Fallout New Vegas

DUST stories (55 comments)

  1. AlphatoOmega21
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    One of my favourite experiences using this mod came with the Spooky Vegas Radio + RACE combo. It was a pain, but I had done the legwork to add in the stuff in SVR to radios found in the world. This paid off big time when I was in a small gas station, the radio was on naturally. And one of the files playing through the Radio was some kind of sermon. "I accept you right now Lord Jesus" was what I remember most vividly. It really spooked the hell out of me, and absolutely made the atmosphere much more intense.
  2. Mandrick02
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    So here is my story, my name is Ed, Ed like Edouard (the name of the Courier 6 on my vanilla playthrough). Edouard won the 2nd Battle of Hoover Dam with everybody behind him as BOS, Boomer, Great Khans, everybody except the Caesar Legion and the NCR. He succeeded to convince Ulysse on the Divide to stop the missile launching, they became friends. He convinced the AI at Big MT to not conquer the Mojave and they became friends. He killed Father Elijah at Sierra Madre, not from his own hand but by reprogramming the machine against Father Elijah. He cured DOG from his disease and helped Christine taking his revenge against Father Elijah but Dean Domino died because of his oversized ego. Edouard even disabled M. House to give the New Vegas his totally independance. And you'll ask me how I know all of these event? Simply because it was me the Courier 6. But now I woke up nowhere, somewhere in the Mojave after I got out of this... shack. That was a dream or something? All this adventure was it an utopia? No it's just impossible... Everything was fine at lea... at least I woke up here. The Mojave actually looks like hell with tunnelers and cannibals everywhere, NCR trooper and old legionnaries are all hostile, NCR shoot on sight, seems they don't trust and don't defend anyone anymore. I'm actually hallucinating, shadow everywhere around me, I'm literally scared, I've killed so many people. They were all hostile so I defended myself. Supplies are few, very few and I'm hungry, very hungry and thirsty too. But I heard about a safe city, not these sewer I knew about from these notes I found during scavenge. A real and safe underground place with food, drink, ammo and more. Get up Ed, you can do it, let's find this place... That dream about the Courier 6, me Ed... Edouard saving the Mojave wasn't one, it was a kind of memory, I'm sure... I'm sure...
  3. Mrcxtf2
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    i have a big problem .After character creation by survivor is standing in one place i can only croush and change to third person . i used enableplayercontrols , and my character doesnt have a pip boy now . And also have pink hands . can someone help ?

  4. Fishmahn
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    Hope this isn't too long. This is the beginning of my Dust experience, taking a lot of literary license to make a storyline. If anyone's interested I'll keep adding more. Note: Minor swearing of the 4-letter variety
    I'm walking across the sand with my wife, hand-in-hand. We started taking these walks a couple years ago after our youngest got his own place in new Houston to be closer to his work and friends. Its nice when we can walk along the sand at dusk, with the sun settling over the ruins of old Houston before the rising tide swallows the sand for the day. But.., something's wrong – the sun is too hot, and my wife died months ago.

    I start to wake up with a splitting headache – the fog starting to clear from my dream. I sit up in my bed and wow! My head really hurts. Like I really tied one on last night. But I didn't – hadn't done that in years. Gettin' too old for that, besides, I have responsibilities. I laid back down and waited for the fog to clear and the room to stop spinning, then take a look around.

    Woah! I'm laying on the floor in a shack. Where's my bed? And my house? It's nothing fancy, but definitely not this shack. Looks like a rough wood frame with corrugated steel sides and I think roof. Kindof dark to be sure about the roof. Some light filters in from myriad holes around the structure but not enough to consider it well-lit. More like nearly dark except for the bright spots. I haven't seen shacks like these since I was in the Mohave years ago. I spent some time in Vegas back then. Shiny and sparkling. The stories say it's a pale shadow of what it was before the war but still, it must be the same – too much booze, too many loose women and cheaters everywhere. They'll all take your money, and they did, and so did I. I was one of 'em, for a time (a cheat that is, not a loose woman). But that was the past. I live on the south coast now. Over in Lonestar. With a wife and kids. Well, kids'r grown and moved on, some married with grandkids on the way, and my wife passed just last spring. What the hell happened? Hope I didn't just drop off the deep end. I did't think I took her death that hard.

