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Created by

Darian Stephens - Luchaire for the original mod

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  1. mikeymat
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    I've been testing this mod and when you "accept nova" the bed does not give you a well rested bonus.

    After "accepting" nova if I then sleep again I get the well rested bonus.

    Can someone else confirm if this is the case?

    As an aside, I would like to make this bed give a different buff to represent the 120 caps that you have spent, can someone point me in the right direction on learning how to do that?

  2. Hartmann31915
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    Thanks, appreciate it.
  3. Eero13
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Shudnt this be on Fo3 and not NV
    1. Kryasil
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Nah, cuz it's Tale of Two Wastelands.
  4. JLF65
    • supporter
    • 32 kudos
    This is a long standing quirk of Bethesda's games. If you use a double bed, other NPCs might use the other half. Ran into that just yesterday in Fallout 4, so it's still there as of the very latest game. Ideally, the "fix" would be to mark the bed as player only if it's a double bed and the player uses it. I wonder if the script extender can handle that...
    1. daedriccat
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      NPCs still try to use the player owned double bed. Had that happen last night when I was testing a mod. Follower climbed into the double bed, not quite, then back up, then try again... had Vilkas (in Skyrim) as a follower once, he kept trying to get into the player bed in Winstad Manor, couldn't quite do it, but kept trying. Hilarious watching him.
    2. DarianStephens
      • premium
      • 129 kudos
      From memory, furniture use is determined in the .nif file, with different nodes for new spots.
      If you just want to stop multiple people from sleeping in a multi-person bed, I think you could remove one of the furniture nodes from the model.
      Maybe with JIP's new nif functions, you could dynamically remove nodes from beds the player sleeps in, but I haven't fiddled with that stuff yet.

      Still, I'm not sure how that relates to what's going on here. Not that I have a problem with discussion, I just don't know why you brought it up here.