Fallout New Vegas

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  1. xbiker10
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    uh what happened to the mod? i cannot access it
  2. AnduronLazul
    • supporter
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    Firstly, using this with the Sprint ability of Project Nevada approaches the *Ludicrous Speed* of Spaceballs, and sounds like a freight train when you run on train tracks.

    Secondly, it should be removed from Gameplay Effects/Changes, and moved to Cheats & God Items.

    That is all. Thank you.
  3. Dnaranjo28
    • member
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    Hey i have a few ideas for features you might be able to implement in the mod:

    Can you add like a light-speed mode were when your using the speedforce and press a button(Example: "q"), you go the double as fast, but your using AP while in light-speed or when you press a button everything slows down so much that it looks like nobody is moving except yourself

    i don't know if your working on an update for the mod but if you are maybe you an add this, or not i don't want to pressure you.
    1. D3D0S
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      that is a good idea for the mod, but unfortunately the author has been gone for a while without updating the mod and don't know when he'll be back, he's either dead or has been busy as hell lately
    2. Dnaranjo28
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      that sucks. i feel like i should learn how to code and make a flash mod myself but im too stupid for that
    3. D3D0S
      • member
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      Don't doubt yourself, programming is actually easy and isn't that hard, you just have to apply yourself, there's actually tutorials on YouTube on how to mod fallout n stuff, and yeah it sucks that he's gone because the mod needs an update.
    4. BNFTM
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I'm not sure if either of you care much, but I got bored one day and started messing with this mod. I took the two Speed Forces (Flash and Reverse-Flash) and the suits and put them into one mod, naming one the Speed Force and the other the Negative Speed Force (you can probably guess which one's which; there's no difference between them other than their names). Here's a... 'few' other things I did:

      - The Speed Forces are now quest items (no sense in being able to drop your connection to a Speed Force in the form of a pair of glasses)
      - Super-speed damages the player over time if no proper speedster suit is on
      - Super-speed slightly boosts Unarmed damage and recovers health slowly
      - Deactivating super-speed damages the player by an amount depending on how long the speed was on (emulates hypoglycemia; it should never kill the player)
      - Gradual speed increase by level
      - Lightning color and significant speed change at level 30
      - White with the Speed Force and Good Karma
      - Light blue with the Speed Force and Neutral Karma or below
      - Purple and black with the Negative Speed Force
      - Tachyon enhancement units (boosts speed a little bit)
      - Addition of suits
      - New 52 Barry Allen Flash suit (replaces the original suit)
      - Future Flash suit (used at level 30 and above; does not replace Flash suit)
      - Black Flash suit (used by the Black Flash and, if the player manages to kill the Black Flash, the player, temporarily)
      - DC Universe Rebirth suits
      - Negative Flash suit (Negative Speed Force variant of Flash suit; no gameplay difference)
      - Wally West I Flash suit (used at level 30 and above; does not replace Flash suit)
      - Eobard Thawne Zoom suit (used at level 30 and above; does not replace Reverse-Flash suit)
      - Speedster Constructs perk (creates or destroys an appropriate speedster suit at player's command)
      - Frequency of Air perk (player can vibrate fast enough for light to not reflect on him/her; comics thing)
      - A Temporal Duplicate perk (player can create a temporal duplicate or time remnant of his- or herself every 24 hours)
      - Probably some other things I'm forgetting

      Some other things I'm planning:

      - The Speed Forces will be a trait
      - Health and limb condition will always recover slowly, regardless of whether speed is activated
      - Chems and alcohol will last for only a few seconds and will be half as effective in healing
      - Starvation and Hydration will increase faster
      - Making the Negative Speed Force have more upsides but also more downsides, like karma changes (to make it different from the Speed Force)
      - Velocity-9 chem (boosts speed a little bit)
      - Maybe a CW Zoom Speed Force and lightning
      - Kid Flash and Kid Zoom/Inertia companions

      Now, I'd love to publish the mod, but I'm not sure if Nexus will allow the mod to be up without NewMemeber101's expressed permission (I did, of course, 'copy' quite a few resources from this mod). If there's a solution to this and interest in the changes I've made to the mod, I'd be obliged to upload the mod as soon as it's in a presentable condition.

      Your thoughts? Questions? Anything?
    5. NewMemeber101
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      Hey guys I'm here now! Yeah BNFTM, you have full permission. Go ahead I look forward to trying out your update! (forgot to mention it sounds great!)

