Fallout New Vegas

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Kyle and Kira

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  1. MysteryMachineX
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    • 127 kudos
    Alternative TTW 3.3 version uploaded by a courteous person willing to donate their time. We recommend you use the 3.3 version from this page and not from sketchy places, if you're using TTW 3.3. We will not be dedicating our time to support for this version, as we gotta move on with our lives as some point. For now, we can just say this.

    While Star the Wandering Courier has always been compatible with both TTW and FNC, it is now SUPER-COMPATIBLE!
  2. MysteryMachineX
    • premium
    • 127 kudos
    G59 on Parade has made a handy video showcasing installation and function of this mod. While he uses FOMM instead of MO2, it might be helpful for anyone having installation issues:

    Also, just another reminder: The vault sequence in FNC breaks if you're using experience modifiers! That's just how it works by default. Has nothing to do with this patch. Only turn on experience modifiers after the Vault 18 intro.
  3. fakesans1
    • member
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    i love the little lore put behind this, i just wish you didnt kill off auntie and left them to rot after the end of new california
    1. MysteryMachineX
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      • 127 kudos
      Thanks! We weren't really prepared to have to do the work of an alive NPC though, so we killed her off. You're probably right though that being able to talk to her could've been cool. Same with Hamilton.
  4. Jason864
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    Well for whatever reason the game wont start fresh with this installed
    Uninstall and add after starting a new game it works fine.. So weird
  5. JGLukasiewicz
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    I keep having an issue where if I level up in FNC, I get two notifications. The first notification is something about a bunker outside of Vault 101 collapsing, and two is ""The room where it happens" ends

    Is this supposed to be a thing or?
    1. MysteryMachineX
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      • 127 kudos
      This means you are leveling up too fast. The intro to FNC is experience locked, and if you have any mods that accelerate your leveling before you go to sleep in Vault 18, you risk getting stuck. This is why we tried to put in a fail state where vault 101 auxiliary gets destroyed if you level up too much before doing FNC.

      Try not to activate any experience mods until after the intro.
  6. coolman198765432
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    I've got this working with TTW v2.9.4b, just in case anyone was curious like me.  Love this mod!
    1. MysteryMachineX
      • premium
      • 127 kudos
      Oh huh, cool to hear
  7. Coldtrain2000
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Will the Amanda TTW Patch work with this https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/68651?tab=description ?
    1. MysteryMachineX
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      • 127 kudos
      It's been a long time, but think the answer is yes. It's just a lore patch. Don't believe it actually has a dependency, but not 100% sure.
  8. sosijis
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    *Solved, i guess*
    For everyone who gets uniteractable companions/npc after prologue ending, but not in the prologue itself:

    Reason is incorect setup/launch of the mod. Issue is, the quest that track your progress (Room where it happens) initialising as if you skipped the vault 101 auxilary (I`ll name it imposter quest). Then, when you enter Vault 101 Auxilary, quest doubles itself (adding true quest), but you still moving to new california and the issue isn`t visible yet. Then when new california levels you up to level 3 (when you supposed to end prologue). It triggers imposter quest and you get a pop-up VAULT AUXILARY DESTROYED. Then it disables partially new caalifornia interactions

