Fallout New Vegas
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feature requests (15 comments)

  1. qpwoei234
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    First of all, thank you for making a good mode.
    I've tried other realistic reload modes, but your mode is the best, at least for me.

    There is one request.
    dropped magazines are too black to find them. Is there a way to fix this part?
    1. orkel1215
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Thank you.
      To answer your question, yes, if you find a model that you would prefer (preferably a magazine from another weapon in-game) I can replace the current one with another one. Or make a completely custom model & texture.
  2. orkel1215
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    Feel free to request whatever
    1. TaliaKuznetsova
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      You think we can get an animation like the original for manually consolidating or atleast a amount based delay? I don't like how pressing 1 button and BOOM all ammo restored. I like some difficulty as i can
      sit down in a corner and reload for awhile and contemplate the battle.
    2. Sabinya
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      alternatively make consolidating ammo just drop all the partial magazines down
      so now you have to pick up all the ammo back yourself
    3. Sabinya
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      ALSO, we NEED a button to unload the gun so you can load a new magazine because if you already have ammo in a magazine and you only have a couple bullets left you end up having to swap between an almost empty magazine and an emptier one make it unloading drops the bullets so people can't cheat by just unloading and reloading to get a vanilla magazine and also make it so you can't do it while in combat either, for realism.
    4. orkel1215
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      You already cant consolidate ammo while enemies are nearby or in combat. And I'm not sure what you mean by:
      if you already have ammo in a magazine and you only have a couple bullets left you end up having to swap between an almost empty magazine and an emptier one
      Currently, the system is your that vanilla magazines come out of your ammo count. When you reload with a partial magazine it gets added to a separate list. When you reload with a partial magazine (default y) it chooses at random a partial magazine.
    5. orkel1215
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Thank you guys for your feedback. It has not fallen on def ears.

      The time now passes while consolidating ammo. Currently, because of a bug with JIP LN, it will not increase HC needs after that is patched it will.

      Partial magazines will now be dropped at your feet when relating in combat by default.

      There is now a button to unload your weapon.
    6. asd340
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hello. Thank you for this mod, it is awesome!
      I'd like to ask… it is not really crucial but would add a neat detail if we could see some animations after starting consolidate. Like, for example, Courier takes some magazine and inspects it, starts to extract some bullets out of it, etc.
      Also, not sure it is is really related to this mod, but it would be more… erm, believable and realistic if an enemy dropped not fully loaded weapon sometimes. Because it looks really unconvincing when some guy shoots about 15 times with his rifle and after being killed he drops his rifle with full magazine. It would be really cool if some mod fixed that.
    7. orkel1215
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Doesn't Stewie's Tweaks do that? or is that just for the player?

      I could make it so that when an NPC reloads with a partial magazine it is added to their inventory or dropped on the ground. However, there are two problems that I see with that; There would be a lot of "Dropped Magazines" that could reduce the frame rate, and I'm not sure if NPCs reload mid-magazine. However, I would like to add some sort of NPC inclusion.
    8. asd340
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Well, i think you mention "remember ammo count and type for player's weapon". It is good feature but i meant dropped weapon (both by player and npcs).And no, erm… I did not mean i wanted to see enemies reloading randomly when they have half magazine left. I meant it would be a small but not bad detail if enymy's weapon which he drops upon death would contain same ammo amount as there were before he died. For example npc fires 9 times with 10mm pistol and dies. When i pick up his gun, i expect to see 3 bullets left inside, but instead i pick up fully loaded pistol.Btw i noticed also that if i drop and pick up an empty gun it gets loaded instantly. It frustrates me a bit. Maybe you know some solution of that? I understand it looks like offtop, excuse me for this, but i just couldn't find it anywhere and i would be grateful for this info.
    9. orkel1215
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Yeah, bRememberWeaponAmmos was what I was talking about. That alone is actually a pretty impressive thing to do. Unfortunately, I don't have any idea on how to actually achieve that. I have been asking in the xNVSE discord about adding a way to add metadata to inventory items but have fallen on deaf ears :( 

      You can also check out bNoAmmoFromTakingNPCWeapon. Might be something like what you are looking for. I will keep my eye out for any way to do that though.

      Thanks for the request.
  3. Kankree
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Hi! Super simple request here but if it isn't too much trouble, could you add a setting that makes reloads start automatically consuming partial mags if you have no full mags left?
    1. orkel1215
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Do you mean; When you don't have any full magazines available and you press "R" you would reload with a partial magazine?
      If so I could probably do that.

      If you mean; When you don't have any full magazines available and you are out of ammo it automatically reloads with a partial magazine?
      If so yes I could. However, I personally play with auto-reload turned off. When a ghoul is charging toward you, you line up the shot, and...Click. Should have managed my ammo better lol.
    2. Kankree
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Yes and yes? I play with automatic reloads on so honestly, as long as it works one or both ways it'd suit me fine lol. I'd really appreciate it either way!