Fallout New Vegas
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  1. Hadden10
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    • 0 kudos

  2. DrDecember
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    So a few things I need from you mr. modmaker,
    1. If I could get this mod to work.. I can't use my GRA ammo, like flechettes and such...

    2. I dont use Geck or FNVedit, so I need an ID, I know theres a problem with ID's like load order and such

    3. I would like other kinds of bullets as mentioned by HIIMPIEZ down there, although I do understand why it is just shotgun rounds

    4. Why no 20 gauge? is there a real reason behind this? (I'm no gun expert IRL so I have no clue why no 20's)

    5. like #1, I can't get this to work with GRA... Is this a known issue? Is this meant to happen? I have tried dropping ALL of my GRA rounds but that still doesn't work

    6. I LOVE USING MY SHOTGUN AGAINST A DEATCLAW MAN! (like he beginning of the game: "I rush in to deal with my problems head on": me: " I STRONGLY AGREE"

    7. I love his mod, but I have had to resort to my 25mmG SNIPER RIFLE to hunt deathclaws down

    8. Sorry if I'm a bit rude anyone in this comment, I dont mean it, I just really want this to work...
    1. rennistora
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      Hmmm I'm not sure why it does that, I've had similar problems with GRA ammo, personally I found the DU shells be better anyway! XD
      Do you mean the ammo items ID or?.. Actually, if that is the question so that you can console command some ammo you really shouldn't need to since they're added to merchants AND can be made at the benches once you've found the Depleted Uranium (newest esm on file page)?
      Either way, their ID's are Ammo12GaDUB Ammo12GaDUSlug
      The only reason I on only made 12ga versions is for balance, these things are OP enough as is without every gun being able to fire them.
      I don't know how to fix the GRA issue, so no it is NOT meant to happen! D:
      I love using my 12Ga against things like that too, it's why I made this mod!
      Yeah a 25mm is probably going to serve you better for that.
      No worries about that, you asked some good questions and I only sorry I couldn't answer them better.
    2. DrDecember
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I find them better too, but I also like using my flechettes and explosive shells (another mod) they work really well with my style of kickin ass
      Thanks for the ID but i just recenty found out the GBO command, I bought one DUslg and got the id for it then added 250 of them to my inventory
      I know they're added to the shops but... the most I can buy from the vendortron (bob) at gra is 5 at max... so i had to cheat some ammo in.
      I just found this mod and saw the download wih NMM at the top of the page.. Is that the newest file?
      Well yeah An AMR with DU rounds would be able to destroy anything... even a god mode deathclaw...
      LAME, I'll try and tinker around with it to see if I can get it to work with my explosive shells too. Is there a mod to add GRA ammo without gra?
      I'm using Blackbetty by division22 and it is super OP on EVERYTHING (it shoots a 25mm HE grenade...)
      thanks for answering them though!
    3. rennistora
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      Changed the order/settings of the files, the newest one with the Depleted Uranium recipes is now the main file while the original is set to old version.
    4. JLF65
      • supporter
      • 32 kudos
      I think he mentioned the cause of his problems: he's not using something like FNVEdit. You NEED to make a merged patch with FNVEdit to get the form ids and leveled lists and whatnot working for ALL mods. It's easy enough to do - run FNVEdit, right click on the Fallout New Vegas esm once it's finished loading, select options at the bottom and the contextual menu, then select Create Merged Patch. Give it a name like "MergedPatch" and then quit FNVEdit, clicking okay to save the new esp created. Then run whatever mod manager you use and make sure MergedPatch.esp is enabled and at the very bottom of the load order. If you don't create a merged patch, many mods won't coexist well together, especially ones that edit things like merchant list or weapon lists or ammo lists. This particular mod is one of them - it NEEDS a merged patch.
    5. DrDecember
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      THANKS FOR HELP JLF65 IT WORKED super happy thanks...

      I now have super explosive slugs in my AA-12... super happy

      YEAHH by the way I found out how o use FNVedit for base objeect ID or whatever (for the player.additem command)

    6. JLF65
      • supporter
      • 32 kudos
      You're welcome. FNVEdit is really good for getting those IDs, and for making little changes like bumping the damage on a custom weapon or ammo. Once you get the hang of it, you'll find this app to be the one you go to first when you want something.
    7. kmutz
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Not sure if u fixed the issue with this mod...bud most likely itis just because u need to make a merged patch....FNV edit is absolutely needed if u are using mods....it makes life sooooo much easier. just run FNVedit, after it runs where are your mods are listed on the left hand side panel, right click, go to where it says other, and click on make merged patch and BAM! YOU ARE DONE! open NMM and put a check on the merged patch(whatever u named it) and that is it man.
      PS: let me know if it worked for u!
  3. Regalinho
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    • 0 kudos
    This is a really Rad idea [haha get it Rad? No? Okay, bad joke] I honestly thought about an idea of peaking down mini nukes to get Uranium and use it to craft ton of new materials and ammo and such, I see this as a first step towards that goal, RennisTora please make this dream happen, please, please, please, don't stop at shotgun shells make this into an additional ammo and item content class.
    1. rennistora
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      I'm pretty bad for making bad jokes and puns myself so no worries there, the only reason I'm against making more DU ammo types is that it's already pretty over powered as it is so I'm not sure if more would just break it in terms of balance you know?
  4. WraithofShadow
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Can the "Hunter" Shotgun take the usual mods? I use a mod that allows uniques to take them so...
    1. rennistora
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      I didn't touch the mod input section for it so it should work the same as the Dinner Bell shotgun.
    • premium
    • 41 kudos
    So why just depleted uranium for only shotguns? What about just changing the recipe to allow all large caliber weapons to accept DU. 12.7mm? Go for it. .50BGM? Why not. Rockets, Missiles? I don't see why not. .308, 45-70? Now that's just plain silly.
    1. brettstar2
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Because in theory, you can shoot anything out of a shotgun even salt!

