Fallout New Vegas

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  1. SamsterDupuis
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hey I just got the AK-74 out of the trashbin with the Nuka Cola victory, just wondering where I'm supposed to go next? Kinda lost here.
  2. Tripolon
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    As a proyect to test the abilities of SuitandTieGaming it works like a charm, but as a fleshed out mod it doesn't.
    This isn't by any means just me rambling about an old mod, but rather some constructive criticism. There's not a lot of mod developers  that attempt to create a whole new location.

    Nevertheless, this mod felt mediocre at best.

    This are some of the issues i encountered on my playthrough:
    - Zombies kept playing the regular ghoul attack sfx on loop even when they're outside of combat which can be really annoying at times. Maybe get a basic zombie moan sfx without copyright from somewhere else?
    - Having only two kinds of enemies (zombies and generic soldier) really diminishes the interest on the mod after a couple of minutes. Using some  other vanilla enemies (rats, cockroaches or even re-skins of the ghost people from DeadMoney) would have helped a lot.
    - Almost all of the buildings (on the inside) are obviously recycled from the base game and have no noticeable loot or any plain reason to explore them.
    - A lack of story or lore (NPC's aren't required to tell a story and in the case of The Lost City it's justifiable because almost everyone became a zombie and the military lost their minds). It would have being awesome to use more notes or terminals to tell a compelling story that explains why the player travels there on the first place.

    Aside from the sometimes buggy zombie AI the map structure looks neat at times. I highly doubt this mod is still in development, but i would really like to see another proyect like this from SuitandTieGaming with all the experience they gathered
  3. rex10125
    • BANNED
    • 7 kudos
    Is this mod still in development? Mod looks fucking awesome, kinda like a bigger version of Dead Money. Would be nice to see this mod completed.
  4. InfernoDeathz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Where these keys at?
  5. ShadeOfTheFourSevens
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I so can't wait for the new mod, currently going to school for 3D modeling @ Art Institute of Pittsburgh so if need any help later hit me up
  6. Shidentora
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    Guys, thanks you for this mod. I enjoy it very much.
    Halted development?
    So wut?
    It's not a quest mod, but a survival one. That kind of mod can be enjoyed all the way to the last transition.
    So let's enjoy exploration as far as it goes

    Great job really.
    I like the ZedHeads

    One thing this mod misses, IMO, is skeletons - dozens of them, littered all over the place.
  7. irswat
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    I just went back and played this and its actually not bad. A lack of clear story is really what hurts this mod. You could use more notes terminals diaries maybe a secret underground m5ilitary installation, a jealous scientist? I don't
  8. DrDecember
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So not to sound like a douche, but I really don't know why I downloaded this, it sounded cool at the time, that and I didn't read the big text box at the start of the of the description that said It's been a year,

    so guys at suit and tie gaming.... when is this new project release? you said, sometime in may, it would be released soon but no release date in case of bad circumstances... when I hear soon i think of anytime from an hour to a week mayyyybe a couple weeks.... and ehmmm it's kinda been a month... Is it on Nexus? am I blind? is it under a new name? i would love to see it, although i'd have no use of a (dev build), as I'm no mod-maker/ Elianora from skyrim... Anyway looking forward to a new set of quests and things to do...

    That is if this isn't the new project, which then i really look like an ass. oh i hope not

    Anyway, anyone have any good suggestions toward mods that add in lots of quests and stuff, I've gotten kinda bored of plain FNV as I've done almost all of the quests I know of,
    again not to sound like an ass, just wondering
  9. selenium4
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    so um is this mod still WIP or did it become to much and is abandoned? this mod looks like fun but given what is written in the comments i'm a little wary to DL. I find myself wanting to play a newlands/creepy mod of late but until this get's some work done ill (with regret) stear clear for now. thanks for your time
    1. SuitandTieGaming
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      It has been halted as a single project, look forward to the Lost Cities Return with a completely new world space and many more locations.
  10. TheMysteriousStranger1
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Was the picture of the door with ' Dead inside. ' on it a walking dead reference?
    1. SuitandTieGaming
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Yes it was, really glad someone got it!