    It's hot in here. It's supposed to be late fall, nearly all hallow's eve, should be coolin' off, even in the south here... at least I hope I'm here, in Lonestar that is. Well, time to take stock of the situation. You know what to do, Abe.

    Got nothin' in my pockets. Hell, don't even have pockets, just skivvies. Look around. A few lockers. A dead body. Great... Hope I didn't have anything to do with that. Like I said, gave that sort of thing up years go. A table with a ham radio, some empty bottles and a big bone on it. Looks human, like a leg bone.

    Hopefully the lockers have something worthwhile in 'em, so I open them up and look inside. Pfft. An almost broke .22 pistol and a few rounds. And one of the lockers is locked. I bet that's where the good stuff is. Better check the body – male, probably 30-ish, face is weathered, thin and wiry, the sort I seen from the fightin' pits back in the day. Nothin' on him but rags and some fliers. Hmm. Settlement flier – come to the sewers where it's safe. What sewers? Where the hell am I. No sewers that I know of anywhere near my place in Lone Star. Well, there are sewers, but they're under water since the oceans rose up and near swallowed up Old Houston. Scavenged there a few times when work was scarce. Haven't had to in a while though

    What's this on the table. Crafting kit? Inside is an assortment of supplies like pliers, screwdrivers & files. Might come in handy. And a how-to book. Hope it has instructions on how to make somethin' from nothin'.

    Then I spy the label on one of the bottles; Sunset Sarsparilla Root Beer... What the hell! Haven't seen that since the Mohave either. Don't tell me I'm in the Mohave again. How the hell did I get there.., erm, here? Fuuuu.... That's over a thousand miles. WHAT THE H E DOUBLE TOOTHPICKS HAPPENED!?!?!?

    Looking myself over, I don't see any needle marks on my body. Am I going crazy? Get me outta here! Maybe if I pinch myself... Ouch! Nope, still here.

    Oh, I think, can that settlement flier mean the Thorn? Heh, yeah. Safe, my ass. The Thorn is in the sewers of Vegas and it's a fighting pit extraordinaire, or at least was. Heard tell (I never dared go there myself, I wasn't stupid) they'd pit radscorpion against radscorpion, human vs human and deathclaw vs deathclaw and human and radscorpion. Basically anything vs anything else, for money.

    I finally notice this contraption on my arm. Has it really been there the whole time? It's kind of like a wide bracelet – maybe 6” wide, thick with a flat squarish display screen on top when you hold it up at a certain angle in front of you, and a few knobs & buttons, apparently to operate the thing. “Pip-Boy model 3000” is printed beside the display. I've heard of them, never saw one before. I spend a few minutes fiddling with it. Find the on-screen manual and read a bit. Nice 'little' thing to have, if not a bit heavy on the arm. Good thing it's on the off hand. Manual screens say it's got a thing it calls 'V.A.T.S.' that's supposed to help me choose targets and aim. Ok, if it says so. Appears to have a Geiger counter too. That'll be handy.

    A key! On the table! Maybe it's for the locked locker. Yes, it fits, so I open the locker. Hmm, stuff, yes. Good stuff, not so much. Not too bad though. Some shotgun shells, 20 gauge, most of them pretty rough-looking, armored fatigues with padding instead of kevlar, but better than nothin'. Looks like it'll fit me close enough so I put it on. Some bottle caps. Probably still used as currency here. Aha, a shotgun. Single shot, but better than nothin', and 20 gauge so the shells fit. It'd be ironic if it was a 12 gauge. Kind of rough condition though. Not enough ammo to need better I reckon'. And a cleaver. That'll come in handy once I'm out of ammo.

