Adds customisable and optional prefixes to all items in the game. Automatically covers all items added by other mods and DLC. Customisable, more accurate, and less script intensive than other similar mods.
Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
Upload permissionYou are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
Modification permissionYou must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
Conversion permissionYou are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
Asset use permissionYou must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
Asset use permission in mods/files that are being soldYou are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation pointsYou are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
I give permission for any of my mods to be translated and uploaded to the Nexus. You do not need to ask me first. For any other changes, please contact me first.
Please consider the following recommendations for translations:
1. Please clearly state the mod version of your translation and link back to the original file, so users can check they have an up-to-date version. 2. Do not change the name of any files, including the mod esp/esm files. This is because some other mods may search for the mod by name in their own scripts. 3. Also, do not translate or change the name of any options contained in INI files, since these are referenced by name in scripts too. However, you can freely change any instructions contained in INI files. 4. You can post your translated esp/esm files along with any of the original mod assets, and you do not need to ask for permission. However, please consider posting only the esp/esm file whenever possible, and requiring users to download the original file for the assets. This will allow the users to endorse the original file and contribute to downloads to help mod visibility. 5. If you find any scripted messages (created by the functions MessageEx ot MessageExAlt) that cannot be translated without editing the script, please contact me and I will move the message to a form instead.
File credits
This author has not credited anyone else in this file
Donation Points system
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Version 1.2.5
Fixed a borked script which would cause the mod to fail.
Version 1.2.4
Added missing INI line.
Version 1.2.3
Enabled the ability to leave prefixes blank in enabled categories.
Non-reloading crafting components used in ammo recipes will now be sorted under the generic crafting category.
Version 1.2.2
Experimental Mode 1 and 2: Fixed books not being sorted, added support for misc categories. Note, you cannot toggle Aid or Misc categories with these modes—they are always enabled. Reloading/Recharging subcategories are also not supported, and all parts are sorted under the generic crafting category instead.
Experimental Mode 2: Fixed a bug which could prevent some items from being renamed back to their original when the inventory was closed.
Version 1.2.1
Fixed a bug affecting the new experimental mods, which prevented prefixes being removed when the inventory was closed. If you used iMode=2 and made a save, you may require a clean save when updating.
Version 1.2.0
Quick update because I had some bright ideas.
Added the iMode option to the INI, which allows you to select between the default behaviour and two new experimental (but fully functional) modes. iMode=0 is the default behaviour.
iMode=1: Only aid items are sorted (so far), but prefixes are only visible in your PipBoy inventory.
iMode=2: Also only supports aid items (so far). No prefixes are added, but items are sorted under headings instead when in the PipBoy.
It'd be helpful if people could find time to try these modes out and let me know if they experience and bugs, etc, so I can roll the features out to other item categories. I've tested them myself and they seem to work fine, but it's always good to get a second opinion.
Version 1.1.0
Full revisit on the scripting front, including a large number of optimisations and rewrites.
Added an extra check to the dynamic item sorter, which now checks whether items with the Food equip type have the the bottle pickup sound. If so, it will be sorted under Drinks instead.
Added support for Mojave Arsenal's new ammo cases.
Added full support for Mojave Arsenal's scripted ammo renaming. There shouldn't be any issues with Mojave Arsenal overwriting the prefixed names anymore. Note that this is a unique case where I have control over the scripting in both mods and understand how both work. For other mod authors, I recommend that name changes be done either through hard edits or using sv_Replace functions to ensure the best compatibility with UIS.
Version 1.08
Fixed Mojave Arsenal erasing the item prefixes.
Version 1.07
Fixed a bug that would prevent prefixes being added to aid and misc items if you loaded a save with a missing master. Thanks to miguick for our coincidental conversation this weekend, else I probably wouldn't have spotted this error.
Version 1.06
Fixed currency prefixes not being applied.
Version 1.05
Fixed prefixes being added to oHUD dummy items.
Version 1.04
Added Alcohol subcategory (by default it has the same prefix as Drinks in the INI).
Added an item blacklist, to prevent certain mod added items receiving prefixes when they shouldn't.
