Might work without it, but I did make this mod with the intention of using it alongside hand Loader. it's a great mod anyway, so I highly reccomend using it if you're not already.
Permissions and credits
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Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
Upload permissionYou can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file
Modification permissionYou are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
Conversion permissionYou can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file
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Author notes
Seek permission from TrueVoidWalker and Hopper31 as well.
File credits
Credit to TrueVoidWalker for his Bulk ammo script template, and credit to Hopper31 for his Vendor/perk list addition script
Donation Points system
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Version VR-1.2.4
Fixed Breakdown Birdshot, Magnum to correctly reflect that it requires Birdshot, Magnum, and not 4/0 Buck. Magnum.
Drained cells can now be crafted using either Vigilant Recycler or Junk Rounds with 1 Scrap Electronics/Metal and Lead at a workbench
Flamer Fuel, Homemade now requires Junk Rounds to craft, and can be crafted at either a workbench or a campfire,. The recipe now requires Drained Flamer Fuel Tanks as well.
Energy ammo has had its weight standardized, similarly to Hand Loader
Overall, when crafting energy ammo, you get drained munitions back
Version VR-1.2.1
White Phosphorus recipe gives corresponding ammo.
All Flamer Fuel crafting is done at a workbench now.
Version HL-1.7.5
Scripts updated; even more tidiness changes there if you care to poke around.
Flaregun hard changes have been removed; it's all scripted now; allowing for the use of weapon mod mods
Grenade Launchers, Rifles, Machineguns, and the APW have had their *impact* damage buffed via script; they're now 3x as strong as appropriate 20ga/12ga shotguns
Any weapons that use BBs or Nails as their base ammo are now scripted to use my appropriate AmmolistBB or AmmolistNails
Any explosive weapons that can be converted to non-explosive munitions have had their impact data scripted to BallisticImpactDataSet
Version HL-1.7.3
All manufactured grenades either require Demolition Expert to craft, or their corresponding elemenal perk; functionally identical to Missile/Rocket crafting.
Firebombs and Tomahawks given recipes. Tomahawks require Lead Pipes, which in-turn are now craftable.
Added .50BMG Ratshot, requires Hunter to craft, like M15 or .22LR ratshot.
.22LR Incendiary, by recommendation of user. I had no idea this existed IRL. and now it does in-game too.
Version HL-1.7.0
Raw Adhesive and Textile Scraps are new crafting reagents that are functionally similar to Lead or Electrical Components, both are obtainable from breaking down MANY things. You won't be starving for them, at all.
Raw Adhesive is used in making Duct Tape! Duct Tape is used in many things, and is just useful overall
Textile Scraps are obtained primarily from scrap books, as well as pre-war books. You'll be swimming in the stuff. Pairs well with Voracious Reader. Economy breaking with TTW, if you know what you're doing.
Many duplicate ammo effects removed and given more universal effects used by each other. Names standardized for my own convenience, or any of yours if you choose to mod my mod.
Nerfed Birdshot, added Magnum Birdshot. Magnum birdshot is unnerfed Birdshot, but better and balanced.
Slugs have their condition penalty reduced. This extends to Magnum Slugs.
Numerous miscellaneous fixes and tweaks. Some things categorized as "Breakdown" have been shifted to a new "Generic Crafting" to ease menu clutter, and allow easier breakdown-spam.
Version AS-1.5.0-TTW
Updated Flechette Rails and Darts to have different projectiles, as well as updated effects.
Created breakdown recipes for Drained Liquid Nitrogen, as well as handmade recipes for them.
Updated all Liquid Nitrogen recipes to use Drained Liquid Nitrogen Tanks instead of Fuel Tanks.
Changed "Liquid Nitrogen, Dillute" recipe to "Liquid Nitrogen, Handmade"; as was intended. Updated recipe to require 1 Pure Ethanol instead of Raw Adhesive.
Added Breakdown recipes for Cryo Missiles/Rockets
Made "Timed" Rails uncraftable, as they're broken for some reason.
Updated Superheated Rails to have a condition penalty.
Added Breakdowns for Garden Hoses and Coolant Components, as well as reforms.