    <Gunshots heard outside> Great – I'm in the middle of a firefight. Those sound like they're coming from both front and back.

    What's that on the floor beside the locker. A weapon repair kit. I open it up and see duct tape, glue and some metal straps and fasteners That should fix one of them up, at least somewhat. Which one – .22 or Shotgun... Hmm.

    No food or water that I can see. Wonder if this ham radio works. Yep, somehow there's still power in the batteries, but all I hear is static. Probably no one on the other end. I see some old 55 gal. drums in the corner and a stack of wheels. Dunno what good those are gonna be. Probably disintegrate as soon as I touch them. A generator – no fuel that I can see though. And what good would a generator be here?

    I find some energy cells in an ammo box on top of the lockers. No energy weapon though. I'll leave them there for now.

    I guess I'd better peek outside – haven't heard gunfire in a few minutes. So I open the door and look around. Yep, looks like I am in the Mohave, or some desert. The sun is burning hot and bright, bathing everything in a nimbus of glare, nothing growing but a few cacti burnt brown in the sun and dust everywhere. Don't recognize the place though. I see a faded sign that says 'Jean Sky Diving'. Never heard of it.

    There are people over across the road but it looks like they're shootin' the crap outta each other. What the hell? Maybe if I creep around to the back of the building...

    Nope – there's 2 dudes back there and they're shootin' at me. What the f*** did I do to them?

    I duck back around the corner and get out the shotgun... wait, wait... lean around and BLAM! One down with buckshot to the face. Haven't lost it, well not totally. Could've been a lot cleaner, but it worked. Now where's the other guy? Crap he's behind me, must've come around the other side of the shack. I whirl and shoot but my aim is off. I take bullets to the arm and leg before I can reload, but I don't miss the second time.

    I crouch down and hope the people across the road are friendlier than these 2. Inspect the dead bodies – 9mm pistol on one. Nice. Beats the .22. Mostly crap for ammo though, and not even a full clip. What's up with that? Need to find somewhere to trade, maybe get better ammo. He's got some strange lookin' meat pie on him but the color looks off. Definitely not Brahmin or Bighorner. Hmm, I don't think I want to know, so I'll leave that for the buzzards. Has a breathing mask on his face, looks like some hodgepodge of parts, but it should help keep the dust out of my lungs. I'll take that.

    The other guy has some strange lookin' paint or tattoos all over his face. Pretty warped looking. Makes my stomach churn just lookin' at him.

    The fighting across the road sounds like it's over. Think I'll head over there. Then I spy an airplane down the slope. Hmm, what's with that plane down there. Sky diving... I see, jump out of the plane. Hope they have a soft spot to land on. It'd hurt otherwise. Looking the plane over it looks like it may be flyable if it were repaired. Need some parts and fuel. If I only knew what parts were needed, and how to fly it. I've driven wheeled trucks before, but never flown a plane.

    Heading across the road, everyone's dead. There's about 6 bodies, some gunshot wounds, but a few are just torn up like from a bear or something. Deathclaw? Heard of them from my time here before. Never saw one though. Don't want to either. Well, better check the bodies – they won't be needing whatever they got any more. Found a bit of water, a can of cram and some snack cakes. Irradiated probably but it'll keep me alive. Was already thirsty, so I drank the water. Hope I can find more. Also got a little more ammo, mostly crap and of various types - .22LR, .357mag., 9mm, 10mm, 20ga., and a plethora of makeshift weaponry, everything from a homemade 10mm rifle to some scythe-like thing made from a crutch and a sharpened metal blade, maybe from a lawn mower. Some butcher knives too, most of them so dull they'd have trouble cutting warm butter. No point in carrying it all, even if I could, but one of the bodies had a backpack. And another one had leather armor in some sort of repair. That'll help. Stash the rest in the shack and locked the locker back up – took the key.

