About this mod

Very big mod which took me 2 years to create and is still being updated. It makes game more challenging and forces the player to use his brain. It changes ALL items, perks, creatures, NPCs, companions, gameplay mechanics and so on, while it adds much, much more of the new stuff to the game. It changes literally everything!

Permissions and credits

After War Nevada by Jodwig

August 20th, 2024 - Hey lads, long time no see! As most of you probably know by now, this mod is discontinued. Back when I was working on it, I was just a teenager/university student. Now I'm married, have kids, and work full-time as an indie game dev, so I no longer have time to maintain it.
BUT I've given GreyLily03 my blessing to continue the mod and take it in any direction they want, so I STRONGLY encourage you to check out their work! This mod opened the door for me into game development, and it makes me incredibly happy to see that people still enjoy it after all these years, despite the many other great mods out there. Thanks so much for everything, everyone. You were (and still are) the best!

This mod requires at least NVSE v5 and JIP LN NVSE v29 or newer to work.

Install textures and meshes of Weapons of the New Millenia, do NOT enable its plugin. Then overwrite these with AWN files.

Starting a New Game is also required.

Upcoming Project

If anyone is interested about my upcoming game made in Unity, then you should follow its Facebook fanpage
(just remember to change fanpage settings to "See First", since Facebook cut range of my fanpage to like 5%-10%):

And check website once it's up (currently down):

Both fanpage and website are currently empty, but I will fill them with game info and progress over time.

It's gonna be "Online Fantasy 3D Action H&S Zombie Dungeon Crawler with RPG elements" that allows up to 4 people to play together, and same as in AWN, you will have tons of character builds and playstyles.


After War Nevada is a Complete Overhaul Mod on which I worked alone for 2
years before
releasing it and now I’m still expanding it for over 2 years, so it is summary
of my 4+ years of slacky, but still kinda hard work. So, It's ridiculously
enormous mod, which aim was to take elements from the best post-apo RPG 
games (classic Fallouts) and from the best post-apo FPS games (Stalker series),
changing and rebalancing EVERY single aspect of the game, so things like: 
weapons, ammo, armors, food, alcohol, chems, misc items, 
companions, NPCs, creatures, loot, crafting, spawns, vendors,
resistances, implants, poisons, economy, stealth, game mechanics, etc. etc.
WHILE adding a lot of new stuff at the same time: 30 alternate starts (classes)
with unique starting places, perks and gear; perks for increasing skills and
choosing tags, over 250 overhauled weapons, and over 250 (350 with ranks) perks
and 30 traits in total (vanilla F:NV had around 130 weapons, 90 perks and 10
traits, so you see the picture). It adds much, much more of the other
features, too many to write all of them down here. Player now has endless
number of character builds and gameplay
styles. Also, the game is harsher, more challenging and forces player to use
his brain, and difficulty levels also got tweaked, so there are major
differences between Hard and Very Hard. Just give this mod a try and you will
never be able to play again
without it. Trust me, Fallout: New Vegas will never be the same!

For comparison how giant this mod is (info from June 2015):
Base AWN plugin has over 13300 edited records and weighs 6,5 MB, 
while Project Nevada with its 4 plugins loaded has over 2200 and 1,6 MB,
and FOOK with 2 plugins overwriting each other has 11700 and 6,4 MB.
So it's probably the biggest mod ever created for FNV by a single person!
But fear not, quantity came out on its own after 4 years of work.
I can assure you that quality stayed at its finest, since I'm a perfectionist :)

Quick mod review by Caedo Genesis

Character Creation in v2.6.4

First 10 mins of gameplay on the very first version released (v1.0.0)

I put my heart and my soul into this mod, so if you enjoyed it, then please 
spread the word, so even more people can try it out :)
Also, all feedback, bug reports and criticism are more than welcome!

Player’s customization is one of the most important things to me, so I wanted
to give player as much freedom and as many ways to build his character as possible,
so he can play however he can imagine. And I know that this mod is incompatible 
with like 90% of other mods on the Nexus, but it’s so big and takes care almost
of everything that you don’t really need 100 mods in your load order to still have fun.

There are twice as many weapons now (over 250 weapons) and all of them got
rebalanced from scratch. They are deadlier and their stats are more or less
based on their real world counterparts. Every weapon is different and their
stats vary. Some are stronger, but slower, other more accurate, but weaker,
some get bonus to critical chance or limb damage and so on. All weapons use tier
system now, but about that I'll write below. Weapon’s stats can be checked
in Pip-Boy by pressing the Q key. Weapon can jam, what can make a
difference between life and death sometimes, so keeping your weapon in a good
condition is crucial. Weapons also have been divided into many types, like
Assault Rifles or Carbines for example. Assault Rifles have better accuracy and
are heavier, while Carbines don’t get penalties in interiors etc. Also, all
Assault Rifles and Carbines are fully automatic now, and automatic weapons deal
low damage compared to other weapons, but thanks to their high rate of fire
they excel at DPS (damage per second). Sniper rifles, on the other hand, have
really good damage and accuracy, while their slow rate of fire and small
magazine size make them bad choice for close quarters combat, but excellent
for sneak kills and long distance combat.

