Fallout New Vegas
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  1. darlingg
    • supporter
    • 11 kudos
    I like the idea of multiplied damage from behind, but shouldn't that only be after subtracting the effects of armour?
  2. d00rman
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Question that isn't entirely related to the mod, but rather to backstabbing NPCs and their aim...

    I have noticed that in NV, unlike FO3, NPCs don't need to 'align' their weapon toward you before firing. So, for instance, you could backstab someone, and then immediately get fired upon even though he's aiming at the opposite direction. Meaning that the NPC's bullets are effectively going through its own body to hit yours...

    Anyone know the name of that phenomenon, or a fix to it? I always found that it made flanking enemies mostly useless, considering they don't need any time to turn toward you before firing, or anything. Hopefully this mod will add an incentive toward it.
    1. wobbataco
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      I've noticed this too, and it really, really gets my goat. I don't know what it's called, but it is actually on my List of Things To Look At. I won't lie, I'm not sure I can fix it, but I have a couple ideas; if you don't want to wait for me/want to pioneer a solution yourself (and you're okay poking around in the GECK) I'd say the first port of call would be to take a look at scripting something with the GetLOS function. From there, your guess is as good as mine, and I'm not even sure that's a good start.

      Sorry I can't help more; as I said, I really haven't taken too close a look at it yet.
    2. taberone
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      I think that's been fixed in Johnnyguitar NVSE or JIP LN NVSE, I forget which one
      It's an option to enable
  3. nuqman2007
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    now i can go spy suprice
  4. danddodgydealer
    • member
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    Could you make a version with only the melee bonus? I already have a lot of weapon damage mods and the guns don't really need any more scaling, but I would love to sprint up the last few yards and chop down my foe before they can react.
    1. wobbataco
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Sure. Just uploaded a version that does just this.
  5. ColBashar
    • member
    • 41 kudos
    I'm Bashar and I approve of this mod. In fact, I'm going to link it on my mod page for people who only want the backstab damage feature.

    A point of clarification on the explosive damage modifier, though. It didn't actually do "backstab" damage in the Cover Stealth mod. Instead, it was set to give a bonus when the player was not in the victim's line of sight. The idea was to give players an additional incentive to use mines and grenades while remaining undetected or using cover. I agree that the vanilla explosives are woefully underpowered but wanted to use that as a means to encourage the use of cover.
    1. wobbataco
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Hey, glad to hear it. I appreciate the link. And I can understand that multiplier logic - difference in game style, I suppose.
  6. luvin2807
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    is the character affected by it as well?
    it give you the feeling you can't run if thats the case which is nice... maybe.
    1. wobbataco
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      No. Only affects player vs. NPCs, not NPCs vs player.
  7. stustew@o2.pl
    [email protected]
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i think the idea of cummulating dmg of explosive is really geart i wait for it if it's possible finnaly two granades can do double dmg- like in reality
    1. wobbataco
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      As far as I know, the vanilla game makes two grenades do double damage anyway. Two separate booms, two separate damage calculations.
  8. VaultBoy3000
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    This is already in the vanilla game, you can kill almost anyone with one hit if you are undetected and use a knife of any kind.
    1. CrisolChampion
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      but you don't get bonus damage when attaking from behind, you only get a critical bonus when attaking undetected whit any weapon
    2. snowglobecolector
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      So killing a guy in power armor undetected is always a one hit kill.....?
    3. wobbataco
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      CrisolChampion got it in one. If you're confused, read the Rationale bit of the description again, but I'll try and summarise it easymode:

      VANILLA FEATURE: Sneak attack criticals. If you are crouched, undetected, and attack an enemy, you get a damage bonus, regardless of whether you attack them from in front or behind.

      THIS MOD FEATURE: Backstab criticals. Regardless of whether you are crouching or whether you are detected, if you attack an enemy, you will get a damage bonus if you attack them from behind.

      If you're really cool and you decide to attack someone from behind AND undetected, then you'll get both bonuses.

      As regards to the bit about being able to kill almost anyone with one hit if you are [HIDDEN] and use a knife of any kind, that may be true (depending on difficulty, whether you have damage mods installed, etc.), but what you can't get is a one hit kill in the [CAUTION] phase. With this mod you can get a bonus in the [CAUTION] phase, the [DANGER] phase or even the "I'm-not-even-bothering-to-sneak" phase, as long as you hit them from behind.