    Nighttime's coming and I hear some strange growling from the south. Never heard anything like that before in my life. Creepy. Also heard some yips almost like coyotes, but different. Not wolves.

    Made a few bandages from some of the dead people's clothes and cleaned and bound up my wounds best I could. It'll do for now. Saw the top of a windmill over yonder, so I headed there and, yep, a well and windmill to pump it. Bone dry however. Bummer. Couple more in the same condition nearby One had a shovel leaning against the trough so I took that. Headed back to my shack. Heh 'my' shack. Guess it is, for now. Checked out that recipe book. Shows how to break down some of that junk weaponry into throwing spears and a number of other things. That'll come in handy since I doubt these guns will last long, even if I had enough ammo, which I don;'t.

    Don't really want to go south and find out what the growling belongs too, so I think I'll head northwest up the side road and see what's there. On the way up the road I see a sign that says “Goodsprings”. Heard of it before but never been there. Hope they have a good spring. I groaned at my own bad pun. But I was serious.

    Now I'm sure I'm in the Mohave. Who the hell brought me here. And why. And how do I get out. Need to find out why first though. Then who, so I can 'explain' to him that it wasn't a nice thing to do.
    1. Fishmahn
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      Gawd, the old me is coming back. Ruthless. Maybe 'cause I have to be.

      Wild dogs all over Goodsprings, but no people. Had to kill about a dozen of 'em. The dogs, that is. All but one – he didn't seem aggressive. Kept hangin' out near a newish building by a schoolhouse. Even walked up to me once as if to make sure I was ok. Nice of him. Didn't want to come with me though. Pity, could have used a companion. Butchered the dead dogs for meat, and cooked it at the fire by all those dead bodies. Heard that growling again in the night while the steaks were cooking. Glad the fire seemed to keep it away. Don't want to find out what it belongs to. Food's not a problem any more. Water, however, is a different story.

      Back in town, it's deserted. Looks like some sort of plague or disease... or dehydration, or dehydration from a plague. Glad I had that mask on, makeshift as it was. Pile of bodies in a cart in front of the store. Haven't been dead long – couple days at most. Looks like the one piling the bodies succumbed while he was working. Sad.

      Couple of old motorcycles parked in front of the bar next door. Probably never run again though. Plenty of booze at the bar, pool table in the other room. Won't help thirst much though, mostly hard stuff. Left most of it there but took some vodka to use as antiseptic. My drinkin' days are long gone. Was able to crack the security on that terminal in the office with the help of a magazine I found in someone's mailbox. It gave me just the clues I needed to zero in on the password. Nothin much on the terminal, inventory, finances, the usual. There’s a release control for the lock on a safe embedded in the floor next to the desk though, so I opened that up. Nothing notable in the safe, but I took what was useful.

      Looked around in every house, all abandoned. Checked out the general store too. Not much but I stocked up on some supplies. No guns unless you count the BB gun I found in one of the houses. I didn't. Bit of water too. Not enough for this heat though. Not the cleanest either, but beggars can't be choosy. Found a couple xander roots by that schoolhouse. Recipe book in the crafting kit says I can make healing powder with that and some broc flower, whatever that is. Glad there's a picture of a broc flower in there.

      Lots of medical supplies in the large house at the top of the hill. Must've been a Doctor's house. Front door was locked, but it was easy to pick. Had a chemistry set in one room that had enough supplies for some stimpaks, and I found a few more scattered around the mansion along with a bag with a limb brace and other supplies. Took everything I could carry that was useful. Hope I won't need them but good to know I have them. When I tried to leave by the front door, it was jammed. Luckily there's a back door.

      Nothin' much in the fueling station next door either but I again took what was useful. Lots of cleaning supplies and empty bottles, which I left there. Not much use for cleaning supplies these days.