      So i would see more sense to some extent with decayed uranium shotgun shells than with bullets of such
  6. grasscid
    • premium
    • 118 kudos
    Can you tell us what the ammo actually does? Is is just increased damage, or are there some special effects?
    1. rennistora
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      Oh sorry, I wrote that stuff in the ReadMe but forgot to say it on the main page.
      Aside from having increased damage compared to the regular 12Ga rounds they also have increased DT reduction on the target, they also damage the weapon condition more to help balance their greater power and also weigh more than normal rounds as well as being more expensive to purchase from merchants and harder to find in general.
    2. a28371
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Actual Depleted Uranium rounds have a bit of an explosion to them on impact, it would look fantastic if you have it a very small explosive effect, moreso cosmetic, but the explosion animation on impact for realism would be awesome

      Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znMbC_SKuO8
    3. rennistora
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      I know what you're talking about but I'm not sure of how to make it happen with the ammo, one mod played before from Shogo had DUR for the 20mm rifle that did exactly that though, one thing I could try is loading up the Gun Runner DLC and seeing how the 50.cal explosive ammo works.
    4. rennistora
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      Okay so I got it to work but it now needs you to have the Gun Runner DLC as it uses it for the explosive effect.
      The effect is the same size as the 50 cal which is appropriate given that 12Ga slug is more or less the same caliber as a 50. I'll be uploading an optional esm that has the changes, that way if people don't want it then they can stick with the old one. Only the DUS has the effect and for two reasons with the first being that it'd make sense that only the slug would explode like that and the second being that normal spread shot has no projectile so I can't really change it.
    5. xtoxin
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      You can also use the gauss rifle explosion effect as an alternative.
      It probably looks pretty sweet and it defeats the use of DLC content
      And yeah I tried the ammo with the shotgun surgeon perk, and well... You can basically kill everything with 1-3 shots
      Sneak kill is even more rediculous, then I mostly need only 1 shot.
    6. rennistora
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      Yeah but that makes an energy effect which would look kind of weird with a conventional firearm, as for the kill rate there... That seems kind of realistic actually, when you consider what you're shooting at them with? XD
      The AMR is the same way for most enemies and when you consider the caliber of a 12Ga slug that doesn't make this all THAT overpowered really, which kind of makes your 12Ga shotguns into AMR that are semi-automatic... Oh my.
    7. JLF65
      • supporter
      • 32 kudos
      You do realize that comment with the youtube link was a joke, right? Not that I'm against explosive shotgun shells, but you might make that an option - explosive vs normal.

      Love the shells. It takes down a charging deathclaw (no sneak crits) in two shots. The only problem? The availability. I checked in FNVEdit, and the vendor list is one shell with a 75% chance of a second shell. Guess how many shells Chet had? Two. Strange, huh? So I cheated a bit and used the console to give myself 50 shells, while deleting the appropriate number of caps to cover that.

      What might be a more interesting way to handle this would be to add depleted uranium rods to certain places, then have a crafting recipe. I'd suggest having spent rods in the reactor rooms of the various vaults. Have a crafting recipe to turn spent rods into DU pellets or slugs, then another to make DU shells using the pellets/slugs and the standard 12 gauge components at the ammo bench.
    8. rennistora
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      That's... A really good idea actually!
    9. rennistora
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      Aaaaaaaand done~
    10. JLF65
      • supporter
      • 32 kudos
      Awesome! Now to go on a DU hunt!
  7. gusano
    • member
    • 44 kudos
    Given that armed forces actually use spent plutonium rounds in anti-tank shells today, and the "Fallout Logic" of making every freakin' thing radioactive, this ammo makes a sort of sense.

    I made a texture for this box if you are interested. Yours credit free.
    Dropped pic in the "User Images" section.
    Just let me know.
    1. rennistora
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      Oh wow thank you, I'm not really good with making stuff like that so I hadn't considered it.
      I was just finishing up an update to this, as much as I appreciate the offer though I'll have to decline for now.
  8. xtoxin
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Something tells me this becomes a God weapon with the shotgun surgeon perk
    1. rennistora
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      I hadn't even thought of that, by which I mean I hadn't considered it being THAT overpowered from the perk...
      I even added the weapon/ammo to the lists so they'll work with it, hmm...