About this mod
This is just a retexture of the stock one in game. I personally like it. It also fixes a couple nif releated issues i found as well.
- Permissions and credits
This is an updated rebreather mask texture....I wanted it more rusty and possibly cobbled together look, but still worth using since you do
kinda cobble it together in the game, and dont really 'buy' one. You can but used parts in the apoc and not as new seems a little more right.
I changed BOTH the GO Nif and the Main Nif.
Since I used 1k textures technically for both, it needed some modifications, let alone the GO one actually used parts from the Psychic Nullifier.
So I had to fix that as well.
But Nifskope and Geck seem to like it and it can be seen in both so I am content with the results.
Q: Would this work with RoyBat sound changes/fix.
A: Technically yes, since he changed the sound paths not the NIF itself.
None, unless they get jealous of your new look?
None. Unless you start making people jealous of your cools looks while swiming or diving under water.
Non ugly looking re-texture of the original?
Just FONV....Well that is a Lie, you need a computer to play FONV, an internet connection to download this, a monitor....but if you have all of that
Then Just FONV is all you need for a the game it doesnt need any dependencies, like some do out there.
Frankly I dont see any problems other than IF someone has made another retext for the rebreather(s), which none that I have seen that did what I did.
So you should be safe over all.
If anything put it last in your load order list area for textures so it loads last overwriting anything else that MAY change it(which i doubt it will)
OR.... If you have ANYTHING that Modifies the NIF files for the rebreather, this can actually drastically change the look of the rebreather.
So Again just put it last, then you should be fine.
Install like you normally would any texture mod. If mine doesnt show up put mine at the end of your loadorder or after whatever it is that is taking precident.
TO UNINSTALL or, Ugh! I hate this mod, how do I get it out of my game?:
Delete the files from your Data folder, that you just put in there, and you're good to go. Have fun!
(These are mods I highly recommend for both their quality and because I believe they complement gameplay with anything...that I have in my game.
Repairs and Fixes:
- 4GB Fallout New Vegas / And LAA Version of it by MonochromeWench - Hendricks266 - Roy Batty / by carinth01 - A very big sanity saver for me. Highly recommended. LAA did something else with the 4gb and it is even smoother.
- New Vegas Stutter Remover by Macintroll - Another sanity saver. I very much dislike lagging, stuttering, slow downs, uneven performance, etc.
- Zan AutoPurge Crash Protector by ZanGS - Helps out a lot on the CTD's in a major way!
- Performance Of The Gods by SkyRanger-1 - Gets rid of non-modded INT/EXT static trash on the ground. Improves performace, & finding caps!
- Better Game Performance V5 by Falloutperson416 - Makes the game run smoother and cleaner without all the non essential baggage.
- Collision Meshes by MadAce - Fixes A LOT of meshes inthe game that either made the parts of the game not useable, or items weird and wonky.
- DarNified UI NV by DarN - The Best Font interface to fit everything on screen. If you dont use it you are well.Best way to say it, a/an <insert word>.
- oHUD by Gopher - A major thing that is needed by almost all Mods now!
- UIO: User Interface Organizer by jazzisparis - Another Thing that Mods use now if you want to keep downloading mods from ppl!
- The Mod Configuration Menu by Pelinor - If you want to Have the configurations for alot of mods being made now, this is a MUST!
- Wasteland Clothing hires Re-Textures by macintroll - This paired along with the below...It is a neccessity vs a recco it really is.
- Type 3M Clothing by HAK07 - The female design of the Clothing, absolutly genius! They are sexy, but not resque, and beautiful!
- Willow - A Better Companion Experience by llamaRCA - I do not ever make a char/profile without her, I just can't. NV is not the same without her.
- Vanessa by GePalladium - (I call her Nessa) Same as with Willow, and they don't fight with each other(take it how you will, in game or mods wise).
- Glowing Star Bottle Cap by RetupmocSoft - It is a necc. thing, I cant find them without it... nor do I remember to even look for them unless I have this.
- GARU, Infinite ammo for your companions by HellKnight - Companions Actually have Infinite ammo that YOU CHOOSE for any weapon! Even for Compantion Mod like Willow and Nessa!
- SSS Ultimate Old Western UI Sound Overhaul (2017 Update) by SunnyDelight - this is actually the only sound pack i have ever used that actually is worth it to be in my stock list of base game play...
Major Mods:
After you are done doing a playthrough of Vanilla perse...
Fallout Days Of Chaos by Azrael831 - A Major overhaul of the wasteland, 2 years after the Courier dying, yes the courier never lived, this is how it turned out!
- Worn N Damaged Pipboy 2500
- Bobby Pin Re-Texture
- 20G Ammo Box Re-Texture
- 12.7MM Ammo Box Re-Texture
- 45-70 Ammo Box Re-Texture
- .22 Ammo Box Re-Texture
- .308 Ammo Box Re-Texture
- .357 Ammo Box Re-Texture
- BB Ammo Can Re-Texture
- Euclids Ammo Rod Re-Texture
- Festus Rebuild and Re-Texture
- Radscorpion Re-Texture
- RadRoach Re-Texture
- Shotgun Shell N Box Re-Texture
- Engine Block OverHaul
- High Resolution Buffalo Gourd Seed
- Better Looking Broc Plant N Flowers
- WAY Better looking White Horsenettle
- Better Looking Xander Root
- Smallest High Resolution Pinyon Seeds
- Higher Res Duct Tape
- Higher Resolution Scrap Electronics
- New High Resolution .38 Cal Box
- HQ Shopping Grocery Cart
- HQ Pre-War Books and Damaged Books
- My Rendtion of Metal Combat Armor
MOD Packs by ME!:
- Alcohol Re-Texture Pack
- AmmoBox-Grenade-Mine Re-Textures
- Food N Misc Stuff Retextures....
- Chem Re-Texture
MOD Resources by ME!:
- The Lost Pool Balls
JA-El (Helped with the looks and what looked right or not on this end.)
Thanks to My Wife (She was my sanity in all of this, and she did keep me going.)
Thanks to Bethesda/Obsidian for making/putting out Fallout new Vegas! For what it is worth... since they seem to be lazy on some things :P
GIMP v2.10.2
NifSkope v2.0
I MIGHT do requests (Or Coerced to), if asked politely.
Just leave em in a post on here (they dont always show up mind you)....
Or PM me for more instant asking...
OR On Discord: @Cyrus#8418 For immediate answer...any of em or all 3......
I do answer my PM's :)
Shoot me a PM please... I think I have always said yes to anyone who has asked.
The reason why to shoot me PM is because if there was a problem in a version an Iam trying to work on it.
This informs me who is using so i can tell them to upgrade or wait etc.
Like other mods, there can always be a possibility that this mod may cause terrible things to happen.
I don't want to cause mass paranoia, but I have heard of Halitosis, Kumquat shortages, or cats and dogs living harmoniously together are a possibility.
Or corrupted game saves. Please consider yourself forewarned. And dont blame me for.