm
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      By the looks of it, the mod was already mostly compatible, except for the Patriot Mentats. I've added support for those. Let me know if I missed something
    4. lonestander
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Ohh. Im sorry man I had no idea! Thank you for the update today! Ill let you know how it goes. I already have a few of the mentats in my Inv so it should be quick! Thank you!
  10. Asterra
    • member
    • 360 kudos
    I admit I'm keen to try this out, just to see what happens with Turbo-slash-Implant GRX, the only chem I ever use.
    1. Catakysm
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      Doesn't Turbo already have a visual effect? Maybe I just never noticed since I'm usually too distracted by the time-dilation effect. If not, I will have to add one. 

      Love your mods, by the way. 
    2. Asterra
      • member
      • 360 kudos
      Thanks.  Actually I don't even remember myself.  But I think if it did, it was subtle.  Obviously your mod gives us some effects that are on the other end of the subtlety spectrum, which is what piqued my interest.

      I was taking a look at it just now (not in game yet).  What I would recommend for a future version is to make your Ingestible changes with another script.  There are so many mods nowadays that tinker with consumable items.  You're just adding the necessary effects so there should be no fuss.
    3. Catakysm
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      That sounds like a good idea. I suppose that would remove the need for compatibility patches as well. I’ll look into it. 
    4. Catakysm
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      Done. Let me know if you find anything wrong with the new implementation, or if you have any more suggestions. 
    5. Asterra
      • member
      • 360 kudos
      Looks fine to me.  Thanks again.  Only thing I'd probably change if it were me would be to disable console spam unless in debug mode or whatever.
  11. bullog69
    • supporter
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    Any chance for it to be compatible with TTW? 
    1. jillandjackson5
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      imma try it and report back
    2. Catakysm
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      Probably not, since it requires YUP. I'll look into making a TTW version though
    3. Catakysm
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      TTW version is now uploaded