There are more than 150 ammo types (including DLCs and with many types removed,
like for example .22 LR), from classic HP and AP to depleted uranium. Every
ammo type has unique stats (including standard ammo), ammo caliber affects limb
damage, and there’s ammo for every occasion. Hollow point massacre unarmored
targets, armor piercing is a must against armored targets, full metal jacket
works best against lightly armored targets, surplus is a cheap, low quality
ammo, and so on. Enemies use different ammo types, too.

Tiers & Mods
Weapons and armors use Tier system now, which consists of 5 Tiers (T1-T5) and 5
Unique Tiers (U1-U5). Tier system affects weapon mods that can be installed
and effectiveness of weapon and armor Repair Kits. All weapons (including uniques)
can have up to 3 weapon mods installed. Weapon mods are bound to weapons’ Tiers,
so T1 damage mod can be installed on the T1 or U1 weapon only, and so on.
Of course, you can’t install whatever mod you want in every weapon. For example,
N99 10mm Pistol (T1) can only have silencer, accuracy and ammo T1 weapon mods installed.

Accuracy & Recoil
Auto aim has been totally turned off, so your chance to hit a target depends on
your perception, perks, weapon skill and especially weapon’s spread. Every weapon
also has recoil which is affected by weapon’s stats and type, and by player’s stats, perks
and skills. Stuff like moving, crouching or aiming also affects weapon’s accuracy and recoil.

Armors & Resistances
There are more than 80 armors and 50 helmets, all rebalanced and using the new
resistance system inspired by classic Fallouts (Normal, Laser, Plasma, Fire,
Electrical, Radiation) in addition to DR and DT. You will encounter enemies
with different resistances, so using only one damage type may make the game
hard at times, but same goes for the player, since he will encounter enemies
with different weapons and will find armors better against certain damage types,
further making room for tactics, planning and adding variety and uniqueness to
the game. Creatures also use that resistance system, for example Feral Ghouls
are very resistant against Normal and Electrical attacks, but are weak against
Laser and Plasma attacks, and especially against Fire. Heavier armors give
penalties to agility and their big weight makes it almost impossible to sneak.
Armors give low damage threshold and are more oriented about percent values, making
even light armors useful, and preventing player from the god mode in heavier armors.

Combat is much deadlier and faster when compared to Vanilla. Recoil and dodge
chance are added, and moving, running, sprinting, crouching and aiming all have
big impact on player’s accuracy, recoil, dodge chance and chance to be hit by
enemies. Crouching, aiming and not moving will greatly increase player’s
accuracy, but will reduce player’s dodge chance and increase enemies’ chance to
hit and to even score a headshot. Player has to think, use tactics, plan before
engaging enemies, use grenades, mines and various ammo types, conserve ammo and
consumables. Player also got Sprint and Bullet Time to help him in combat in
addition to V.A.T.S. which got carefully balanced as well and allows good
sniper to score headshots from really long distances, but none of them are
abuseable, they more like “super powers” which cost AP. All weapons and armors
have their advantages and disadvantages in various situations. Most
explosives have a knockback chance, depending on their base damage, and
dynamites and molotovs can be caught and disarmed before they explode. Body
part damage of all creatures, NPCs and even player got adjusted, so now it
actually matters what part of the body is hit and every character has weak
points. Headshots can deal even up to 300% damage, while in some cases hitting
creatures’ limbs can deal only 25% damage. Max possible vision and distance for
NPCs and creatures to react have been doubled, so they no longer stay idle if
player shoots at them from longer distances, and open gun fights can attract
other enemies, making silencers useful not only for sneak kills. Combat just
has much more to it.