Fixed erroneous prefixes on iHUD and Fallout 4 Quickloot items.
Version 1.03
Fixed some MCM entries being misaligned.
Version 1.02
Fixed double prefixes when manually editing the "Other" aid list.
Version 1.01
Fixed prefixes for quest items being applied to some MCM mod names.
Universal Item Sorter adds optional and customisable prefixes to all items in the game, for the purposes of organising inventory lists, e.g. "FOD:" before all food items, "CHEM:" before all chems, "QST:" before all quest items, etc. This is particularly useful for the Aid and Misc categories, which have a large number of items and can become cluttered very quickly.
Items are grouped into 5 main categories, subdivided into several subcategories which each have an associated prefix. Prefixes can be enabled and disabled for whole categories, and individual prefixes completely customised or removed in this mod's INI file. The categories are as follows:
Weapons - Energy Weapons, Explosives, (Small) Guns, Melee Weapons, Unarmed, Big Guns (if you use a mod which restores it).
Apparel - Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Power Armor, Headgear, Handwear.
Aid - Aid (medicines, etc), Alcohol, Books, Chems, Drinks, Food, Magazines, Poisons.
Misc - Ammo Parts (Guns and Energy Weapons), Caps, Cards, Chips, Clutter, Crafting Parts, Currency, Keys, Quest Items, Weapon Mods.
This mod differs from other similar mods in that it uses scripts to automatically categorise all items, from all mods, without needing patches or making record edits, so is therefore compatible with everything. It also uses up-to-date NVSE functions to better categorise items, such as determining whether a Misc item is used for crafting or is just clutter.
If you use Project Nevada, I recommend you disable its item sorting feature in favour of this mod. PN's feature is less accurate, and more script intensive as it is constantly running scripts to scan all containers you interact with to detect new items it hasn't yet sorted. Universal Item Sorter, on the other hand, only runs scripts once when you first start the game, and detects and sorts all items immediately without the need for constantly running scripts.
New Sorting Modes
Alternatively, Universal Item Sorter comes with two additional sorting modes that aim to minimise the visual impact of inventory sorting. These can be enabled in the INI with the iMode option under the [General] heading. The valid settings are as follows:
iMode=0 is the default mod behaviour, adding your custom prefixes to the enabled item categories.
iMode=1 only covers aid and misc items, and you cannot toggle either category. However, the prefixes you define will only be visible in the PipBoy inventory, rather than being permanently visible at all times.
iMode=2 also only covers aid and misc. No prefixes are added to any items, and instead items are sorted under headings in you inventory list, like Aid and Drinks, etc. This option provides the most vanilla look, whilst also providing you with a tidier inventory.
You can customise the prefixes used by this mod by editing the INI file (of the same name) found in (Your NV Directory)\Data\config.
The [General] section allows you to toggle prefixes for an entire category, e.g. bAid=1 enables all aid prefixes, bWeapons=0 disables all weapon prefixes, etc.
The sections titled [Weapons], [Apparel], etc allow you to write your own prefixes for subcategories. By default only the Aid, Misc, and Ammo prefixes are defined, but these can also be changed to whatever you want. Prefixes should probably be kept short (long ones cause long item names, which look untidy in inventory lists), but there are technically no restrictions on what you can write with the exception of the percent sign (%) and quotation marks ("). The former must be written twice (%%) to appear correctly as the singular, and the latter needs to be written as "%q" (without quotation marks), which the game engine detects and replaces with quotation marks. Quotation marks are not required when writing prefixes; only use the above replacement if you want them to appear in the prefix. You can also leave a prefix blank, in which case none will be added for that subcategory.
This mod can be uninstalled at any time and will have no permanent effects on your game.
This mod will automatically sort all items, from all mods without the need for patches. There may, however, be rare occasions where there's some discrepancies with categories for mod-added items, in which case a patch will probably be needed to 'fix' them (if it bothers you). This should be relatively straightforward, and just involves placing the items into the correct form list. Also keep in mind that some items may be incorrectly sorted due to errors on the other mod author's part, such as selecting an incorrect equip type for the kind of item.
My Mods
I spend a lot of time creating and supporting my mods, so any donations are gratefully received.