About this mod
This mod will change Willow companion created by Ilama into Mojave Delighted version
You can choose between 3 different Willow versions all with their own make up, hair and eye color, other assets required
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
You Don't Need Any Assets From Mojave Delight & Mojave Delight Add-On. All In 1 Download.
Still Need Willow By ILama & CazyHair Asset
- This mod will change Willow companion created by Ilama into Mojave Delighted version. You can choose between 3 different Willow versions all with their own make up, hair and eye color, there is also a separated dds file with natural freckled face only if you prefer more natural Willow.
- I choose for her an complete different hairstyle , Cazy's hair, then MD uses itself to give her more an unique appearance.
Versions contains:
- Blond hair, Blue Eyes, blue make up and orange lipstick
- Red hair, Green Eyes, green make up and brown lipstick
- Black hair, Brown Eyes, brown make up and red lipstick
- All 3 got freckled faces
Need to choose only one version to your taste to let it work.
Important to know:
- This is a stand alone version & won't need any assets from Mojave Delight Or Mojave Delight Add-On. Only needs the assets as written on description page.
- Willow companion by Ilama into Mojave Delighted
- Cazy Hair Resource
Install :
- First you need to install Willow companion created by Ilama
- Install Cazy hair Resource Cazy Hair Resource
- For Cazy's Hair, it's no needed to have all the hair pieces in the folder if you are not using Cazy's hair mod. This mod contains the texture folder by itself but it still need the hair meshes: c24.nif , c24.egm and place them into your meshes folders right path>> Fallout New Vegas\Data\meshes\characters\cazyhair
(NOTE: For those that using cazy's hair mod , this will overwrite the texture files of the cazy c24.dds, c24_n.dds and c24_hl.dds)
- MD Willow will always be placed under NVWillow Companion mod as it is set as an esm file and my mod as a esp.
This is not compatible with any other mod that changes Willows appearance
THIS UPLOAD IS NOT RESOURCE MATERIAL. No one may assign, directly or indirectly, all or part of our creative rights or obligations to other modders without our written consent.
Under no circumstances is our absence from The Nexus, either by accident or design, to be interpreted as permission to use the contents of this upload as resource material.
This shall continue indefinitely, commencing on the effective upload date.
Face Textures, Nail Art : Xazomn
Body Textures : Dimon99, Kendo 2
Eye and Nail Textures; Faces : Kendo 2
Modified Eyebrow : Eronel55
Hi-res Normal Map : kiwi82mx
For the Eyelashes:
Author: throttlekitty
I fully support having this mod integrated into larger beauty packs, and grant permission in advance.
Models and FaceGen work by throttlekitty, based on jclyde6108's original model.
Thanks to Riven1978 for the modefyed eyelash version
For the mesh eyes
Model: Bethesda
Free to use in any mods for Fallout 3, as long
as credit is for creation is given.