Alternate Start
On the beginning player is asked if he wants to use the alternate start
feature, and if he presses yes, he gets teleported to a small room where he
creates his character and gets to decide whether he wants to play with Hardcore
Mode and Wild Wasteland enabled, and then he chooses his class. Player can
choose from 30 classes, each with unique starting location and perks, bonuses
and penalties, or even with its own friends and enemies. Player gets to choose
his starting gear (which also depends on the class he chose). Perfect for
roleplaying and for people who wanted to start as a member of a desired
faction, like BoS, NCR or even Fiends.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Stats
All stats got total revamp and they all are important and matter now. They
affect many aspects of the player and are required for better perks which have
high requirements:
  • Strength – Affects melee weapons skill, carry weight, starting health, damage of unarmed and melee weapons (especially with
two-handed weapons), recoil (especially with heavy weapons), V.A.T.S. accuracy
with throwing weapons, throwing velocity, required for using weapons.
Perception – Affects energy weapons, explosives and lockpick skills, compass markings number and range, max possible accuracy,
recoil (especially with sniper rifles), V.A.T.S. accuracy and engage distance.
Endurance – Affects survival and unarmed skills, poison and radiation resistance, starting and per level health, healing rate, rad
absorption, limit of chems, alcohol and implants, addiction chance, sprint duration.
Charisma – Affects barter and speech skills, companion limit,companions’ damage and armor, prices, caps for starting gear.
Intelligence – Affects medicine, repair and science skills,skill points per level, tagged skills, damage, hacking efficiency.
Agility – Affects guns and sneak skills, action points and AP regen, dodge chance, sneaking, melee and unarmed attack speed
(especially with one-handed weapons), speed of moving, sprinting, weapon swapping and reloading,
fall distance and jump height, lockpick efficiency. 
Luck – Affects all skills, dodge chance, critical chance (especially with unarmed and melee weapons), critical damage, sneak
damage (especially with U&M weapons), getting critically hit,
breaking a lock and lockpick, bonus loot, gambling.

Perks & Traits
Player can choose up to 2 traits on the beginning and gains perk every 2
levels. Amount of perks and traits to choose from have been tripled and
quadrupled. Yep, that’s right, player can choose from over 270 perks and 40
traits, compared to 90 and 10 in Vanilla, while many perks also consist of few
ranks. Of course, all DLCs are supported and they bring even more perks and
traits. Also, same as in weapons’ case, everything got rebalanced from scratch,
so no overpowered or totally useless perks and traits. With so many perks and
traits to choose from, player can customize whatever way he wants and they
won’t make him immortal. Better perks require higher level, stats and skills.
There are even high level mastery perks which require 10 points in a SPECIAL
stat and provide big bonuses.

Skills & Tags
Skills more or less stayed the same, and just as stats, they are required by
many perks. Player doesn’t gets many skills points per level, so he can’t max
out all of his skills and has to specialize in few. Tagged skills got some
importance too, since they double skill increase for each point spent on them.
Combat skills like guns, energy weapons and explosives increases effectiveness of the
corresponding weapons. Same for unarmed and melee weapons skills, but they also
boost defenses. Barter affects selling, buying and repair prices. Repair
increases effectiveness of repairing your gear, but also affects rate at which
it decays and is required mostly for crafting ammo for guns. Science is
required for hacking terminals and crafting energy cells. Sneak typically
affects sneak efficiency and pickpocket chance. Speech is pretty much the same.
Survival affects food, poison and tribal healing efficiency and allows player
to craft them in addition to armors, it is responsible for obtaining resources
from plants and creatures, also it increases player’s resistance to poison and
radiation, and healing rate and rad absorption on top of that. But that’s not
all. Player also gets 1 perk for tagging and 4 perks for increasing each skill
(at 25 skill point intervals), so 65 bonus perks in total.

Sprint, Bullet Time & V.A.T.S.
Well known by everyone Sprint and Bullet Time are here! They both use 
action points in addition to V.A.T.S. or as an alternative for people not using
V.A.T.S. at all. Sprint can help you to run from ferocious creatures, or help
melee character to get near their victims or try knocking them down, while Bullet
Time slows down the time, allowing you to aim more precisely and giving more time to
react, but also increasing your accuracy and dodge chance. V.A.T.S. is also
more useful, but not as broken as it was in Vanilla. All these features got
balanced to not be the game breakers, but more like helpful tools. Though
player can still make them better with stats or perks, and specialize to rely on them.

Sneaking & Detection
Sneaking got a total rework. Player not specializing in it will have a hard
time using it smoothly, because NPCs’ detection got boosted and it depends on
their perception stat, so player needs to avoid their sight. Lighting also has
a big impact on sneaking, so sneaking during the day or while being next to the
lamplights is almost impossible. Same goes for sounds; player moving or running
makes a lot of noise, especially in everything heavier than a light armor. NPCs
will look for player longer and will cover bigger distances, and they gain
boost to detection while alerted and will try calling their friends for help.
Silenced weapons don’t remove sounds totally, so using them in close
distance will also alert enemies, not to mention muzzle flash. Dying
enemies also make noise (screaming, body hitting the ground). Shoot a not
silenced weapon in a building and everyone will be coming for you. Weapons with
bigger calibers make much more noise than these with smaller ones, while
unarmed, melee and throwing weapons make even less noise than silenced guns.
Also, silenced weapons deal less damage and their projectiles have lower
velocity, unarmed and melee weapons got bonus sneak damage, while throwing
melee weapons also deal bonus damage against humans.
Dodge Chance
Players, companions and even enemies have dodge chance, modified by agility,
heavier armors, perks, moving, sprinting or even by unarmed and melee skills.
Dodge chance is capped at 90% and ignores damage on a successful roll. It is designed for
lightly armored and mobile characters. Lightly armored enemies depend on dodge
chance, so sometime don't be surprised, if they miraculously don't take any damage.