      I spied a water tower up the hill northeast of town, so I headed over there to see if there was water in it. Some madman came running up to me waving his shovel like a weapon. Took a swing at me so I had to put him down. Sorry guy, but you shouldn't have swung that shovel at me like a club. Had some obsessive note on him about burying the bodies. Guess that's what he was doing since the top of the hill appears to be a graveyard.

      Checked out the water tower, but there was no water, it must be empty. Couple of graves were partially dug up, so I finished the job. Maybe something good there, you know. Some caps and ammo, but nothing noteable. Shoveled the dirt back in. Took another look around and found some cigarette butts by an open grave. “Swisher”? Must be a brand name. Wonder if they're from the guy that dragged me here.

      Took a look around from that vantage point and saw a big cross in the distance to the east. Must be some sort of monument. Also read a bunch of signs warning everyone to avoid going north, so I took them up on their suggestion and went back down into town. Went into the dog's shack and took a nap. Seemed like a safe place, what with the dog guarding it and all. Thought about setting up here as a base, but with the warning about not going north it seemed a bit too much in the corner for me. Decided it was best to stay in the sky diver's shack, even without a bed there.

      * * * * *

      Woke up as thirsty as a fish in the desert, which I kindof was. Only 1 bottle of water left, but there was some in the toilet in one of them houses. 'Filtered' it through the cloth of one of my bandages before I drank it. At least it looked clear but the radmeter on my pip-boy was starting its climb towards the red zone. Have to watch out for that. Need to remember to pop a Rad-X before I drink next time. Found a few in the doc's house, so I'll use them. No RadAway though, mores the pity.

      Went back to my shack and while I was walking down the road from Goodsprings, I saw some yellowish coyote-like things with strange tails running around up the hill to the north of the road. Their tails looked scaled, with something like a rattlesnakes rattle on the tip. Someone's genetic experiment? Who would be warped enough to cross a coyote with a rattlesnake? Maybe they were the things I heard yipping the other day. Has it been one or 2? God, I have no idea. That's frightening, if I thought about it. Decided not to think about it.

      Got back to my shack and decided I'd better head north and see what's around there. Maybe someone friendly enough to talk to so I can find out what's going on.

      After a short while walking north I come across one guy getting beat up by 2 others with warped face paint by an old camper in the middle of the road. I don't much care for 2 on one so I figure I'd even the odds for him. Turned out it was the right thing to do. We dispatched the other 2 and he seemed grateful for the assistance. Not very talkative but I got him to tell me a bit of what's happened in the 30 years since I'd been here.

      He said that about 20 years ago the NCR (that's New California Republic) and Ceaser, though he pronounced it Kaisar (some tribal super-warlord out of the plains to the east), fought a battle for the Hoover dam. I remember hearing about a battle for Hoover dam before I lived here the first time. He said there was a second battle and it didn't go so well for either side. Seems neither of them won because this guy, they called him The Courier, swooped in with an army of robots and snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, or something like that, then set himself up as some sort of overlord of Vegas and the dam. Told me the Courier killed Ceasar personally and defeated the whole of both armies with those robots of his. 'Twas said he could call down fire from the sky to incinerate anyone that got in his way. Pretty impressive, if true.

      When I asked him what happened to Mr. House of the Lucky 38, he just shrugged and said no one never heard from him since the battle, so The Courier must have killed him. Anyways, after a couple years running the strip and the dam, him and his robots just up and disappeared. Never to be heard from again. The NCR took over then and things seemed to be goin' OK at first.

      Then he said about 15 years ago some big storm came up and blasted the whole area. Lasted seemingly forever. Killed off most everything growing in the area and nothin' would grow proper since. The storm was followed by an invasion of what he calls 'tunnelers'. I asked him what they were, and he said 'where the hell you been?' And that was the end of his talking to me. Guess I offended him somehow. He wouldn't talk no more, but didn't seem to mind me hanging around, so I did.