Version AS-1.4.8
Added proximity missiles; they feature a safe-arm function (meaning that they won't explode too close to you {most of the time}), and otherwise are identical to missiles.
Added Steel rounds for all ballistic ammo. Expensive to craft, but is essentially a better AP round. Provides a condition bonus and retains the armor penetration effects of AP, but is slightly less accurate.
Corrected 12Ga./20Ga. Gecko's Breath to have a "," in the name.
Fixed minor breakdown crafting requirement errors.
Version AS-1.4.0
Explosive Radii rebalance, namely to imagespace VFX (No more being blinded!).
Removed some exploits (notably Steel BBs).
Added rubber bullets to every type.
Breaking down books of various types is base and has no requirements now.
Pulse Slug tweakage; closer to Slugs now.
Added Nuka-Nukes (Nuka, Quartz, Victory, and Quantum).
Added Nuka-Grenades (Nuka, Quartz, Victory, and Quantum).
Nuka-Nukes are effectively worse Low-Yield (Same damage, less range).
Nuka-Quartz is High Damage, low range.
Nuka-Victory is Normal Damage, High Range.
Nuka-Quantum is High Damage, High Range.
3/0 and 4/0 buck do slightly more damage, and are more accurate. They were technically both beforehand, but I've given them a statistical increase to better reflect that.
25mm crafting and breakdowns have been updated to be half of 40mm, and the Alt crafts give back some modifier crafting materials. (i.e., nuclear material, electrical components).
40mm crafting and breakdowns are updated to no longer require cherry bombs nor do they require MFC, ECP for respective rounds.
Honestly, too many fixes.
Version AS-1.3.7
Added 12ga/20ga rubber buckshot as a spread option compared to the beanbag "slugs". Identical in functionality.
Fixed "Taze" rounds all requiring SEC. This was updated on my end, but not in what I uploaded on release - my bad!
Added crafting/breakdown recipes for 25mm/40mm Toxic Fumes grenades. Previously only available via chimera rounds, I did an oopsie and forgot to make the individual variants.
Tweaked AP DT/DR penetration values. Most pistol-caliber rounds have -10dt/dr and a 25% damage penalty. Most rifle-caliber have -15dt/dr, and -10% damage. Some have tweaked values specifically for them.
Tweaked crafting and breakdown values regarding textile scraps. Firebombs require 25, dynamite and flares require 30 (long fuse 45). Cigarettes (in general) give much less textile scraps. I may have forgotten some recipes, please let me know.
Version AS-1.3.5
Added in Steel. It's used in creating all "pre-war" grenades/mines, in the construction of casings for missiles, rockets, and mini-nukes, and also as the "jacket" for jacketed rounds. Various junk breaks down into it.
Added breakdowns for all cigarette variations, individual, pack, carton. Amounts they break down into balanced against Dead Money values. Added Reforms for them as well, if you need.
I'm sorry. Balancing Flamer Fuel crafting is hard. I've also renamed it to just "Fuel" to keep it in-line with F4/F76
Steel is used to construct casings for Missles, Rockets, and Mini-Nukes. You can now craft Mini-Nukes from scratch now - hurray!
Added in variations for Alien Blaster Rounds. You can use them, but they're not craftable. Console exclusive until TTW expansion.
Temporarily disabled special effects of Quantum and Unstable energy rounds. They still do their effects, just not their flair. Seeking solution.
Armor-piercing rounds over penetrate targets, great for corridors of enemies.
Version AS-1.2.6
Added Toxin Grenades
Updated Chimera 25mm/40mm Grenades to utilize Toxin effect. Updated crafting to reflect that.
Removed "Recycle, Redistribute, Refine" category and nested recipes. Less bloat!
Correctly shifted over Conversion recipes to respective crafting category.
Updated some holdover vanilla recipes to be in "Explosives" crafting category, and follow my naming conventions.
Throwing Baseballs, Lead Pipes, and Tomahawks no longer in "Weapons" category. They're in "Generic" to remove clutter.
Corrected some alcohol breakdowns to check if you have the correct alcohol in your inventory. Added Moonshine breakdown.
Added Breakdown Bark Scorpion Poison, updated Breakdown Radscorpion Poison to include some Nuclear Material.
