Fallout New Vegas


  1. Drukqqs
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    New Link for fixed version: https://mega.nz/file/Mtx0DZrb#hgi6IljyxalplzTPesUXGpaxQh-YOl8ECgg-AozjDnQ

    Or go to the Wasteland Survival Guide discord and download it.
  2. LucyTheSuccubus
    • member
    • 26 kudos
    For anyone having lag and longer cell loading and would like to fix it:

    I actually found a fix that doesnt really reduce quality. At least none that I would notice. I am not sure if this is the cause but these loading screen textures here are at 1920x1080 resolution. While vanilla loading screens are in 2048x1024 resolution. I dont know if the engine has problems with the resolution of these or if its something about the compression or whatever. But I found a new fix without quality loss. Use a image viewer and editor tool named XnView and batch resize all textures from 1920x1080 to 2048x1024. This fixes all the lag! This took like 45 Minutes for all textures, which is really long but it works and it also doesnt seem to change anything about the DDS compression or quality. At least none that I noticed. So to me it really looks like the engine just doesnt like the loading screens in anything but 2048x1024. Maybe it has to dynamically resize them on each load, which causes this stutter. But I am not much into the texture and engine knowledge so maybe I talk crap.

    EDIT: I also noticed that many loading screens are incorrectly named and dont replace all of the TTW loading screens, which means you might still get a few vanilla TTW loading screens sometimes. The problem is mainly with the loading screen TTW folder directory. I was able to fix it by renaming them. I might just upload a fixed version with no more laggy loading and the loading screens being properly named and in the right directories. Unless the author of the mod has a problem with this.

    EDIT2: Well ok, here I uploaded my fixed version:
    1. mr5nrub
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Could you share your files? I would love to have the immersive loading screens but haven't got the time to go through and fix everything myself
    2. JettN77
      • premium
      • 48 kudos
      I would also be interested. I love the style of these loading screens but i have noticed a few old greens poking through. 
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      You are a saint for this, KUDOS!
    4. Darkfire14
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      I cannot download this... The link is broken it seems.
    5. deleted86523568
      • account closed
      • 26 kudos
      haha I'm a year late, but thanks for making this! I'm reinstalling TTW and was glad to see you made this.
    6. JettN77
      • premium
      • 48 kudos
      reinstalled TTW again and ran into my old problem and remebered this old solution. Thank god the link is still good. I hope the author updates this. 
    7. FAF3347
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      I can't even notice loading lag until discovered this post lol. thanks a lot.
    8. Mutent
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Lol, thanks for figuring this out. Such a simple and yet so countertintuitive fix (to me anyways.)
    9. deleted165114818
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks so much for this man!
    10. deleted193961444
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      i think your link is dead :(, would you be able to reupload?
    11. slaVEI
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      the link is dead, could you reupload?
    12. sims3fan1231
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Can confirm that link is still dead :(
    13. WhiteFatalis666
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Link is dead luv, reupload it pretty please
    14. WhiteFatalis666
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      does anyone still have it somewhere on their pc?
    15. Rawr40k
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Nooo where's the mirror?
  3. Chalazae
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    have you ever thought about making one in green? similar to fo3? 
  4. JettN77
    • premium
    • 48 kudos
    would you consider sharing a template we could use to layer over other images to add new loading screens to these in the same style?
    1. Panzermann11
      • premium
      • 169 kudos
      You can find it as loading_background.dds included in the mod's files.
  5. NamelessWanderer88
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Revisiting this, do you have that overlay photo on HD so share? Kinda want to do some of my own addittions. 
    1. PenelopeJenga
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      A few months late but I would really like this too, wouldn't mind adding it to my custom title screen.
    2. Panzermann11
      • premium
      • 169 kudos
      Late reply aswell, but yes. You can find an image called loading_background.dds in the mod's files that has the mod's overlay with an empty background.
  6. Reiven14
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    can this also be used without TTW?
    1. SaturnRoss
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      It can! The screens look very nice in vanilla NV as well, you just won't see TTW exclusive screens without renaming any.
  7. EldritchNexus
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is some truly excellent work, but don't you think it's redundant to have two different "Please stand by" screens in the intro slideshow? I would've put the Bethesda Game Studios logo in place of the second "Please stand by" screen, seeing as they developed the Fallout 3 half of Tale of Two Wastelands.
    1. Panzermann11
      • premium
      • 169 kudos
      I guess you already beat me into asking the same question. I'd suggest also replace the former "Please Stand By" screen with the legal info combined from Fallout 3 and New Vegas instead.
  8. Panzermann11
    • premium
    • 169 kudos
  9. Storm3ye
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    Significantly increases cell loading delay.