      I scouted the area a bit, ran across some other guys he called 'powder gangers' hanging out just north of him – they sure love their dynamite. Almost took my arm off – the one with the pip boy. That would not have been good. Had to take them down too. Thank goodness I can still aim and my eyes still work. That 9 Mil sure is hard to aim if you're not pretty close, which they didn't want to let me get. What is it with people here? Almost everyone is out to kill me. What have I ever done to them?

      Turns out one of them had this makeshift sniper rifle. Lucky for me he couldn't shoot straight 'cause from the look of those bullets it would've plugged me good had he hit me. Rifle looks made from some high pressure piping and an odd-looking single shot action in the back, vaguely like the shotgun, but it had a decent scope and several good quality rounds. Haven't seen rounds that big before though. Engraving on the bottom said “.45-70 Gov't”. Nice to have a long range weapon. Have to use it sparingly though, since there's not much ammo.

      Started heading up the road past them and had to come running back south double-time. A settlement north of there had about a dozen people in it, every one of them out to kill me. You'd think they'd wanted to eat me or something.

      There was a set of railroad tracks crossing the road about where the camper was, so I decided to head east along the railroad tracks a ways. Found a couple more xander roots along the way, then 2 more of them 'powder gangers' who tried to kill me on sight. I backed off until they stopped chasing me, then crept back up until I was in sniper range and picked them off. One shot each to the head. Looks like I'll be doing a lot of that, as long as ammo lasts. One of them had one of those meat pie things and what looked like a fresh human leg. What was he, a cannibal?

      Finally found a broc flower near there too, and some jalapeno peppers. Water, rather the lack of water, is starting to become a big concern.

      Came across an abandoned camp by a capsized train boxcar leaning off the tracks and had barely started looking around when I heard that growling again. I looked up and these creatures – sort of simian (monkey) looking things that had scales like a lizard and a row of glowing spikes all up and down their arms, legs and head. There were 5 or 6 of them, so I figured cowardice was the best idea, and ran all the way back to the camper and my silent 'buddy'.

      He gave me a knowing smile and said “I see you've met some tunnelers.”

