Fallout New Vegas


  1. yoyojaw
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    could you please make it so this stuff happens after you complete the dlc or so you can choose what locations to effect after you finish the dlc with a terminal or somthing
    1. Zaroth0
      • member
      • 32 kudos
      The scale of things just makes that unfeasible, sorry.
      If this was a multi-person work rather than a passion project I just work on when I feel like it, maybe.
  2. JohnnyMrNinja
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    • 0 kudos
    I've created a single mod for every version of the Underpass settlement to work with AWOP, A World of Pain - Underpass Compatibility. I've tested it with this mod and it seems to work as desired. Please check it out if you are interested. Thanks!
  3. EitherHatedOrIgnored
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Love the concept behind this mod, definitely a must-have in a post-game playthrough for me
  4. ConvoyFaiz
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    Someone please help me, for some reason the brain tank and the spine tank in the Sink merged together but literally everything else looks fine, what can i do? 
    1. Zaroth0
      • member
      • 32 kudos
      That... sounds like a conflict.
      Do you have anything else that would interact with the sink aside from the modernized module?
    2. ConvoyFaiz
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yeah it seems it was a mere simple conflict, i dont have it anymore... by the way, i think the add ons to the main gameworld are compatible with Claim The Mojave if anyone is interested, i dont see any big issues myself at first glance
    3. Zaroth0
      • member
      • 32 kudos
      I think there might be some minor ones insofar as there are location in claim the Mojave also claimed by existing modules here.
  5. ConvoyFaiz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I love this mod. I think it adds a lot to Independent FPGE imo, like you actually changed the Mojave for the better
  6. devil3472
    • premium
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    Are the two separate terminals that you use to control the turbines for Primm supposed to be different? As they appear to both do the exact same thing. That being disabling the secondary turbines only and nothing else. No other issues though that I can see. Still enjoying your mods as always.
    1. Zaroth0
      • member
      • 32 kudos
      No, they're the same.
      The one inside the power station is the normal one, the one in Jean's is if you're on a really low end system and can't really approach Primm with them all on.
  7. Themaddeningjester
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    So, to be clear, this mod's effects are active prior to completing old world blues?
    1. Zaroth0
      • member
      • 32 kudos
      Yes unfortunately.
    2. devil3472
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Could always do what I've decided to do. If you're using Mod Organizer, have the mods enabled in the list on the left, but turned off on the right. Then when you finish up in the OWB dlc and do everything you want to do. You just save, quit the game, enable the mod, reload and there you go. Same with the add ons. Just enable them when you feel you've reached a point in that area where you've done everything you can quest/story wise and improved things the best you can. That way you feel like you're working your way towards making every area better. Should be fine. I've tested this method with the add ons at least and they all seemed to load in and function fine. No noticeable issues for me at least. Haven't tested the main mod out for the Big Empty though. As always though, there's a risk. So it's always ultimately up to you what you decide to do. 
  8. LacivertKep
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I think you should manualize and leave it to the person's opinion, example:
    Collaboration with Van Graffs
    1. Zaroth0
      • member
      • 32 kudos
      You have no idea how much work that would be.
  9. DrRuskin
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I've done a bit more playing around with this mod and I have a bit more feedback to provide.
    Firstly I love the small detail that the holograms on patrol are always with 1 securitron, presumably the hologram emitter is on the securitron or how else would they move about, it's brilliant. Having most of the new developments for Primm on the western side is excellent as it keeps the mod mostly compatible with other Primm overhaul mods, most of which focus on the east side, there are however far too many wind turbines in Primm, not only does having one on each pillar look like a bit overkill I think it also might be causing a bit of frame rate dropping for me.
    Nellis is a great small addition, did wonder how they ever expected to launch their bomber with so many holes in their runway.
    Can't wait to see if you extend Cerulean robotics more, what might be nice would be if there were a double door leading into the building on the side of main street and maybe more Big MT signs on buildings used by the company now, if it's the public face of Big MT in freeside (and with no strip presence yet) it'd be cool if it were clearer that they're headquartered there.
    I still think that the ruins around north vegas being completely flattened leaves the area feeling very lifeless, perhaps adding in some concrete foundations and more building supplies to the areas demolished might help alleviate that.
    Lastly, while running on nearly vanilla with these mods installed I seemed to get some real stability issues, started crashing rather frequently and I can't tell what's causing it, maybe someone with knowledge in Xedit would say it needs to be cleaned or something but I have no idea sadly.
    The fact you're still working on this mod after all these years is amazing and I look forward to seeing additions where they come :)
    1. Zaroth0
      • member
      • 32 kudos
      Thank you.
      Yeah, the securitrons have projectors in them. There's a couple of references to patrol securitrons having had their missile launchers replaces with them.
      Regarding the turbines, the newest update adds a terminal to the new substation in Primm, and a secondary in jean's sky diving if you can't approach Primm that allows you to disable roughly half of them.
      Some of the lifeless areas are somewhat intentional. Bulldozed for resources, but not yet safe enough to rebuild. Notice areas on the west side of outer vegas are simply somewhat cleared, while those on the east are replaced with shacks and tents.
      I can add back some foundations and such when I touch up outer Vegas again, though. Lifeless, but not bland.