Added Microfusion Breeder variants and formlist. Unused unless you toggle them on in the "HLListAdderScript". Use at your own discretion; is buggy.
Version AS-1.2.5
Optimized Cells deal bonus damage again, however it's only 15% instead of the base 30%. They ignore 4DT/DR instead of 5DT base, they're 25% more accurate, they're also 15% worse for your weapon, up from 10%. Balancing is hard.
Added Depleted Uranium Rods for Nails. They ignore 8DT/DR, deal 10% less damage, cause 35% more damage to your gun, deal radiation poisoning to your target (25hp over 5s, except to ghouls or robots), and can cause robots to frenzy.
Added Superheated Nails. They're rivets, but hot.
Added Toxic nails. They're stinky.
Fixed Salient Green requiring Nightstalker... squeezin's
12.7mm Ratshot has undergone some changes. 7 proj. instead of 21. Ignores 10DT/DR instead of 25, and added a damage buff to compensate the reduced damage per pellet.
Added Reform Turpentine, Breakdown Egg Timer, Breakdown Tiner Tot, and corrected Tiny Tot Breakdown to be in the Explosives category.
Shifted "Conversion..." recipes to their respective subcategories. May add duplicate recipes to "Refine, Recycle, Redist...", or cut category altogether later.
Version AS-1.2.1
Fixed one Redistribute SEC, FR to SEC being in Breakdown instead of in the SEC crafting section.
Fixed .38 Special, SWC recipe outputting .38 Special instead of .38 SWC
Changed vanilla .38 Spc. to use my custom effects instead of vanilla ones so that it'll follow my balance and not get affected by other mods.
Adjusted Beer to give only 75 Pure Ethanol, instead of 200 - the missing 125 Ethanol has been shifted to Absinthe, and it now gives 325 Ethanol.
Golden and Green Gecko hides have had one of their breakdown recipes shifted to the Campfire instead of being doubled up at the Workbench
Don't ask about how Irr. Scotch was in the Flamer Fuel crafting section. I don't know either.
Version AS-1.2.0
Fractalized Ammo multiplies projectiles by 5, increases damage by 200% (To compensate for the projectiles), is 20x less accurate, does 120% Condition damage, and ignores 10DT/DR. Requires Center of Mass
All Energy ammo can be converted to the base version (I.E. Overcharged + Drained cells = a bunch of normal cells).
Energy Ammo can now be crafted from scratch. You can make drained cells (or tanks) from basic components, and then further charge them using Nuclear Material, or via fission battery.
All Breakdown Recipes have been shifted to their respective crafting categories (I.E. Breakdown 5.56mm, HP will be under the 5.56mm Crafting category).
Added in Explosive category, specifically for grenades, mines, and their breakdowns.
Various fixes and minor rebalances: Mini Nukes can now be fully deconstructed and provide a case in which to hold their payload. .44SWC and JHP have been correctly given their attributes, Revisited ammo weights and values for consistency.
Added 20ga. Surplus. One package contains 94. Adjusted 12ga. Surplus, one package gives 87 (iirc). If curious, the amount given is (package weight / ammo weight)
Removed duplicate .50BMG HP in list.
20ga. Magnum Birdshot, Coinshot, and Depleted Uranium have been corrected
Remember to give Thrasque a Kudos for submitting a bunch of minor bug reports! They really help with keeping my mod high-quality.
Optimized Cells no longer deal bonus damage, however they ignore 6DT/DR, and are only 15% worse for your weapon, instead of 35%. This was done to differenciate them from Over Charged rounds.
Minor adjustment to how damaging energy cells are to your weapons. It goes from 15% to 30%, to 45%, and then to the oddball percentages.
Version AS-1.1.1
Fixed first person filepath for Meat Grinder and Tiny Tot grenades, otherwise check AS-1.1.0 changelog for features.
Version AS-1.1.0
Added Depleted Uranium Rounds for .50BMG, 12.7mm, .308, and 5.56mm
Fission Batteries can be used to recharge cells with Vigilant Recycler, albeit at diminished capacity.
Fission Batteries, Rocket Souveniers, Golden Gecko Hide, Irradiated Water, Dirty Water, and probably a few other things can be deconstructed into Nuclear Material for ease of crafting.