      I suppose I have.
  5. harimau93
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    is it true that DT is useless in this mod? I mean, I understand the damage locational is a thing in DUST, really enjoyed the preferable headshot, but does other body part that covered by high DT damage threshold armor won't do you no good? it seem like it won't matter if my PC had high DT armor plus helmet to cover the head part, enemies with .5.56 firearms still killed me in 3 - 5 hits, it would be understandable if enemies could use ammo type like AP bullet but I don't think npcs can use them due to gamebryo limitation. ( but there is a mod called NAWEMO that override this limitation but I don't use it in DUST )
    1. Fishmahn
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      DT is still important, but 20 DT combat armor doesn't help with a headshot, just the DT of the helmet. Dust is just brutal that way. There is no way to become a 'walking tank' any more. Anyone can possibly one-shot you with almost anything - except maybe a BB gun. As for killing you in 3 - 5 hits, ask any soldier how many bullets it takes before their M4 (which uses .223, less powerful than 5.56) kills someone. 3 - 5 is probably about right if it has to punch through body armor or catch the random less-protected limb. Just my opinion though
  6. Imafishbish
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    I woke up I always wake up anything that tries to kill me goes to sleep.. for good. I have no idea how I died. Some tribals captured me they were about to torture me
    I don't fucking know but some ranger came in probably from McCarran to see whats up killed the tribals pointed their gun at me... " But you can't kill me.. " you can try you can put a damn bullet in my skull but I am determined. It is like I die then I just wake up again to try again until I succeed. I took the makeshift sniper rifle and shot that fucker I got hit in the heart however. An instant death really. But I wake up I am just fine. " You cannot kill me. " I walk outside the tribals throw their spears I slice them up with a machete. The last one throws a spear right into my chest but I find myself waking up again only to finish him off. " A useful survival tip I would say pick up the ammo from their magazines if you need some always be ready to change weapons in an instant you gotta be good at everything or ya die. I came across enough cannibals to destroy a private military force I swear if you added em up it would be hundreds. They all rushed me with machetes and their shitty guns. But always I killed them I triumphed over them the impossible. I swear I am not dying for a reason. Like theres a reason we should be here every single one of us. I nearly got shred apart by a hoarde of ghouls but a survivor shot them all right through the skulls before they even touched me. I found understone with my service rifle and backpack and the rangers armor I went in I sold s#*! and bought s#*! I was ready. I had more supplies than any one person should have in this wasteland. I took the dam by myself those NCR bastards are unorganized and have minimal training I have excellent training I managed to scope them out use explosives and kill every single last one of em. I used to like them but they betrayed me so I returned the favor when I put a 5.65mm bullet right into Colonel Moores skull. I went in killed everyone including the researchers they are selfish bastards only caring for themselves? Fine but shooting everyone on sight no matter what? They fucking asked for it! I had ammo and a good conditioned gun and my courage and wits they had some shitty old rusty pipe to fight me with and since they are crippled I took the chance! Who wouldn't?! Who wouldn't show these NCR fuckers that they can't claim everything they see?! I took a walk to lake mead I heard the bomber was rumored to have something good I had to run past boulder city though. Place gives me the fucking chills. Once I made it in I could see the mines I got blown up many times and I am still alive.. somehow some way I still make it to the bomber but I see something? A cave I go inside and who do you thinks right fucking their?! The damn courier himself! I talked to him and he agreed to help me get out of this hellhole lets hope this friendship lasts... ( Can continue it but that's my playthrough )
  7. TheBigJarl
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    My entire playthrough every bone in my body has been crippled so after 2 hours of trying to get out of the Goodsprings area. Which as anyone who has played Vanilla knows takes forever even if you do it the normal way I finally arrived at the New Vegas ruins, I don't know why I expected there to be any friendlies in the area, just a bunch of ugly f***ing cannibals that for some strange reason CAN SHOOT 1000'S OF BULLETS AT ME BUT ONLY HAVE 1 JUNK ROUND, so after that I hobbled the broken limbs and "Crippled Head" away from the constant barrage of the unreal arsenal these so called "Savages" had some how acquired the means to recreate plasma weapons which often 2 shot me. As I was saying I hobbled away and saw a sewer entrance, (Biggest mistake of my entire gaming career). If you have never been inside the tunnels on Dust. don't ever go in them I haven't found the exit yet and after LITERALLY MY ENTIRE DAY, AT THE TIME OF ME TYPING THIS I JUST GOT OUT I had to resort to no clipping. After I exited I didn't feel encouraged to play Dust anymore. I pushed on sadly, I arrived Westerville or whatever that settlement is called outside of New Vegas and was immediately greeted by gou- Red Gou- "Cloud Victims" I made short work of those villans and promptly entered the town. Little did I know that those scum had taken it over and as I entered the town, I swear one of them began shooting at me with a f***ing m60, as I tried to flee another exited with what appeared to me as an institute rifle, but you know, wrong game. The "Cloud Victims"" Gunned me down repeatedly until I paused the game and exited it to come post on this site.
    1. Imafishbish
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      Hey theres multiple more fair starts now