    It takes about 3~4 seconds for game to respond after interacting with cell changing (eg, Fast Travel).
    After the delay, the game starts loading assets.
    Without this mod, game starts loading cell assets immediately upon cell change instruction.
    1. deleted86523568
      • account closed
      • 26 kudos
      I ran the textures through Ordenador, getting the following for every single file:

      Fix Bad Size => DXTIc = [texture file] (2025Kb => 682Kb)

      Performance improved significantly after compression.
    2. LucyTheSuccubus
      • member
      • 26 kudos
      I tried this tool you mentioned but it doesn't seem to do much for me. Weirdly enough it also says Fix Bad Size for some textures for me but it made it from 2025 to 2755kb or something like that which means its even worse and bigger now? How do I have to set this program up?

      EDIT: Oh so I guess you selected resize > 1024. Now I have them the same size. However, these loading screens still cause stutter and long loading lag when being used. Why is that? I use different ones now, found some other TTW loading screens that have the same resolution but run fine and dont cause lag. Something must be wrong with this consistent loading screens mod. I would love to use these, but only if the lag is fixed.
    3. deleted86523568
      • account closed
      • 26 kudos
      I use the Morrowind Nexus' version of Ordenador_0_6_1., https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/32675?tab=files, with the following settings, with only 'Textures' active (the others only apply to Morrowind):

      If no mask in image, compress to: DXT1c
      If mask in image is 1bit, compress to: DXT3
      If mask in image is translucy, compress to: DXT3
      Delete BMP or TGA, if was DDS that same name (unusedes)
      Resize Texture, if not lost quality (invisibles, fills, patterns, quadruplicates)

      All other settings are turned off. I don't messing with the Extra Options menu. I do my compressions in a standalone Project folder with the texture folder, so I don't waste time compressing an entire game's worth of files.

      If it was running correctly every file should be reduced from 2025Kb to 682Kb. Any other outcome means something is set wrong. I've been using this program for years and it's always made my Morrowind, Oblivion, FO3 and NV running smoother by allowing the games to work less hard due to smaller texture files.

      Hope these less vague instructions help more than my earlier ramblings.
    4. LucyTheSuccubus
      • member
      • 26 kudos
      Thanks for the instructions. Now it works for some reason. Not sure if that newer Ordenador version doesnt work or if I just used the wrong settings. Probably later. No more loading stutter now! However, the loading screen texture quality definitely takes a hit with your solution. They are still a tad better than vanilla but definitely no more as crisp as before. I guess it reduces the resolution or something. Then again I rather have no long loading and stutter, than crisp quality and seeing as there are no better TTW friendly loading screen textures that actually replace ALL the loading screens, I just stay with this mod here until there should ever be something better. Maybe the author could look into this loading screen stutter problem? I dont know why his textures have this problem, other HD loading screen replaces dont stutter so I dont know why his loading screens do. Shame since these are the best and most consistent I have seen so far.

      EDIT: I actually found a different fix that doesnt really reduce quality. At least none that I would notice. I am not sure if this is the cause but these loading screen textures here are at 1920x1080 resolution. While vanilla loading screens are in 2048x1024 resolution. I dont know if the engine has problems with the resolution of these or if its something about the compression or whatever. But I found a new fix without quality loss. Use a image viewer and editor tool named XnView and batch resize all textures from 1920x1080 to 2048x1024. This fixes all the lag! This took like 45 Minutes for all textures, which is really long but it works and it also doesnt seem to change anything about the DDS compression or quality. At least none that I noticed. So to me it really looks like the engine just doesnt like the loading screens in anything but 2048x1024. Maybe it has to dynamically resize them on each load, which causes this stutter. But I am not much into the texture and engine knowledge so maybe I talk crap.
  10. NamelessWanderer88
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Best loading screen mod imo of all time, a must have for any TTW player.