Corrected Health on SMSR, now 69% instead of 6900%.
Adjusted Flamer Fuel recipes that required Wonderglue to instead require Raw Adhesive in various quantities.
Adjusted Quantum Cells to require Nuclear Material in addition to previous items.
Adjusted Gamma Emitted Cells to require Nuclear Material in addition to previous items.
Homemade Flamer Fuel recipes will be hidden unless you have prerequisite booze in your inventory, just to clear up the crafting menus.
Version AS-1.0.0
Added the massive Shoulder Mounted Sniper Rifle, found at the Marked Men Supply Camp. Requires 100 Lockpicking to acquire.
Version 1.7.7-Handloader
Added Depleted Uranium Rounds to 12ga and 20ga - they ignore some armor, cause "radiation" DoT, and can frenzy robots for a short period.
Version 1.5.0
Rocket, Shotshell conversion now fires flechette projectiles instead of nails
Added in 25mm and 40mm ammo varieties based off of shotshell counterparts; normal shotshell, Dragon's Breath, Flechette, and Hornet's Nest
Added in alternate flechette crafting recipe for 20ga. and 12ga. - Requires Hand Loader instead of Junk Rounds
Version 1.4.1
Added in "weapon" model for Tiny-Tot grenades - you'll now hold a single tot! Delicious.
Added in universal proton-axe and protonic inversal axe sabots. They're so damn fun.
Added in Baseball Grenades and just regular throwing baseballs. They're actually pretty neat! I ought to tweak baseballs a bit though.
Forgot to mention that .50cal Shotshell conversion will just straight up break your arms. Gotta be a strongman to use that and not fucking die.
Added Breakdown Recipes for 25mm and 40mm Grenades
Added Plasma and Pulse Rockets and Missiles, made them craftable with Science and Demolitions Expert
Added ammo categories to clean up the generic "Ammo" crafting section
Added in "Electrical Components" - Lead equivalent for Scrap Electronics; weighs very little to help with ammo crafting and weight management
Added Rocket Shotshell Conversion - if you're crazy enough to do that
Added .50BMG to Shotshell Conversion - also if you're crazy enough
All .50 BMG rounds ignore anywhere from 15-40DR/DT
Fixed various ammos having the wrong listed name, although giving the intended ammo
Made Pulse Slugs craftable With Robotics Expert
Made 25mm and 40mm Grenades craftable in batches of 1, instead of 5 - recipe reflects this change.
Made Incendiary, Plasma, and Pulse 25mm and 40mm Grenades craftable. All require at minimum Demolitons Expert
Simplified Rocket, Missile, and some grenades' crafting recipes
Changed Flare Guns to fire 12Ga; they still prioritise Flares primarily though. Removed dummy "Scares Abominations" flavour text
Added 12ga. Flare ammunition; retains special "Scares Abominations" effect
Version 1.2.1
Decreased spread on Birdshot versions to 3x
Fixed 20ga. Flechette giving wrong ammo
Added M15 .45ACP ammo - functions as shotshell
Added Ratshot .22LR ammo - functions as shotshell
Fixed crit chance on multiple projectiles being stupidly OP - it is now Crit Damage divided amongst projectiles. Retroactively buffs slugs.
Perk Changes: Hunter allows you to create Birdshot, M15, and Ratshot ammo variations.
Perk Changes: Junk Rounds now checks for Survival instead of Luck.