      Freeside is the current one I'm touching up incidentally. It was the first module I made, and is now very out of date.
      So ideas welcome. I love interacting with fans.

      Edit: Oh, and no idea what could be causing instability. I simply don't have such an issue. If you figure out what's causing it, I could try to fix it.
      I could recommend the NVSE JIP LP plugin for its engine fixes and YUP for general vanilla game fixes.
    2. DrRuskin
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      You were absolutely correct about the wind turbines, no issue anymore.
      Did a bit more playing around and found a few minor issues here and there.
      There seems to be a missing mesh for some kind of low table? I noticed in vault 19 and in the repconn gas station the red triangles are present where some sort of coffee or side table should be.
      The cyberdogs on duty outside the silver rush and the destroyed building next door have a habit of spinning around in place.
      There is a small visible seam on the repaired bridge in Primm.
      At repconn HQ the tent with the maize in it has the interior door in the wrong place (thought I was trapped for a bit)
      The lack of background music in the new interiors makes them sometimes feel a little lifeless, maybe consider adding some in?
      I love the fact you included a gate between North vegas square and freeside, (I crash everytime I try and use it but that's probably a me problem) on the freeside side it says gate to Mojave wasteland, not sure if it's going to the right place (I can't test unfortunately).
      Most of my crashes went away when I re-generated the LOD but some persist, not sure I'll ever be able to figure out new vegas, it is a strange mistress.
      BTW, if you ever wanted some voice acting doing for some of the NPCs I'd be willing to have a crack at it.
    3. Zaroth0
      • member
      • 32 kudos
      Added to the list, thank you.
      For the table, redownload the base mod and to ensure nothing was corrupted or accidentally deleted on your end, and make sure you have archive invalidation (standard in most mod managers). If it still persists, send me a screen of a specific example, wide enough angle I can tell the cell to find which base object.
      Occasionally, I get missing mesh issues on other mods I know aren't broken for no discernable reason, the engine's just weird like that sometimes.

      Music is set to "explore". Never though about it because I tend to keep music off. But if exploration music's just empty, I'll switch it to something else.
  10. DrRuskin
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Heyo, thought I'd give a bit more feedback. Loving the new take on Black mountain, the moving satellite dishes are the best touch, the westside addition is good too, a more subtle change, but it still feels impactful.
    For some reason now, the exterior of westside and the outer vegas area near the crimson caravan have rather terrible lag, I'm running a fairly beefy PC and the rest of the game has been incredibly smooth thus far so it is a bit noticeable.
    Another minor thing is that the sound of the laser firing by the construction protectrons and eyebots is loud and rather irritating after a while as it is so repetitive.
    Lastly, are the skeletons supposed to be wandering around without the Y-17 trauma harness on? personally I think it looks just a touch silly to just have skeletons walking around.

    Love that you're still updating this, I can only imagine the amount of hours put into something like this.
    1. Zaroth0
      • member
      • 32 kudos
      I can't think of what'd be causing the westside lag. Is it possible you've got mods adding a lot more guards or fiends in the area?
      Agree with the protectrons. Not sure what to do with them, other than maybe give them quieter copies. If I go back and edit westside again, perhaps as some final roundup, I'll try to fix that.
      As for the skeletons, animatronic is right in their name, and they're a cut enemy from base OWB, and a few characters in the modules mention cheap articulation rigs. I know a visual indicator would be good, but I simply don't have such an asset.

      Regardless, I'm glad you enjoyed it overall. I've been taking a break after working on this during most of my time for the past year, but I do intend to get back to it soonish.
      Hope you'll try my future work too.