Fallout New Vegas


  1. darkus37
    • member
    • 23 kudos
    WOW - broke the 285 endorsements mark! Thanks very much for the support - I really appreciate it!


    Status Update of version 0.1.k :

    [Edited - 05-21-2019]

    1. External Airlock - I've added a security lock-down setup to the elevator going down to the Central Nexus. I added some static models of the vault security armor and helmet. Work has been done on the Airlock scripts, but not complete just yet.
    2. Armory - Lower Level - the blank wall is now complete with a statue display. I'm currently considering adding some more mannequin displays, perhaps in an additional cell, but that has its own problems. This cell currently has 25 mannequins - the final count of armors/clothing in the game is 182 (134 minus the DLC), and that's without leaving any mannequins for custom armors, and I figure I would need 200 total. I would also need to figure out how to lay it all out, and I think I'm going to put it on hold until the next version is released.
    3. Atrium - Lower Level - I added a "movement" sequence to the pool cover that now works correctly without the sound loop. I also separated out the notes so that the lower terminal has a note about the pool cover and the upper terminal has a note about the security measures.
    4. Bathysphere Repair Depot - the cell is complete. While I wish I could combine it with the Inner Gatehouse cell, I was unable to do so without sacrificing some of the look I was going for. With the addition of this cell, there has now been a change in height, therefore Ascension Station is now at level 28, while Gateway Station is at level 25 - the notes have been adjusted accordingly.
    5. Gallery - I've renamed the area into "Museum", as it makes more sense. I'm also torn about the placement of this cell - it would make more sense attached to the Atrium Annex area, but that would require juggling all the other cells in the section a bit. At the moment, I'm leaving it where it is, but that will probably change in the future.
    6. Inner Gatehouse - the elevator to the Bathysphere Repair Depot is now accessible.
    7. Outer Gatehouse - realigned and resized the doorway and door as they were aligned improperly.
    8. Chapel - I fixed a floating radio in the cell. The switch that "moves" the curtains now has a functional fade-to-black sequence.
    9. The Surface Elevator, Bathysphere Tram Airlock, and Teleporter Airlock Scripts - I've added an autosave function and a time advancement section. I've set it up so that it takes 10 hours to get from the Surface to Ascension Station; 2 hours for the tram to get from Station to Station; and 1 hour to bridge the Teleporter Chamber chasm. I've also done some additional work on the Airlock for additional functionality like calling the Tram if the player is on the other side, but I have to test it more.
    10. Hanger (External) - a revamp of the setup is complete. Access to the top area is restricted until the Vertibird Lift is moved up, with a "holo" rock-face preventing the player from leaving the glassed in section.
    11. Hanger (Internal) - due to consistent slow downs caused by the sheer amount of stuff in the cell, it has now been split into three sections: Hanger Utility Section, Hanger Silo, and Hanger Repair Depot. Among the many improvements include a fully scripted Lock-down sequence, vertibird and lift sequence, and Radio Tower sequence courtesy of Claustromaniac. I have also replaced the sky plane with a different version that looks much better; added a bunch of sound effects, and changed the floor underneath the vertibird lift to make it more natural looking.
    12. Manufacturing Center - while trying to fit in the signs, I noticed some things were off center and have adjusted them. I also noticed that I had never replaced the fission batteries in the workshops with static models - now fixed. Fixed some spacing issues with the containers in the storage area.
    13. West Hub - while I'm not currently doing anything with the cell right now, but I will have to redo it in the future so as to add the "emergency bulkheads" over the windows. This will allow me to fix some other problems I have with the cell, but again, this will have to wait for a future release.
    14. Library - I added some objects to the chess set, using a robot theme. The antique eyebots are pawns, the sentry's are rooks, protectrons are knights, mr. handy's are bishops, the enclave com tower is the queen, and a mainframe is the king.
    15. Medical Bay - The curtains now have a proper "movement" sequence. I noticed a problem with the Medical dispenser - I fixed the improper note and adjusted the item list. I redid the entrance hallway so that I could fit in a bathroom/shower area. I also changed the recovery room by removing a bed/changing the model, and adding some hospital screens/computer equipment to make it look more like a hospital.
    16. Personal Quarters - Administration Wing - I redid the private server room a little by moving the terminal and adding a console to the middle of the room.
    17. Personal Quarters - Master Bedroom - I added "movement" sequences to the TV and the circular bench in the closet. I also redid the shower to make it look more luxurious - I think it came out pretty well, but I did remove the detox sequence as it no longer makes sense in that area.
    18. Prototype Testing - I am still fighting with the cell. While the main layout appears to be set, it still needs significant work. I've hit a bit of a brick wall with this cell, so I'm currently putting it on hiatus until at least after I get the next version out.