Crafting Nails now no longer checks for a *guns* skill, it checks for Repair
You now craft 100 Nails per 1 Scrap Metal, or 1 Nail per Lead
Added Split-point .357, .44, and .45-70 Ammunition to Campfires and Ammo crafting benches. Survival-based rounds that are comparable to hollow point
Version 1.2.0
.510 5 Ball Magnum - Removed spread penalty
Hollow Point - DT penalty reduced to 300%, condition penalty removed, (5mm DR penalty reduced to 125%)
Full Metal Jacket - DT/DR penetration increased to -15, condition bonus removed
Magnum - Condition penalty increased to 135% (Magnum Slug condition penalty increased to 145%)
Jacketed Hollow Point - Damage bonus increased to 175%, DR penalty increased to 150%, condition penalty increased to 125%, (5mm DR penalty increased to 113%)
Jacketed Soft Point - Damage bonus reduced to 150%, DT/DR penetration reduced to -5, condition penalty increased to 160%, (5mm DT/DR penetration reduced to -15)
Jacketed Flat Point - Damage bonus increased to 175%, DT/DR penetration increased to -10, condition penalty increased to 220%
Semi-Wadcutter - DT/DR penetration reduced to -5, condition penalty increased to 140%
Match - Damage bonus reduced to 125%, spread bonus increased to 50%, condition penalty increased to 150%
Plinking - Condition bonus increased to 40%
Junk - Spread penalty reduced to 125%
Slug - Condition penalty increased to 1.55x
+P - Condition penalty increased to 120%
Surplus ammo quantity based on ammo weight
Ammo box quantity based on ammo weight
Version 1.0.8
Added in MIRV 25mm and 40mm grenade types. They explode on initial contact, then detonate into smaller explosions.
Version 1.0.5
Made Cans to Cases more worthwhile. Allowed scrapping & reconstruction of conductors. (Scrap metal and electronics). Fixed Missile (Hive) crafting descriptor.
Standardized Hive explosions. They deal Dam/5, Force/5, and have half the explosion radius of normal explosions. Bit of a nerf, mostly a buff.
Added in Magnum JHP .22LR rounds. They're relatively high-tier and require Hand Loader, along with 65(iirc) Repair.
Fixed Red Glare not having the "NPCs use ammo" tag. No more infinite rocket-fire from Marked Men. Although, the new explosions will hurt considerably more now.
Version 1.0.2
Fixed number of Beanbag rounds crafted to be 10 in general. Fixed 20ga. Coin-shot recipe to actually give 20ga. Coin-shot
Version 1.0.1
Removed residual VR content from Handloader. Buffed explosives damage by ~50%.
Added Coin-shot and Beanbag to 20ga and made them craftable in general.
Added in Hive Rockets to the Red Glare. Made Hive missiles craftable.
Made Rockets and Missiles (de)constructable.
Version 1.0.0
Release, added in JFP, JSP, JHP variations to most rounds that actually have those in real life. SWC has been expanded to .357, .44, and 45-70.
Incendiary rounds for 5.56mm and 12.7mm were also added. Incendiary rounds for .50BMG were made craftable, as were DB for shotguns. DB added to 20ga as well.
Changed ammo box script extensively and added in a metric ton of new surplus types for military weapons.
No donations accepted
Ammosmith adds over 150 ammo variants in total for almost every ammunition type, excluding the camera and Archimedes II.
Originally, Ammosmith was two separate mods, Handloader and Vigilant Recycler. I've since merged them to consolidate files, as well as enhance creativity with my new rounds.
TL;DR: The mod has balanced ammo types, pretty much everything has HP/AP/Jacketed rounds and specialty ammo types such as explosive and incendiary rounds on logical ammo types. Turn your Energy weapons into snipers OR shotguns.
Some important facts to know beforehand:
You can break down all ammo types.
A lot of junk can be broken down into crafting materials
Vanilla+ style crafting components inspired by Fallout 4/76. Unobtrusive and similar to base game crafting.
Ammo crafting has been streamlined; if you can't craft something, you can't see it.
New crafting categories for your convenience.
Junk rounds has been slightly rebalanced - from requiring 7 luck and 45 Repair to 45 Survival and 25 Repair.
Ammo names have been standardized, no more (Vigilant Recycler) (Hand Loader) (GRA) prefixes on ammo.
Some ammo names have been loosened up a bit - I.E. .50MG is now just .50 Caliber; as sometimes you're not really loading .50BMG into a weapon, but instead loading .50 AE.
The order in which you cycle through ammo has been tweaked; it generally goes from weaker ammo first to stronger ammo.
Bonus Facts that aren't too important to know:
More damaging rounds are less likely to have their cases/drained cells recovered
Refined, Tuned, and Stabilized rounds weigh less than standard rounds. The same is true for Optimized.
Perks that will allow you to make the new ammo types:
Loot Assist - Provides vanilla crafting stations with smart storage (utilized by sneaking and activating a station), so that you don't have to lug around all your crafting materials or store them in containers nearby.