    How i solved it:
    1.Confirm the problem/source Launch the new vegas with only TTW and FNC and this patch enabled. Complete vault 101 prologue (you become lvl 2). Enter new california (!IMPORTANT! you will become after vigor automatic lvl 3. It can also broke the prologue sequence. For me it works without issues, but if dr.rossman/cln bragg don`t talk => player.setlevel, check again). When you hit lvl 3, if you get a pop-up about auxilary detonation, proceed next. If you don`t, that it is all gucci, for full confidence: run to ben in prologue (cafeteria table), check dialog. Finish prologue. Run to Jinn (leave room, instantly turn left, downstairs, in corner. If she reacts to you (dialog - warrior, leave me alone-scientist) gucci+. You can also run to upper apartments and check if Eric initiates dialog. Then all fine
    2. If you get a message without adding any other mods. Check all fallout inis in settings file (user/documents/my games/FalloutNV) base,prefs,custom, ini.baked etc. all of them must have starting quest from TTW (SCharGenQuest=001FFFF8). TTW 3.3 uses manually setuped falloutCustom.ini from JIP NVSE to initialize his quest. Meanwhile New california modifies all vanilla inis when it anarchives itself. You need to manually change it back and set on read only. Check again. If problem persists it means that you have modified Fallout new vegas. Some mods left some modification in vault 101 exit area/ vault 101 auxilary itself. Delete nev vegas. Start with fresh installation
    3. Add other mods. If problem return, despite being fixed earlier, then it means some mods interfering with vault 101 auxilary. Delete (undeploy) all these mods. Examples could be: cars for new california/ttw -> requires master file with modifies auxilary with teleporter, roleplay start mod for new california/ttw - add separate launch game options etc. Not disable, but undeploy. You need their assets gone from data folder
    1. sosijis
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      • 0 kudos
      *upd original*
    2. MysteryMachineX
      • premium
      • 127 kudos
      We do try to insist that you not skip Vault 101 Auxiliary. If you do, we try to blow up the vault so you can't go in it anymore. It's best to go in immediately or not go in at all. But thank you for providing all of that information for anyone who encounters these issues.
  9. Deltowskyy
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    I've ran into the issue after meeting riders. Leaving the Raider's base after getting captured crashes the game for me. It doesn't matter weather I side with them or slaughter their guts. The only way to progress is to not get captured but I don't think it's possible to join them otherwise? Which is what I wanted to try here (Sorry if that's bullshit It's hard to find info about NC) 
    1. MysteryMachineX
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      • 127 kudos
      This sounds like your game is just not handling the intensity of these scenes. Athens-Tec Mine is a huge location, and the NCR-Raider battle that follows when you leave it is very resource-intensive. Perhaps your computer can't handle it? Make sure you have NVAC installed.
  10. Mutanmaster4444
    • supporter
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    heya! i asked a question about the lore of it just so i can understand and better continue my playtrough! if you're willing to answer i would be gratefull
    1. MysteryMachineX
      • premium
      • 127 kudos
      Sorry for the delay
  11. Forbidjon
    • supporter
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    Yea this causes crashes on startup without NVAC. Its been noted that NVAC just masks the problem and i want to switch to Crash Logger. What makes this mod crash on startup?
    1. MysteryMachineX
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      • 127 kudos
      This isn't the first mod to require or recommend NVAC, but it's listed as a requirement for a reason. We're not programmers so we can't give you the technical details. We smashed two mods together and made it work lol.
  12. Mutanmaster4444
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    i just finished FNC on my first playtrough of this mod. Im a bit confused on the lore though! I understand both exist at once as they are two clones of the same individual (Fo1 vault dweller) but then it state that the V18 one (the first born) just 'went away to do things'. this is where im confused. He download his memory into the V101 one right? so that the body stay young, but the mind continue? so when i'll arrive in new vegas, will i be v101 or v18? If im v101, where did v18 go and how does it tie up with the ending of FNC saying he 'goes to do the divide and stuff' when in fact its v101 travelling to new vegas ? :') im confused and want to know to have my story make sense, even if its farfetched
    1. MysteryMachineX
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      • 127 kudos
      No worries. The FNC backstory with the Father and the cloning is convoluted. This mod injects Vault 101 into that, complicating it a bit further. If you'd like to see a thorough breakdown, you can see our videos dissecting this lore, but it is tailored specifically to our personal playthrough and roleplay.

      But the gist of it is this. The Father created the zygote that would become the player using FEV and Project Brazil. The zygote was cloned from DNA that he believed to be from the original Vault Dweller, but he might have been mistaken. It divided into twin zygotes. He implanted one in an Exodite woman. He sent Auntie to tweak the other using FEV on the East Coast. The Exodite zygote is birthed and inducted into Vault 18, while Auntie's zygote is birthed by Catherine and inducted into Vault 101. These are the two "yous". However, since Auntie had to go across the continent, her side of things is delayed by 1-2 decades. By the time the V18 hero is in their 30's, the V101 hero is only 19. So after the events of New California's main story, the V18 hero has some downtime, which will vary depending on which ending you got. In that downtime they download their memories into the VSS headgear and basically leave it as a gift for their other self in Vault 101. V18 then goes back to the west and dies, though the details differ depending on the ending you got. V101 escapes the vault and re-lives through those memories. Whenever V101 finally makes it back west via Union Station, when you wake up at Doc Mitchell's place, you'll get a note from Mr. Bishop explaining how the other you, V18, is dead. So in essence, you are always playing as V101, except for when you put on the headgear which lets you re-live the memories of V18.