Lockpicking & Hacking
They got reworked into something like in the classical RPGs. If lock or
terminal is locked and player wants to pick lock or hack it, he makes a roll
based on his skills, stats and perks, and he can unlock, fail or even brake the
lock/terminal, with the chance of also breaking a lockpick even if successful.
There are 2 types of lockpicks, both for lockpicking and hacking, so 4 in total.
There’s an optional plugin which restores Vanilla lockpicking and hacking
minigames, for people who really hate this feature.

There are 2 new companions - Sunny Smiles and Jacobstown Marcus. Also, all
companions got some love. You can recruit up to 4 companions with 10 Charisma
points, and up to 6 with perks. Every companion uses ammo, has their favorite
weapon type, tags, starting perks/traits, abilities and unique SPECIAL stats,
which matter and make a difference now. They also can use various chems
during combat and they are damaged by radiation. Everything can be checked
in the Pip-Boy’s Perks tab.

Difficulty Settings
As in Vanilla, there are 5 difficulty settings - from Very Easy to Very Hard,
but they are no longer as plain as they were in the Vanilla. They affect
player’s radiation and damage taken (not damage dealt), his accuracy in
V.A.T.S., recoil, primary needs, gear decay rate, AP regen and NPCs’ detection
and accuracy. So playing on Hard actually feels like the game is harder in overall,
and not artificially harder that you have to spend 2x more bullets to kill an enemy.
Take a note that AWN on Normal is already much harder than in Vanilla, so if
you have to change difficulty settings to Easy or even Very Easy, don’t be
ashamed of yourself, there are 5 difficulty levels for a reason.

Crippled & Damaged Limbs
Crippling limbs have much more drastic effects now. Player with crippled head
or hand will have hard time aiming and fighting, while crippled legs will
prevent him from sprinting and will greatly reduce his movement speed. Also,
player gets penalties for having damaged limbs (50% condition or less), and if
player’s Health is less than 25% or 10% (his heart starts beating). Healing rate
slowly heals limbs over time, but can’t heal crippled limbs.

Healing Rate & Rad Absorption
In classic Fallouts player was healed overtime based on his endurance, and so
I added it back, together with rad absorption. Healing rate restores health and
heals damaged limbs, but will weaken if player is badly injured and it won’t heal
crippled limbs. Rad absorption removes rads over time, but gets weaker the more
irradiated player is. Both of them can be increased by endurance, perks or implants,
and even by Primary Needs (hunger, thirst, sleep) on Hardcore Mode. Sleeping
no longer heals the player, but healing rate and rad absorption work during sleeping.

In Vanilla, there was hardly any radiation and no need for Rad-X nor Rad
Away, so instead of adding radiation to random places and altering all current zones
(it would take me years to do that), I increased radiation on food and added
radioactive auras and attacks to many creatures. Player doesn’t get any
symptoms from radiation sickness until he reaches 200 Rads, then his stats are reduced,
takes damage over time and starts glowing. His symptoms become more severe
for every additional 66-67 Rads. All NPCs’ can't be irradiated, but they are
damaged by the radiation instead.

Poison resistance is much more important now, because creatures' poisons are
much deadlier. Without high poison resistance or antidote, player is as good as
dead against poisonous creatures like radscorpions or cazadores. Same goes for
player’s craftable poisons, they are much deadlier and few new types were added
as well.

There are more than 30 implants (even more with the DLCs) with the new implant
system. They are like normal consumable items in the inventory which can be
used to add a perk. You can either buy or loot them, and different factions
have different implants for sell, so you might not have access to all of them.
They can increase your stats, resistances, speed, AP regen, healing rate
or even give you the night vision. One implant can be installed
for each endurance point and you can't install the same implant twice.

Food, Chems & Addictions
More than 230 balanced items, from food and drinks to drugs and scavenged from
plants and creatures resources. Food no longer heals on Hardcore Mode and
stimpaks no longer heal limbs on non-Hardcore Mode, and almost every healing
item heals over time. Player can get drunk and alcohol removes radiation. Both
alcohol and chems have overdose limit, depending on player’s endurance stat
which determines how many of them he can use before overdosing and losing
consciousness. Addiction chance has been added to many chems, including
stimpaks and healing powders. Using a chem when player got addicted will
prevent withdrawal effects for a long period of time. New chems have been
added, like Adrenaline or Voodoo. Most chems use phase system (like in classic
Fallouts) which makes their effects weaker over the duration, so Psycho or Jet
won’t be as effective after 1 minute as they were the moment player used them.