It can be anywhere, but lower works better if you have tweak mods. (Mods like JSawyer).
Next up are the ammunition lists, arranged by which they're prioritized to be loaded into your weapon.
Bulk Cells - Weaker output equals less damage to your gun, your target, and worse accuracy.
Taze - Tickle your enemies to sleep. Bonus damage to Power Armor and Robotics; not as good as pulse weaponry.
Over Charge - A little extra oomph.
Tuned - Adjusted cell output so that you're more accurate, ignore more armor, and do slightly more damage.
Optimized - Not as good as either OC or Tuned, but gives good overall benefits without damaging your weapon too much.
Gamma Emitted - Burny Cells.
Tesla Emitted - Shocky Cells.
Max Charge - Mo' Damage, Mo condition penalty. Ignores even more armor. Negatively affects accuracy as a result.
Refined - Even more accurate, extra oomph, and a good chunk of armor penetration.
Thermonucleic - Burny AND radioactive.
Piezonucleic - Shocky AND radioactive.
Resonating - Doubles projectile count and drastically reduces accuracy. Increases damage to compensate, and is worse at penetrating armor. Wrecks your weapon.
Fractalized - Triples projectile count. Effectively doubles the benefits and maluses of above.
Unstable - Doubles damage, ignores a load of armor, and negatively affects accuracy pretty harshly.
Stabilized - Extremely accurate ammunition; penetrates a modest amount of armor, and not as punishing towards your weapon.
Quantum - Ignores armor. Damages your weapon a considerable amount.
Split-Point - Inspired by Red Dead Redemption; very slightly better than standard rounds.
Rubber-tipped - Non-lethal rounds.
Junk - Dirt cheap to create, TTW added these, but I made them consistent with my mod.
Hollow Point - More damage at the cost of increasing enemy DT/DR.
Snakeshot/M15 - Turn your firearm into a shotgun.
Jacketed Hollow Point - More damage, increases enemy DT/DR by less than standard HP.
Jacketed Flat Point - A duellist's wet dream. Increases damage, DT/DR penetration, and accuracy, all at the cost of demolishing your weapon.
Jacketed Soft Point - Similar to Armor Piercing, but also increases damage. Does not over-penetrate.
Semi-Wadcutter - Essentially weaker JSP, but with a weaker condition penalty.
Match - Perfectly engineered bullets for your firearm.
+P - More powder, more damage. Ignores some DT/DR
Super - Even more powder, even more damage. Ignores some more DT/DR.
Poison Capsule - For when shooting someone isn't good enough.
Cryogenic Expansion
25mm/40mm Grenades, Cryogenic.
Missiles/Rockets, Cryogenic.
Liquid Nitrogen
Liquid Nitrogen
Liquid Nitrogen, Dilute - What you'll now find in the wasteland instead of standard Liquid Nitrogen. Just slightly worse than standard LN. Can be refined.
Liquid Nitrogen, Homemade - Similar to Dilute LN, but with the downside of damaging your weapon.
Liquid Nitrogen, Purified - 25% more damage, and bonus DT/DR penetration.
Liquid Nitrogen, High-Pressure - 50% more damage, and even more bonus DT/DR penetration.
Liquid Nitrogen, Optimized - Just a little better overall.
Liquid Nitrogen, Glob - Functions similarly to Incinerators globs, but cold.
Rail, Barbed - Causes bleeding damage.
Rail, Steel - Penetrates a significant chunk of armor.
Rail, Superheated - Penetrates the same armor as Steel, but sets them on fire.
Rail, Flechette - Turn your choo-choo pew-pew into a nail-slinging disaster.
Rail, Toxic - Causes damage-over-time to biologic enemies.
Rail, Depleted Uranium - Functions just like other DU; frenzies robots, ignores a lot of armor.
Rail, Explosive - Boom.
Rail, Explosive, Timed. - Tick, tick, boom
Dart, Barbed - Causes a bleeding DoT to non-mechanic enemies.
Dart, Steel - Ignores twice the armor as standard darts.
Dart, Flechette - Fling three nails outta your dartgun.