    19. Recreational Area - I replaced some of the walls with metal versions and added some decorative molding to the game room. I also added an emergency bulkhead to the aquarium right before the downstairs restroom.
    20. Reservoir - I added a "movement" sequence to the pneumatic press controlled via a gear door switch instead of the terminal.
    21. Educational Center - I added a "movement" sequence to the chalkboards.
    22. Science Laboratory - Upper Level - completely realigned and remodeled the area with the ship. Redesigned the robo arms that are connected to the ceiling.
    23. Science Laboratory - Center Level - there was a problem with the alignment of the the Science Lab - Lower Level that caused me to add another left curving hall so that the elevator isn't facing South, but East. Added two new small sections next to the elevator - a bathroom and a weapon/armor testing area, i.e. Applied Sciences. Applied Sciences was originally a separate cell, but I couldn't make it work despite several months of work and eventually realized that it would make more sense being in this area. -Edit- The Applied Sciences section was getting too big for the cell, so I had to remove it again. Looks like Applied Sciences will get a third attempt after all. I have instead add a small storage area (just static).
    24. Specimen Laboratory/Cells - I was never too ecstatic with the layout, but I really got hung up on it when adding the signs. I have now redesigned the placement so that the cells go around the Lab in a crescent shape, now forming a ring of sorts. To make room for this new layout, I've had to remove the section with the stasis pods and moved the surgery into that area instead.
    25. Stockyard - I was unhappy with some sections of the cell, so I redid them. First, I removed all the white fridges and just kept the large industrial freezers next to the Fish Hatchery, like the kind in Geoponics. If this ever gets scripted, it will sort out all the meat products into those fridges. Second, I changed the lab area to fill in the now vacant fridge space and I removed part of that hallway to make it look different. Third, I've added a "movement" sequence to the fish hatchery. Fourth, I added some vents over the fish hatchery.
    26. Teleporter - due to some problems that were caused by the original teleporter script, I had to split up the cell into two areas. While the script has since been fixed thanks to Claustromaniac, I decided to keep the separate cells to reduce lag. The first new area is the Teleporter Gateway - it consists of everything from the entrance to the West Hub until what used to be the control room. The second new area is the Teleporter Chamber - it consists of what used to be the control room and teleporter pod chamber, just expanded with an armory and staging area. The new teleporter sequence is incredible (at least to me - especially after all the trouble I had with the cell). I only have to add some notes before considering the cells done.
    27. Geo Power Plant Control Center - I added a "Charging Station" to the left corner section that will eventually allow the player to recharge all the types of ammo that can be drained. It is currently unscripted, but I hope to have it working someday.
    28. Training Area - after watching some footage of the Fallout Shelter game, I noticed the athletics/training area and was compelled to change some stuff in the cell I've been considering for a while. First, I've removed the aquarium section and replaced it with a small gym area containing a treadmill, free weights, and weight bench. I've also added a locker room section and had to adjust the cell accordingly. At the moment, they are just static objects, but I may do something with it later.
    29. War Room - I expanded the length of the room a little after realigning the central map display column. I also added several clocks with labels for different important cities to make it look more like a war room.
    30. Miscellaneous - While I hoped someone would come along and make some nice re-textured versions of the vault signs, that hasn't happened. With little choice, I've begun to make custom signs for all the rooms (sometimes multiple signs in each room) with the help of the Neon Signs from Speedy's Mod. This was quite possibly the most boring and time-consuming thing I have ever done, but I know how much this was wanted and decided it was worth the effort. The final tally (for now) is 170 unique signs, but I may have to add several more in the future.
    31. Garage - I've added an APC to the long bay area. It's obviously non-operable or able to function as a weapons platform, but I think it looks pretty cool. If scripting is ever added to this thing, it will be a mobile base of operations (really not looking forward to making an interior if this should occur). I've also replaced two of the static cars with different models to break up the monotony.
    32. General Lighting - I've replaced all the office lights with custom vault style versions to fit in better.
    33. South Hub - I replaced the chunk of hallway with exposed catwalk. Along with aesthetic issues, the adding of emergency bulkheads made the area lack logical sense. I have instead added something I was thinking about adding to either the Geothermal or Fusion Power Plant cells - namely, some transformers with fx. I think it turned out pretty well.
    34. Specimen Cells Terminal Entries (Currently 15 of 27 done) - I'm slowly working on these notes that are supposed to unlock once the player zaps the corresponding creature.
    35. Living Quarters - Lower Level - this area is supposed to be a living area for custom NPC's, so I'm making a barrack's-type area. I've redone the cell a bunch of times since it wasn't meshing well, but I think I'm finally making progress.


