Fallout New Vegas


  1. c0kemusheen
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    Way too many boring AK variants. But other than that it's great mod
  2. AxtonDragunov
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    I have notice some of the gun models are not loading and it is being replaced by an error symbol. I am using Vortex to manually install via drag and drop Im not sure what is going on any help would be accepted
    1. BulldogBlaze
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      • 1 kudos
      Don't use Vortex. Use MO2.
    2. AhuraMazdaMan
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      Why would I use MO2? Way too complicated, even with the tutorials. Maybe I'd use it if they made it even slightly user friendly. Admittedly, I am a recent console user convert, so maybe I'm just dumb.
    3. jeezyounumbskull
      • supporter
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      how tragic. someone who refuses to use MO2. 
    4. NuklearR4bb1t
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      it really isn't all that complicated, my guy.
    5. TheLoneHale
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      MO2 is easier than Vortex, and at least it actually works.
    6. iMcLovin69
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      MO2 is a billion times easier to use than vortex. I use to think it was hard to use as well until i actually gave it a try
    7. Eliphastheinheritor4545
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      • 2 kudos
      When you drag and drop mods a thousand different things can go wrong. Never ever manually install mods. MO2 is very east to use and does all the work for you. Not a single reason to choose vortex over MO2
    8. SpecGaming
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      • 2 kudos
      other than, like OP, I genuinely believe that MO2 has a very un-friendly UI, yes it's a good Mod Manager, but it's not the best by any means, all of the Mod menus available have pros and cons. and some people prefer a MM with at least somewhat user friendly UI that explains things relatively well, whereas MO2 is just a wall of text in 3 separate windows that is more akin to a spreadsheet than a useful tool for managing mods.
      and there are a ton of people who use vortex, a ton of people who use MO2, and a smaller amount that use NMM. and everybody has their own reasons for using one over the others. so how about we stop acting like one is genuinely superior to another especially seeing as 90% of you probably haven't used Vortex since it's very early days. and even still the "mod manager war" is about as stupid as the console wars, phone wars, and any other war between 2-3 different brands.
    9. koyle111
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      Imagine not using Vortex as your main MM
    10. Broncoboy98
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      Imagine not bothering to watch GamerPoets videos about MO2 and not immediately joining the MO2 Cult.
      Every other MM damages your game in some form or fashion when removing mods and starting new games. Vortex or NMM bake in mods, which when removed rip chucks out of your game. While MO2 layers it on top without the risk of damaging your game when your take stuff out between new starts.
      I have used NMM, Vortex and manual modding (YES I KNOW! STUPID MOVE) all before MO2 and friend, MO2.. well...

    11. 507310
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      I used vortex for a while, if you use a few mods is wonderful, amazing and the best way no doubt to get into modding, but is just a threshold, there is more to it, many things are hard to do with vortex and you should not get more than 100+ mods, and you will have less choice because of the lack of control. If you just go for it and get 300 mods (is very normal to have more too), Vortex will ruin your day, you maybe can do it but it will take a lot of work, A LOT. People are telling the truth, you must start using MO2, is not a cult, is advice to get a better expirience. If you enjoy the modding thing, you will get deeper, xEdit is a must too, having control is everything, just watch big youtubers using crazy mods, you can get really outlandish if you know what you are doing and is the best feeling because the game feels custom made just for you thanks to many many people doing it for fun (a few profit but no one is rich because of it). So, my personal advice is that, stay safe with few mods on Vortex, if you get hooked do not waste time and move on to MO2, at the end of the day do you enjoy it or not?
    12. 1856gam1ingformod
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      Dude I am a console user convert but come on man it is so simple to use all you gotta do is learn how to use it within 10 mins
    13. DesuOwnz
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      It took me 1hr to learn MO2 perfectly. skill issue 
    14. Avergeman
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      • 1 kudos
      i think you overthink it when looking at the ui MO2 is very simple 
    15. Cheesepizza187
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      brother MO2 has a literal install mod option you just clic that select the zip or rar hit accept and thats it, well you also need to enable it with a clic in the box on the left side besides the name
    16. TfYouMeanNuhUh
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      nuh uh
    17. stooshorama
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      spoken like a true champion
      also dudes username is literally "TfYouMeanNuhUh"
    18. rednaxela712
      • supporter
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      I am approaching 500 for FNV mods using Vortex, everything has been fine so far. I have done my fair share of troubleshooting, but such is the modding experience. I acknowledge that MO2 may very well be the better application, but at this point I am so invested into Vortex and nearly 80 hours into my playthrough, that I don't see worth in trying to migrate to MO2 (at least until I start a new playthrough).
  3. yomewhen
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    Can it be installed with Vortex/NMM?
    1. acapstick
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      wondering the same thing, may have to be installed manually?
  4. rockitfool
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    Here is a list of guns my character does not hold correctly;

    A Really Terrible Shotgun
    AS "Val"
    FN FNC
    KS 23
    M37 Ithica
    Remington 870
    Sten Mk II
    TOZ 34
    VSS Vintorez

    anybody got a fix? i play TTW with VeryLastKiss's mod collection.
    Thanks for the help in advance!!
  5. qwertyuiop3769486
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    Can you add a full-auto firing mode to the M14 since its real-life counterpart had that feature.
  6. speezax
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    What is a foolproof way to make sure that this is running in-game? i have downloaded everything by following the directions on FOMod but i am looking for an in-game proof that the mod is running. Any help?
    1. speezax
      • premium
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      Update: i went to Doc Mitchell's to check for the Jatimatic SMG and its mods in Doc Mitchell's kitchen, next to the coffeemaker, but it wasn't there. i must have not installed properly even though I'm certain I followed the steps...
  7. Codyjoe
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    So, I heard that my problem with the 357. revolver model disappearing after every shot comes from a file in this mod, does anyone if there's truth this?
    1. ganon893
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      I've encountered the same issue. Don't know a fix yet.
  8. Zombiekiller4yo
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    is there a way to use this for vortex? because fomod is really funky and is completely separate from all other mods being used
    1. ThatGuy25000
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      I'm gonna guess not, since everyone is saying to use fomod, MO2, etc. And if you have an issue with it, well they type away their 200 IQ reaction to "get good'.
    2. Zombiekiller4yo
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      yeah i had better luck doing a manual install or using mo2
    3. stooshorama
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       we are all entitled to our opinions, dont waste you time winging to someone who is frankly not listening to your rant, instead if you want to rant, make a post so that you're not infecting random posts with your slimy arguments
  9. Furrywolf79
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    • 4 kudos
    I noticed some of the bullet icons were missing and all I see was the red sign with the exclamation point when I shoot the gun.
  10. zayvenu
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    super mutants armed with weapons they cant use running at me with fists