      Read that guide if you want just start at abandoned warehouse and you will be ok.
  8. Rneuby
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    Reasons why the Silver Rush is the best place to make a fort: It comes stock with plenty of weapons and ammo, it's heavily fortified, and its haunted by GHOSTS. When I first "moved in" to the location I dropped my gear and set my items around the building, then collected all the ammo and weapons I couldn't bear to leave. When I returned later (after collecting more items) some things had been moved around, a bottle of whiskey and my fire axe had been moved slightly, and the energy weapons found in the building had returned to their former arrangement. Figuring this was simply the engine resetting the cell, I dropped more stuff and headed out. When I returned a day later, the whiskey bottle and fire axe were now floating a foot in the air. Naturally, I thought this was a pretty cool glitch, dropped more items, and then re-arranged the two to fit a more natural look. I decided to re-arrange the whole building, setting mines at the enterance and moving all of the skeletons into the back bathroom. I decided to keep the would-be Gloria skeleton behind the counter, using her as a container for my items and bottlecaps while I found a purpose for them. I left again for a day, and on my return, Gloria's skeleton was gone. I was kinda taken back as my stuff had been lost, and I went to check the bathroom incase the interior had been reset again. When I opened the door the 7 skeletons I put there were gone, only one in the middle of the room remained. I walked up close and interacted with the body, it gave me the initial jump of a static object when picked up. Not sure if this was a series of coincidental glitches or not, but I'm still keeping this as my home base location, and hope more spooky s#*! happens in the future.
  9. Littlepip2299
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    Minor gameplay spoilers below for what kinds of things will happen to you if you go insane. If ever you need a good reason to avoid killing, or hoard alcohol and Thorazine like, well, a madman, this is as good a reason as any.

    So I'd just found the key to Vegas and I was on my way there, finally intent on learning just what exactly happened there after reading all the notes I found that spoke about the old oasis in the desert. I had just recently turned insane, but I didn't think too much of it because I'd been drinking and popping Thor. I had made it into Freeside proper, just outside the Vegas gate(I was wearing a stealth suit from another mod, and thus I was invisible and sneaking past the Ghouls) when I heard this...noise. I stopped, right where the Securitrons greeted the Courier some 20 years earlier, as I went from "Hidden" to "Caution". I listened for a moment, perplexed and frankly disturbed by this noise. I couldn't see what was making it; all I saw were Ghouls. I took a step forward, still sneaking, and instantly went into Danger mode. I said to myself "fucked! I'm fucked!" and stood to just run for the gate. As I stood up I turned slightly, as the noise got louder, closer, and watched as, quite LITERALLY, out of THIN AIR, a grey...Deathclaw came leaping at me. All I saw was an arm and fist of claws coming at my face, and the world turned black. When I came to, I was in a cellar, blood and body parts everywhere. The corpses of two little girls named "Hope" and "Peace" lying at my feet.

    I...really didn't even know what had happened.

    Leaving the cellar I went back to Vegas, and I had once again made it into Freeside proper, heading for the gate. Crouch-walking down the street once more I stopped as I heard another noise, coming from one of the side streets. Like, the plodding of bare feet. I turned, and out of the Cloud came a Centaur as big as a fucking MOUNTAIN. It TOWERED over the buildings in the area. I shot it once and...I saw a flash of white, heard an explosion, and when the world came back to my vision it was gone.

    I did the same to the shadowclaw, with the same result.

    Look, people, I don't know what more to tell you. DO NOT kill people, DO NOT steal. STAY SANE. Believe me, there's worse things out there than just the shadowclaws and giant Centaur I mentioned. Spirits, Shifting Shadows(I've never been more scared in all my years of playing New Vegas when I saw these things...), little girls that aren't really there, it's BAD NEWS.
  10. TaliaKuznetsova
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    Day 512 in this hellhole of a wasteland.

    Today i saw a FUCKING CAZACLAW. I MEAN SERIOUSLY what the f*#@ happened to make one of those did some death-claw see a cazadore and think yeahhhh im sticking my dick in that. Do deathclaws even have dicks? Why am i thinking about this namely HOW AM I GONNA KILL THE THING. I saw some brotherhood of steal guy fire a mini nuke at ones chest and he was turned into scrap metal after. I should just get back in the truck and go. ( should i make a daily story thing on here? or is that spam)
    1. naugrim04
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      Go for it! That's what this forum's here for.
    2. Meisterdieb
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      Where the frack is this Cazaclaw?