      @D3D0S; BNFTM seems to be making an aweasome update to this mod! The only thing I can work on now that I was excited for was the Black Flash NPC that chases players every time they use the speed force.
    6. NewMemeber101
      • member
      • 15 kudos
    7. BNFTM
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Thanks for being all cool about it, NewMemeber101 - it's really exciting and motivating to see your support for it! The updates couldn't be made without this original mod, so of course I'll be sure to credit you as the original author if and when it's all published (which might take a week or two, for some testing to see if the mod's in a presentable condition)!

      Two other things I wanna note, though:

      1) If anyone would like to see any, I can try getting some screenshots of what things look like so far, in part for teasers and in part for some feedback.
      2) I want the Black Flash to appear only when the Speed Force "gets angry" at the player's time remnant making - if it appears every time the player's Speed Force is activated, it might get a little difficult for the player.
    8. D3D0S
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      that is actually really intriguing, I'd love to see or hear more of your ideas. these would all be great mods.
    9. D3D0S
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      aye man I'm glad your back, are you also still working on the vibrating hand?
    10. NewMemeber101
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      Yeah I was testing it other week, I just couldn't find an animation for the hand phase :/ but the power worked. I made it using an invisible power fist but it has no animation, just a punch animation.
    11. BNFTM
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I know this might sound like shameless advertising on another mod's page, but if you're all still interested in the updates I made, I've finally uploaded the the mod! It's named "The Flash - The Speed Force", if you're interested and you wanna try it out.
    12. NewMemeber101
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      Awesome! I left your mod as an update on this mod page, I won't be supporting this mod any longer, you gave it the potential it deserved and you made it live on. For that, I thank you.
    13. BNFTM
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Thanks for giving me the reins on development, NewMemeber, but it's sad to see you go. I do agree, though, that you made a lot of potential in this mod, and I'm glad we were able to do something that could activate that potential.
    14. lordtechnosis
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      what the hell im tired of visitng nexus and not even being able to download the f ing mod because there is no option
  4. touzy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, i love u mod man so cool !

    Flash speedster abilities

    I finally figure it out : How to run faster than ballistic bullet and have beautiful combo powers !

    "DK bullet time" create bug
    "Quantum trigger" for stopping time totaly incompatible and the mod is garbage
    Any other mod that altering time except one and the result is just awesome

    "SUPERHOT" mod is the right awnser !! compatible for the first perk (lvl.3) focus and u can run faster than u'r bullet with u'r awesome flash abilities mod the only negative point is with the second perk" superhot power" (lvl.5 i think) can mess with time script but i manage to solve this by just not using super hot power (the second one)in same time as flash abilities.
    U need "McM" mod for "Superhot"
  5. NewMemeber101
    • member
    • 15 kudos
    Hey everyone I'm still alive! I've been extremely busy with other projects on Steam and forgot about this mod! I apologize. If you'd like to stay in contact with me or for future projects, find me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/iReverseFlash/
  6. Xhii
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Why can't i see the briefcases, i followed the instructions carefully?
    1. Xhii
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      can you like make a video tutorial and show where can i find it, i was on the abandoned shack, it wasnt there
    2. D3D0S
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      now when you say on do you actually mean on the roof or did you mean inside?
  7. D3D0S
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I tried and found out that you can have 2 speedster abilities activated and installed at the same time as well as the costumes, I have both zoom and reverse flash activated, they both appear as the same, there are 2 speed force items in apparel and work just fine, can even activate both at the same time but when you move only one will stay activated. in order for two to be activated at the same time you need to already have one speed force in your apparel and a suit, then you can load another set of the mods so only one set of mods can load into the suitcase and the hidden bunker inside.
  8. talendw
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    were is the mask
    1. D3D0S
      • member
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      Sadly the suit does not come with a mask, although there is a mod of the flash and the reverse flash suit with the mask you can download. Here is the link: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/59046/?
  9. D3D0S
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    what happened to the upcoming updates? I was really looking forward to installing them.
  10. TheWhovian248
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Could you make a masked version of each of the suits as well? Also,the Reverse Flash suit didn't appear in the top suitcase for me,I had to manually add it via commands. Any idea why?
    1. NewMemeber101
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      There should be a trapped door key in the suitcase that takes you to the suit, the trapdoor is near the bed with suitcases.