Primary Needs
They refer to eating, drinking and sleeping, and they still require Hardcore
Mode to be enabled. Player gets hungry, thirsty and sleepy much faster and there are
many factors affecting it, making this system much more complex than it used to be.
For every 66-67 points of Hunger/Thirst/Sleep Deprivation player gets worse
effects. Below 200 points effects are positive instead, while above 200 they
become more and more severe. Player has to always carry with him something to eat
and drink, while player’s carry weight has been drastically reduced, and most of the
food and drinks are irradiated. Armors, outdoors, sunny days, combat, sleeping,
difficulty settings and perks affect how fast you get hungry, thirsty or sleepy.
Also, Food Sanitizer is back!

Hardcore Mode
On HC mode ammo has weight, companions can die and you have to eat, drink and
sleep. I recommend playing on HC mode. I rebalanced the game for both game
modes, with HC on and off, but I still had HC mode mainly in mind when doing
everything, and HC turned off will make game easier and less survival-oriented.
Well, it’s your choice.

Loot and stats of all NPCs from all factions have been rebalanced. They are
more deadly, accurate and tougher (but they aren’t bullet sponges). They use newly
added weapons and armors as well, so you will see a lot of item variety on
them. They use special ammo types now, meaning that you can meet raider with a
gun loaded with armor piercing rounds, so your armor can go to hell with that
(well, to some point at least) and no more Rambo mode in the power armor. Their
accuracy and vision lowers drastically the later it gets, so player is no
longer at the disadvantage during the night, but it's still a double-edged sword,
since player gets its own penalties to the vision and accuracy. Their AI got
boosted a bit and they are more likely to use ranged weapons at distance
and switch to melee at close range. Unlike in Vanilla, NPCs get combat skills
until level 40, so end-game enemies will be more accurate and deadly than
early- or mid-game enemies (in Vanilla all NPCs had already maxed out combat
skills by level 10).

Not many new creatures were added, but as mentioned earlier, creatures are
resistant to various types of damage, and they are also faster, tougher,
stronger and every creature gives different amounts of XP, so player is
rewarded for killing stronger creatures, just as it should be in every RPG.
Player can get irradiated just by being near some of them or even catch a
disease if unlucky, or if he lacks a gas mask. Most creatures aren’t super
aggressive and don’t attack on sight, but will attack if player gets too close
to them. Their body parts can be valuable resources, if player is enough skilled
in survival to acquire them.

Spawns aka Levelution System
Level scaling has been removed (only companions scale together withplayer’s level)
and spawns use something what I call Levelution system which increases chance of
encountering stronger enemies, instead of increasing their level and giving
better gear to the same NPCs. So how does it work? Let’s say that level 1
player encounters a raider spawn, he has 60% chance to encounter weak raider,
30% chance for medium raider and 10% for hard raider (of course hard raiders
have better gear and are stronger, but if that type of raiders was meant to be
weak, then they won’t miraculously have high tier weapons), but if player on
level 10 encounters the same raider spawn, he will have 30% chance for weak,
40% for medium and 30% for hard raider spawn. There will always be the chance
for encountering weaker enemies as well, while stronger enemies won’t be walking
tanks. That way weak bandit groups will stay weak, while players on higher
levels will still get a bit more of a challenge and have more fun with lower
level spawns. Also, low level players will still have a chance to encounter
stronger version of enemies, but they can forget about killing super mutants
or deathclaws on early levels.

World Repopulation
Many locations got repopulated and fortified (that also includes DLCs), so more
citizens, guards, patrols and even dogs, turrets or mines in various locations. Wiping
out Jacobstown or NCR Correctional Facility won’t be a walk in the park
anymore, and even the gun fight in the Goodsprings got its rework. 

Vendors & Economy
Traders have cutthroat prices, selling items doesn’t give much caps and buying
is expensive, but traders are stocked with goods, meaning that usually you can
get what you need at proper merchants, as long as you have money, of course.
Also, the better stuff the merchant has, the more he charges for everything,
while poor merchants and small shops will offer better prices, but they will
have less money and worse stuff to sell. And same as enemies, level scaling
from vendors’ items has been removed, so player can buy top gear regardless of
his level, but he has to afford the money for it and to keep it maintained and
supplied with ammo. More NPCs can repair your stuff and they have various repair skills,
meaning that some can repair your gear only to 20% while others can do it even up to 100%.
Player’s reputation with the faction also affects prices. Amount of caps player can win
by gambling also got greatly reduced. With values and weight on all items
adjusted, much harsher prices compared to Vanilla and nerfed gambling, getting
rich is very hard and money are usually just enough to cover the expenses
without having much left for yourself. In other words, economy is more
survival-oriented. In v2.6.5 I'm planning on adding 3 shady merchants (aligned
with different factions) with unique and special loot.

