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  1. HijackedAirplane2
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Awesome please also do the weird orbs around objects caused by (maybe?) AO with fix transparency bugs unticked on certain items like the new keycards and books from The Frontier and I will love you forever. As it is now I am choosing between holes in the wall and snowglobed books.
    1. clayvn
      • supporter
      • 278 kudos
      Do you have screenshots? Why do you have fix transparency bugs unticked? and you have AA, Anisotropic Filtering off and HDR on right?
    2. HijackedAirplane2
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Both items in one screenshot, ?I definitely have AA and AO turned off and HDR turned on, and I should of had been more clear, with fix transparency bug checked the effect goes away, however also with it checked it causes certain particular ceilings to have transparent holes in it. This screenshot is with it unchecked. I haven't noticed this happening to anything else, however different enb presets, usually the older ones do remove this effect for some reason. I have the latest ENB binaries, and I've noticed enhanced shaders while outdated doesn't cause this to happen.
    3. HijackedAirplane2
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      This is what the ceiling looks like with fix transparancy bugs enabled.
    4. clayvn
      • supporter
      • 278 kudos
      interesting. well I'm not entirely sure I'd be able to fix that TBH. the fix I did for this was literally just deleting a part of a mesh. I think you might wanna try a different ENB. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/70857 I'm using this one which just came out and it works wonders.
    5. HijackedAirplane2
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks, I'll check it out!
    6. HijackedAirplane2
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Unfortunately that didn't fix anything in this particular area, out of curiosity, when you personally go to the Posideon building near Ground Kontrol/where a certain spoilery silent companion in The Frontier is, (that's where my screenshot was) in that particular building, do you also see transparent holes in the ceiling there? After a long time trying to research this I've only ever see "Try turning off fix transparency bugs if you see holes in the wall" and while that does fix the holes in the wall that seems to bother the AO in the ENB on certain objects. No setting in the in-game ENB editor seems to change anything aside from turning off AO entirely. Is it possible they used vanilla assets here that a texture pack I had previously downloaded could of had caused this? If you're also running any texture packs could you tell me what they are and what order you installed them in? Presumably it's this weird ceiling transparency thing I need to fix and not the weird translucent orbs that I willing unticked the fix for lol.
    7. clayvn
      • supporter
      • 278 kudos
      just ran into that issue. working on a fix now
    8. clayvn
      • supporter
      • 278 kudos
    9. HijackedAirplane2
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      • 0 kudos
    10. Kuzja80
      • BANNED
      • 104 kudos
    11. clayvn
      • supporter
      • 278 kudos
      will cause other issues
    12. Kuzja80
      • BANNED
      • 104 kudos
      will cause other issues

      What issues you fix by this option exactly?

      If it
      TRUE you get issues like a screenshot for all  textures with transparency masks (textures with some format and alpha type)


      To fix issues that on your mod screenshots - try to use reshade (with no INTZ) as Proxy DLL with ENB. 
      (no any preset needed for reshade)


      ProxyLibrary=reshade.dll (dxgi.dll) 

      This can help and no need to edit meshes.
      Sorry my english
    13. yarrmateys
      • member
      • 17 kudos
      the worst issue with the enb fix transparency is in the house resort at camp golf. the entire lobby is invisible, since from what i can tell fix transparency errors forcefully enables alpha flag on all meshes, and the textures for that location's walls are entirely see through, with alpha option being used to show different things, either the walls/floor/ceiling itself or some decals. same for the outside building, with it enabled the building is full of holes. that option is more of an optional hotfix, if anything, in my opinion the meshes should be sorted through and fixed to enable the flag where necessary to fix the problem rather than using nuclear option that is force enabling alpha everywhere, breaking the desired effect.

      the screens above with ceiling holes are another example of that. there are some locations that expect to have holes in the roof complete with sky and sun rays shining through it, but most others don't so you see geometry through it.
  2. despacito43
    • supporter
    • 16 kudos
    1. clayvn
      • supporter
      • 278 kudos
      very true
  3. nickheggo
    • premium
    • 656 kudos
    1. clayvn
      • supporter
      • 278 kudos