    I am not yet ready to upload new screenshots (so that they match the most recent version of the mod), as I've been making some significant changes to almost every location.

    Update: Hello all, I don't know if anyone still checks in on this mod or not, but after my long, long, long break, I'm taking another shot at the mod. I've already finished one of the major things I had left undone before the hiatus (the APC), but several large projects remain before I can consider releasing the next version:

    The first are the Specimen Cell notes - while I've just about given up on ever getting help with the scripting, I would like to finish them just in case. This portion is part of the reason I went on Hiatus, so I'm approaching it with caution.

    The second is a remodel of the West Hub. This project has been long on the To-Do list so I figured I'll give it a shot. Progress has been slow as I'm remaking just about everything and I'm having trouble finding the right parts/combinations to fit what I'm trying to do.


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  2. HackWithTHeJacket
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Is there a guide for how to get the right functionality out of all of the features in HARES? How to add wasteland creatures to the menagerie cages, how to put people in the jails, how to add seeds to the geoponics, how to start up the meat growing thing, how to use the electronics repairstation, stuff like that?
    1. themisterdoctor
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Whenever you used this mod did you encounter any texture issues? Specifically with the vault door or the elevator doors? The books or anything at all? 
  3. themisterdoctor
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I tried to use the latest version of this mod and I've run into some issues. The mod itself runs smoothly. I can visit every single area in the entire facility. The scripts work properly. The lighting is correct. The terminals, items, and locations all work as intended. However I have some texture issues and I cannot for the life of me figure them out. So I will list them here. Firstly I cannot get any texture of the primary vault door to work at all. The 101 vault door appears in the background behind a large red exclamation point. Whenever I click on it using the console it tells me it is the texture for the vault door. (All of my IDs for this mod appear with the prefix 32) This one bugged me the least, as I can simply remove the exclamation point and the vault door appears behind it so this one is minor for me. Now some of the elevators had the same issue. Specifically the first elevator past the airlock, the elevator in the private quarters, the elevator in the residential area, and the elevator in the research area next to the secondary mainframe, each of the elevators and the areas they link to are missing texture files. Highlighting the doors tag them as "HARESelevatorstatic" with the prefix 32 (this tells me the issue is with the mod itself, if it was a conflict with another mod I should have this issue somewhere else with the elevator door, but only with the ones titled HARESelevatorstatic) I can remove these as well but it leaves the doorways black, which is preferable to the red exclamation points. So I lived with them. But it just got a little worse and worse and worse. In the living area with the pool all of the potted plants are missing their texture files, the small and large ones, so there are rows of exclamation points that ruin the immersion for me entirely. In the library area and the private quarters master bedroom the textures for "prewarbookstacks" are missing. The bookshelves in both of these areas are covered in red exclamation points. Lastly, there is a texture file missing for the closet in the master bedroom. The circle table in the middle of the room (appears as a line of treestumps for me). The thing that really bothers me is I used this mod in the past and never had a single issue, the least of all multiple texture issues. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling an older version but the problems still remain. So the issue either lies in the texture package you have available for download currently and some mistakes have been made during the update process since the last time I used this mod, or I have been installing it with something that conflicts but hours of searching with the GECK and attempting to replicate these texture issues is impossible as all of the items in question are directly involved with this mod only and are labeled as HARES items. I am forced to uninstall one of my favorite mods of all time. I refuse to give up though and I will return to experience it again one day with a fresh install and a fresh attempt.