Experience & Leveling
Required XP to level up is the same as in the Vanilla. I left it free for players to use
whatever leveling pace they want (use my XP mod, if you want to level up either slower or faster
http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/36411/), but leveling is faster thanks to the XP
changes on creatures. Player starts on level 2, since early game is especially hard and annoying.
Each creature gives different amount of XP on death, and the stronger they are, the more XP
is rewarded, especially for bosses. So no longer same XP amounts for all enemies, and killing
deathclaws is actually rewarding. Also, level cap has been removed, so player can even
achieve level 80, if he really wants to. Though player gets more XP for killing in overall now,
achieving level 60-70 still should be a max for most of the players, including the DLCs.

Karma & Reputation
As in Vanilla, player has 5 karma types. From Very Evil to Very Good, but getting either
Very Good or Very Evil karma is much harder now. NPCs use only 2 karma types.
They can be either Neutral or Evil. Killing Neutral NPCs give player negative karma
and most of them aren’t hostile towards the player. Killing Evil NPCs doesn’t give
any karma, since they are usually hostile and player acts in self-defense, so that
doesn’t make him a good person. Faction reputations stayed mostly the same,
though some values and rewards were altered a bit, and now it actually affects prices
of the faction merchants. Piss of a faction and they will either give you worse
prices or won’t trade with you at all, but if they like you they will give you
a discount on their goods instead. Also, there's no option to reset your karma, so if
you make an NCR your enemy, it will stay your enemy until the end, no second chances.

They charge you more for their services and now they can either restore your health, 
fix limbs, remove radiation, cure addictions and diseases, or even heal your companions.
They are still cheaper and better choice than healing yourself with stimpaks and bandages.

It didn’t get expanded much, but every single recipe got rebalanced.
Few ammo and breakdown recipes were added, with survival skill player can craft few
armors, and some food, chem and poison recipes were added as well. Not much new
stuff here, but vanilla recipes received a proper care, making crafting still useful.

Misc Helmet Effects
There are 4 special effects which can be found on helmets and they are - Night
Vision, Gas Mask, Flash Protection and Water Breathing. Night vision can be
turned on by pressing the N key. It consumes energy (ECP, SEC, MFC or fission
batteries), but gives player better vision at nights and removes penalties to
perception at nights and in interiors. Gas Mask protects from gas grenades and
gives bonus radiation resistance.
Flash Protection increases your PE during daylight and protects you from stun
and flashbang grenades. Water Breathing increases your poison resistance
and simply allows you to breath underwater.

Misc Items
All misc items (like empty bottles, syringes, scissors etc.) had their
value and weight altered, so player now can loot them in order to earn
some caps. But some of they are also more important in crafting.

Carry Weight
Weight has been changed from pounds (lb) to kilograms (kg), together with ALL
items in the game. Every single item (including caps) has weight now, except
for the quest items. Also, overall carry weight has been drastically reduced,
so player can’t hoard items endlessly and has to think what to take with him.
I'm evil, I know.

Playable Races
You can now play as a ghoul (which comes with its bonuses and penalties),
raider, default, adult, or an old one.

Backpacks & Bedrolls
They have been added as well. Backpacks increases player’s carry weight, but
reduces agility, movement speed and makes sneaking harder. They can be bought
from various merchants and they can be found usually on traveling merchants,
but not only on them. Player can also acquire a portable bedroll which allows
him to sleep wherever he wants.

Secret Stashes
This feature, like many others, is inspired by the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series. Player can either
find or buy holotapes with info about the secret stashes. They are unlocked randomly
and not accessible until player uses the holotape, so player doesn’t know which stash
will appear and he can’t loot it beforehand. Their locations are described with hints
in holotapes and player doesn’t get a map marker which tells him exactly where to go,
while sometimes special gear and efforts are required to get to them. There are 31 of
them to discover in total - 16 small, 10 medium and 5 large. The bigger the stash,
the higher the difficulty of getting to it and better the loot, theoretically.

