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About this mod

Gives the 12 gauge flechette ammo from Gun Runner's Arsenal the same muzzle flash as every other 12 gauge ammo. This fix is incorporated into Yukichigai's Unofficial Patch (YUP) as of 2/4/2024, so if you use YUP, you do not need to download this fix.

Permissions and credits
This mod is incorporated into YUP as of Feb. 4, 2024. Thanks!

The flechette ammo from Gun Runners' Arsenal does not produce muzzle flash, and its detection level is set to "Silent." I found this strange because it makes just as much noise as any other round, and after a short consultation with some users of a firearms forum, I am lead to conclude that there is no reason why using flechettes instead of regular old buckshot should eliminate all muzzle flash. Now 12 gauge flechette rounds will have the normal muzzle flash instead of muzzle flash being oddly absent.

Gun Runners' Arsenal is required.

None.  Please report bugs in the comments if you find anything.

It may conflict with any mod that changes the 12 gauge flechette projectile.

This mod is included in Shotgun Ammo Overhaul, so if you have that mod, you do not need to download this one.

Put the contents of the mod folder (the folder with the .esp inside of it) into your Data folder, or use a mod manager. To uninstall, delete the mod's file (the .esp) or uninstall using a mod manager.