    Edit: I fixed the issue with the missing texture files. The mod has a conflict with electrocity. I was poking around in the data files and I see electrocity adds a SCOL folder of its own. If you are extracting the mesh files into your data file it will not merge them into the SCOL folder instead it places them below the folders as just loose files. I moved them into the SCOL folder and the texture issue is resolved. I believe the main reason this happened is because I was using Vortex to install my mods. Vortex was managing the SCOL folder so even with my manual install it was placing the files outside that folder. It was the difference. The guy that added the *managed by vortex* readme to the folders the program is managing is a life savor otherwise this would have been impossible to catch.
  4. Betosa1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Oh god please let this dude be okay and please please let him be able to release a new version of this, I've been dreaming of this mod for years now
  5. baskerwil
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    Still my favourite secret base/house mod for NV. I check from time to time and hope that one day it will be finished. The atmosphere and creative use of assets is so great. Love it :)

    If you are still working on it, please know that it is very much appreciated, and your level building is absolutely amazing.

    1. themisterdoctor
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hello there! I also enjoy using this mod and this was the most recent activity on the page so I figured I would ask you. I installed the latest version of HARES and everything works properly every time I use it. The latest time however I was missing a few texture files and they were only missing for this mod so I was unfortunately forced to remove it for my latest playthrough of New Vegas which was disappointing. The missing textures (giant red exclamation points) where in a few locations but specifically I was missing a few in the garage area on the right hand side after you open the door and step into the main area itself, I was missing the main vault door on the exterior and also on the interior cell (I tried using the original texture and the optional texture and neither would appear), there were a few missing in the west wing in the science lab where the UFO was, and I was missing some textures in the armory area. The killer blow was all of the books are missing so the library is a mass of red and the books in the main bedroom are the same. This is what forced me to have to remove it for now. I have never had an issue before as I said and I normally manually install (which I did try) but lately I have been using Vortex to install all my mods cleanly. I would like to know if you experienced any missing texture issues the last time you used it or if I was doing something wrong. I loved using this mod and this is the first time it ever happened to me but this is also the first time I tried using version J.
    • supporter
    • 12 kudos
    Holy s#*!, I can't believe you're still working on this! I just got back into NV after New California came out, and now that I've finished NC I'm redownloading all of my old stuff to play NV again. This was my favorite house mod back in the day, but I expected it to be completely dead by now. I'm thrilled to see that it isn't. I continue to be amazed at the intense detail and thought you put into this house mod. I love that everything is explained and rationalized. Thanks for the mod!
  7. ToyTrains1
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Yes, I still check the mod! :) The latest file for download is still j, not k. Are you going to upload k to make it available?
    1. darkus37
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Hi, sorry about the tardy reply - I'm still working on it, although very slowly. It sometimes takes a month or so before I can shame myself to get back to work on it... but I'm still here and working on it.
  8. baskerwil
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    Wow... So happy to read the list of updates!! And that you are working on this.

    Can't wait to see it in action! Kudos!

  9. Firmkillernate
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Just wanted to say that this is my all-time favorite mod out of all the mods (in all Fallout games) that I've played. This is the first mod I look for when doing a clean install of my game
  10. mikeloeven
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    This alone is enough to get me playing New Vegas again !! Always loved testing out your updates and finding new things
  11. baskerwil
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    So amazing to hear you're back at it with this. It was always my favourite "huge base" mod and I always wondered what could have been, especially with the added assets from Old World Blues.

    So thanks so much for getting into it again