Weapon Mastery
Player gets better in the weapons he is using. There are 2 types of masteries,
One- or Two-Handed weapon mastery and weapon type mastery. Player gains
perks for 50, 150, 300, 500 and 750 kills (5 perks with 750 kills in total) with
various weapon types, like Pistols, Revolvers, Assault Rifles etc. And perks
for 100, 300, 600, 1000 and 1500 kills (5 perks with 1500 kills in total) with
either One-Handed or Two-Handed weapons, so player using Sniper Rifle will get
mastery in both Sniper Rifles and Two-Handed weapons.
AfterWar Nevada Guide
Player can access AWN Guide in his Pip-Boy’s Misc tab. There’s a lot of info
about various stuff, like mechanics, features, weapon types, companions etc.
I know it's still kinda outdated and lacking a lot of important stuff,
but I'm still expanding it.

Inventory Sorter
Aid tab in the Pip-Boy uses inventory sorter now. It sorts all kinds of
alcohol, books, chems, food, implants, meds, and so on.

Misc Features
There are also many, many misc features which increase immersion, like eating human
food leads to shaking hands (Cannibal perk prevents it). Penalties to perception while
wearing sunglasses at night or in interiors (NPCs don’t get these penalties, so
fear not about your companions) or perception bonus from reading glasses based
on your base perception stat. Ammo and powder boxes being consumable items
instead which can be used whenever player wants. Killing too many people from
NCR or Legion makes player permanent enemy regardless of the player’s story and
main quest. Being able to catch and disarm dynamites and molotovs before they
explode. Reduced Knock Out chance against Super Mutants, Abominations, Robots
or Power Armors. Night Stalkers count as Mutated Animals. Most unique weapons
have to be found instead of bought, while some stuff can be bought from only one
trader, so destroying Silver Rush for example will prevent player from obtaining
some stuff. Some bonus dialogue choices from perks or alternate starts, like
choosing Gun Runner class and talking with Alexander from Gun Runners etc.
There’s much more of small details like that and bug fixes which I didn’t even mention.

Loading Screen Tips
Tips which appear during loading screens got updated to give players actual info about
AWN's changes and mechanics, instead of the outdated Vanilla ones which everyone
already read 1000 times and which is no longer true in the game. This way player can
always learn something new and useful about the AWN.

There are 3 “main” plugins, but only one is actually required to play. 
After War Nevada is the main plugin and is required at all times. 
Mini DLCs plugin is required if you are using Courier’s Stash and Gun Runners’
Arsenal DLCs and won’t work without them. 
DLCs plugin is required if you are using the main DLCs (Dead Money, Honest
Hearts, Lonesome Road and Old World Blues) and it won’t work without them.

Optional Plugins
There are 4 optional plugins, Realistic Combat, Deadlier Combat,
Forgiving Combat and Vanilla Minigames.
Realistic Combat increases damage dealt and taken by the player by 100%,
so everything dies really fast, but mostly the player.
Deadlier Combat increases them by 50% instead, so combat still remains
deadly and fast, but not to that extent.
Casual Combat is quite the opposite, it reduces damage by 30%, so fights are much
longer and combat feels more like in the RPG, rather than in the realistic FPS. 
Do NOT use any Combat plugins together. 
Vanilla Minigames restore old lockpicking and hacking minigames,
since AWN introduces new mechanics for them.



Since many people whine and ask why I work alone and why I did one big plugin instead of
going with many smaller ones like most authors would do, so people can choose
what they want and what would be compatible with the mods they use, let me
explain you pros and cons of my choice:

Pros of 1 big mod created by 1 person over 100 smaller mods with different

-Easy and fast installation. You don’t need wide knowledge about modding, load
orders, merged patches and other stuff to make it work. Just download it,
install and play.
-Stable gameplay. No crashes or bugs due to mods not being fully compatible
with each other or because author of one of the mods stopped supporting his
work and other mods.
-It is balanced. One person takes care of everything in one mod and he exactly
knows how everything works and how it should work there, and if something
happens to be unbalanced, it is easy to fix. While people using
-Author is free to do whatever he wants and he doesn’t have to argue with
anyone in the team about features or unfinished stuff.
-Author is able to make some cool features which can affect whole mod, like
classic resistances which normally wouldn’t be possible to add as a smaller mod
or mod compatible with other mods, because it edits weapons, armors, ammo,
creatures, perks, game mechanics and have to balance everything on top of that
to work correctly).
-Author doesn’t waste so much time on switching between many plugins and
updating them all with every patch.

-It’s incompatible with almost everything.
-Not much customization left and not everything might be to to player’s
likings, because author forces player to have it his way and he has to take it
as a whole product.
-Author is limited to his skills. If he sucks at graphics (like me for
example), he has to depend on other people’s works (like Millenia’s weapons) or
resign from new models and textures.
-Working alone takes much more time to finish everything.

Known Issues and Bugs

Some weapons and armors use standard vanilla models and textures, because graphic artist who agreed to help me resigned when everything was more or less done, so I decided to leave these items with vanilla models and textures. If anyone willed to help me with that, I would be more than grateful, since I lack any graphic skills to do it myself.

