About this mod
Improves the Goodsprings town, cemetery, and source areas by adding new clutter, lights, and objects to better improve the atmosphere of the areas.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Version: 1.0
Date: 08/28/2020
Author: Aceflyheight (Lainkino)
Fallout: New Vegas
This is my second big mod so if there's any issues or if you have any improvements for this mod, let me know and I'll see what I can do. Even with the work that I've done on my previous mods, I'm still learning how the GECK works.
This mod makes changes to all three Goodsprings related areas: Goodsprings, Goodsprings Cemetary, and Goodsprings Source. Primarily, I worked on attempting to add small bits of detail around the three areas to help flesh them out a bit with additional detail from things that I've thought about and ideas inspired by other Goodsprings overhauls on the Nexus. The biggest change is a new interior for the gas station.
Goodsprings Town
-Added two AC units to the interior of the General Store to fix the inconsistency compared to the exterior of the store.
-Two Wooden Crates added to pile of cargo in front of General Store.
-One Wooden Crate added to General Store's porch.
-Tire Stack added to side of cart in front of General Store.
-Picnic Table added in the Alley between the Saloon and the General Store.
-Urban Trashcan added nearby to the picnic table added in the alley between the Saloon and the General Store.
-Joshua Tree added in front of Saloon.
-Added disposal truck just north of the Gas Station with a bed of toxic pre-war barrels.
-Added one police car and one civilian car to the Gas Station.
-Added a car and camper between Doc Mitchell's house and the Gas Station.
-Added a car next to the Saloon.
-Added a truck and trailer south of Goodsprings.
-Added a broken street light next to the Gas Station.
-Completely overhauled the interior of the Gas Station.
-Added a lantern to the front of the General Store.
-Added a lantern to the Goodsprings sign.
-Added a fire barrel near the mobile home next to one of the northern Goodsprings homes.
-Added planters behind Doc Mitchell's house.
-Added a fire barrel near the truck just down the hill in front of Doc Mitchell's house.
-Added a fire barrel near the Gas Station.
-Added two crates to the wooden cart in front of the Saloon.
-Added fire barrel in the alley between the Saloon and the General Store.
-Added a dumpster in the alley between the Saloon and the General Store.
-Added a lantern and accompanying light source to one of the houses near Victor's Shack.
-Added a fire barrel and an empty barrel at the house near the water tank.
-Added a small campfire and logs near the water tank.
-Added a table and a bit of clutter to the front entrance of the Saloon.
-Added an additional motorcycle just to the right of the entrance of the Saloon.
-Added an additional car next to the house behind the Saloon.
-Added the partial remnants of a fence along the path up towards Goodsprings Cemetary.
-Added vehicles along the road north of Goodsprings along with some skeletons.
-Added some supplies to one of the truck trailers north of Goodsprings.
-Added some additional street lights in and around Goodsprings.
Goodsprings Cemetary
-Added second shovel to the grave site.
-Added bloodstain to simulate where the courier was shot before being buried.
-Added fungus stalks and accompanying light source to the Courier's grave.
Goodsprings Source
-Added additional plants to all three water sources.
Potential Ideas / Future Plans
1. Extract this archive to any folder and then copy the contents to Fallout: New Vegas' data folder.
2. Start the Fallout: New Vegas Launcher, click Data Files, and enable the .esp file.
Mod Managers
1. Use 'Download with Manager' button and install via your mod manager.
Delete/Disable the esp included in this mod.
-Should be compatible with anything that doesn't heavily edit any of the three Goodsprings areas.
-Any mods that edit the interior of the Goodsprings Gas Station are mostly incompatible.
-Mods that edit the interior of the Goodsprings General Store should be compatible as I only added two AC units to the interior walls to match the outside.
-Any mods that edit the other interiors in Goodsprings are fully compatible.
If you find any mods that this mod is incompatible with, please let me know and I will try to make a compatibility patch for them.
Known Issues:
1. There is no navmeshing in the newly added sections of the Goodsprings Gas Station, but the rooms are too small for companions to follow you into so there should be no problems with them 'getting stuck'.
History: (For full history, check the changelog above.)
08/28/2020 - 1.0 - Initial release.
You can find me as Aceflyheight on the Nexus.
Thanks to Obsidian for creating Fallout: New Vegas.
Thanks to Fruit Bat for their help in fixing the vanilla navmeshing when I had some issues with the Geck.
Tools Used:
You may not alter, re-upload, or redistribute this mod without my permission. If you PM me and I do not respond within 2 weeks, you can do whatever you want with it.