Using "Continue" instead of Load Game can make your game loading endlessly. It is a known issue with big mods and heavily modded games.

Grenades in V.A.T.S. show chance to hit, but they always have 100%. It's a Fallout New Vegas bug on which I spent hours trying to fix it, but it seems like it is impossible.


Sorry, but this mod is incompatible with most of the big mods out there, especially with mods
which alters items, perks, creatures etc. Texture, weather and UI mods (and sometimes quest mods too) are fine though, they will work.


You can contact me here, on Nexus, via PM or in comments.

Tools Used:

Mod Dependencies

Requires NVSE, JIP LN plugin and meshes and textures from Weapons of the New Millenia to play this mod.

Recommended Mods

These mods aren't really required, but recommended for better game experience and immersion:

Use IStewieAI's Tweaks to unequip weapon mods and show weapon mods you don't own (option is called "Unequip Weapon Mods")

Experience Level Adjust Mod by me - to slow leveling, because AWN changes and increases XP awarded for killing creatures, so
player levels up even faster than in vanilla. Recommended at least 20% slower plugin. DON'T use optional plugins, because they are already included in the AWN.

Enhanced Blood Textures for NV v2_22c by dDefinder - because everybody loves blood and gore, right?

Digital Nightmare - Music Mod by NeptuneUK - for people who love horror atmosphere and want to make their playthrough an even more hardcore experience. New music just fits perfectly with AWN's difficulty.

Nevada Skies - Weather Effects by Yossarian - my favorite weather mod, can't play without it. Yossarian really did a great job.

ELECTRO-CITY - Relighting the Wasteland by MyGoodEye - great addition to darker nights brought by Nevada Skies.

Special Thanks

First of all, I wanted to thank my friends, Frederik and Dennis, for supporting me and for
being great grammar nazis (even in this description, lol), they found many typos and told me what they thought of my ideas.

Second of all, I wanted to thank everyone who contributed to Fallout Wikia, it
was also a great help and made my work much easier.

And last, but not least important, everyone who spammed me in PMs or in the comment section with ideas, suggestions and bug reports. Without you improving this mod would be impossible.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why mod has been removed from the Nexus and it has been reuploaded as v2.0.0?

Mod had problems with assets mainly from Imperator3, who got banned in the end. So I had to replace 30 of his weapons and then another 10 from 20th Century Weapons. Because of that I wasted Hot Files, when my mod stayed on the front page for 2 weeks, but nobody could play it. Together with many new models and textures, new tweaks and bug fixes came, so I decided to give it v2.0.0 and bring old changelogs as well.

2. I have red exclamation marks, what is going on?

You either installed the mod wrong or didn't get meshes and textures from the Weapons of the New Millenia mod.

3. My game freezes and crashes, any fixes?

I assure you that this mod is as stable as vanilla when it comes to freezes and crashes, so if you are experiencing them, then it's most likely a compatibility issue with other mods that you are using or FNV simply hates you. Try getting NVAC or NVTF

4. Do I need a strong PC to use this mod?

No. Due to many changes and a lot of stuff added, you might lose few FPS at most, but if you could run FNV smoothly, you still should be able to do it.

5. Can I use it with DLCs?

Yes. This mod supports all of the DLCs.

6. Will Project Nevada and Fook be compatible with AWN? What about AWOP, EVE and others?

All of the mods mentioned above are currently incompatible with AWN. For FOOK I won't make any patch, same for Project Nevada, but in this case I'll more likely add something similar to their stuff from Core Module. FOR AWOP and EVE I'm planning a patch in the future. There will be patch for Companion mods like Willow, but you know, so many things to do, so little time to spare.

7. What makes AWN different from other overhaul mods? Why shouldn't I go with PN/FOOK instead? What's so special about this mod?

I really hate comparing my mods to other mods, because it sounds as if I was exalting myself or something. Also, I never played PN nor FOOK for Fallout New Vegas. But if I was to say about differences between PN and AWN, then PN tries to make fully customizable mod that is user-friendly and compatible with as many mods as possible, while I'm trying to make one big, balanced, hardcore and unsplittable system, which is so big that it alone can turn your gameplay upside down, giving you fresh and unique experience. So you can't turn off/cut anything from it, because everything will fall apart. Also, PN can afford some nice special effects, what I can't. FOOK is more similar to AWN, but we have different approaches on game balance. In other words, if you want to use hundreds of mods, decide which assets are for you and you prefer cool features over balance, then you should stick to PN/FOOK combo, but if you are looking for something fresh, challenging, perfectly balanced and you are a fan of the old classic games, then AWN is for you. Whether it's AWN, PN or FOOK, we all have our unique features which other mods don't, so it's not about being better, but about being different.

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