Fallout New Vegas

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Alexander J Velicky

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  1. so i have travveleed o the past but the level 3 keycard just doesnt work/ like its not an item i can find anywhere, and the marker is just the teleporter door, and it doesnt do anything? like i cant figure it out, so i can repair the vents and thus am trapped. at least i have my blicky with tens of thousands of rounds.
    edit, i have tried using the new vegas editor thing, was xedit, but i dont know what the id is, is it the keym thing or notz? please help

    xx0100B1 for me it was 0B0100B1
  2. Buzani
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This was a good mod but has some typos like saying ''your'' instead of ''you're''. other than that it's a solid 1~2 hours experience.
  3. nkorea
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I remember playing this back in 2015. Is this mod still playable in 2024 or is it a broken buggy mess?
    1. Buzani
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I played and finished this mod with zero bugs. so go for it again.
  4. berenterino
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Very cool mod so far, but has anyone made subtitles for the transmissions and announcements?  The computer voice in particular is--although pitch-perfect--kind of hard to understand.
  5. braydon2442
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    • 0 kudos
    A mod i recommend everyone to play. its fun and can be quick if your not the type to su\erch around of every hidden little box of ammo. its fun and a perminit part of my play list as its characters don't feel one note, they ahve depth and make u feel sad at the end (wont spoile why) and the story have a interesting conclusion. so do play it works almost fine. can bug do to enemy's making the npcs go fight them so make sure there all dead before doing certain parts.
  6. Noxoumet
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    "save what is possibly America's only chance at winning the war"

    That makes it hard to care for someone who is not American. I am pondering whether i should try this mod. It looks really well done, well thought out, and is the result of the author's hard work. I have seriously nothing to complain about, and i can only bow the head before the dedication and selflesness of the mod author who offered the result of this work to everyone out there. What i am about is more a rambling over the whole catch. This is probably a personal perspective.

    The whole story of Fallout is how China and the USA destroyed the world after playing too much at comparing d***s. At least, they destroyed China and the USA, i have no idea how the rest of the world fared, but Black Isle wrote a pretty realistic setting where the rest of the world was mostly neutral in all this childish crap. I can point out the nowadays situation, and it becomes easy to see how clever and truthful the whole Fallout catch, as it was written 24 years ago, really is. You know how China and the USA deploy military fleets over superconductors in Taiwan^^. This is reality. If anything, most non-american people, in this dystopia, would likely think both China and the USA should lose. Because both are equally eyesores that would use nuclear weapons to ascertain their d*** size.

    So, having the goal of the quest being as stated makes it hard to care. Is my character an American? I doubt he/she is. The very idea of the USA has been destroyed, and this is why the NCR and the Legion fight to seize control of the future. This notion makes Fallout interesting. So, is my character bound to care either? The present in 2281 is the consequence of this very childish 2077 war after all, so logic tells me my character would want to screw them hard in the past. So, if a NPC tells me that i have to save the way for the USA to win the war, i would probably just screw everything for him.

    It makes sense that a soldier of the past would ask that. After all, he was probably told that the USA was the good guy and China was the bad guy. And the other way around in China. But it would need ways for the main character to make actual complex choices in the quest. There is no guarantee one can find such complex writting in a mod. So, does someone know if the story is really about what i quoted above please?

    1. nigrhedazz
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I understand your point of view, but your whole premise makes no sense. Your character, literally, is IN America (for whatever reason). If you had a chance to allow America to win the war, thereby preventing yourself from having to survive in a post-nuclear hellhole, why would you not? Also, how is your character not American? As stated above, your character is located in America. Unless you are purporting within your own headcanon that he somehow crossed over (willingly or not) to a ravenous wasteland...
    2. DarkenedRogue
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      • 8 kudos
    3. BoatSrCool
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      • 0 kudos
    4. Mackintoke
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      • 2 kudos
      "Is my character an American? I doubt he/she is."

      lol of COURSE your character is American. Your character was born in America. It's very unlikely your character migrated from other parts of the North American continent like Canada or Mexico, and it's extremely unlikely they migrated from a different continent altogether. No more planes and boats to travel such long distances.
    5. Owenza777
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      • 0 kudos
      Aren't there some non-American characters in Fallout canon? What about Colin Moriarty from Fallout 3? Doesn't he say something about coming to the country as a child? 
    6. KremlinKOA
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      No, you aren't born in America. Because the USA no longer exists.
      You are no more American than a baby, Born in Miami last year, is a Confederate.
      Would you fight to preserve the Aztec Empire, or the Cherokee nation, as major nations in the world?
    7. Stilicho0
      • premium
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      This idea is foolish because America is such an influence on wasteland civilization that even 200 years later, the wastelanders still use the names of American states to refer to geographic areas. Their cultural traditions are based in old American ones, all the literature they have to read is from Old America, most of the buildings they use and live in are Old American. America's influence on the wasteland is like Rome's influence on Western civilization. Even a thousand years after Rome fell, countries still tried to live out Rome's past glory!
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      Some of you don't understand. I agree with KremlinKOA.

      Sure the culture is appears to exist.....in the ncr to an extent..to the Kings and to those in the Strip. Yet this is merely tribes picking up a new identity based of FEW pieces of the past. 
      This is the same for the legion. They are NOT the Roman Empire/Republic, it is merely a template for their ideology(Which is despotism off the basis  Georg Hagels works).

      Yet having similar culture is irrelevant to comparing that of a modern wastelander who would remotely not care about a dead nation. Based off some dialogue, many npcs have little knowledge of pre-war America.
      You think any of those factions care about America? No. They are mostly trying to survive.
      The only people who would are the Enclave, even then they a built on the memories of America, they are not Americans, they don't have the same societal traditions.

      The US died.
      America was an Idea.
      The land had a name. 
      But the people aren't the same.

      People are a nation not labels given to it.

      and to the guy that said "lol of COURSE your character is American"

      Your comment is like saying someone a person born in modern France is a Gaul. Or a a British person is an Anglo-saxon.

      It makes no sense.
    9. EximusBlitz
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      • 0 kudos
      I know this comment is almost two years old at this point, but the fact that you went on a pointless tangent based off a small sentence of an entire summary describing what the mod is about is rather sad and that to me makes me assume that you decided to pass it off because of that. All it is simply just judging a book by its cover. 

      I am gonna point out simply is that being American or rather, any nationality in a setting like Fallout is entirely irrelevant. And is irrelevant in this mod, it is merely about a relic of an ancient past and we are uncovering its story, how is this any different to any other like the dormant missile silos in Lonesome Road? Or the Virtual Simulations reenacting the Battle of Alaska in Operation: Anchorage in Fallout 3? 
  7. alexo2008
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Buggy mod. Got softlocked at the part where the robot defense happened and despite finishing the objective cannot proceed. I would give it a 5/10 but the story takes too long to get going to really understand what's going on so I will give it a 4/10.
  8. CompletelyLegitUsername
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    • 0 kudos
    So, I downloaded this and played it a couple months back but I guess I forgot to comment. Over all, I have slightly mixed but mostly positive feelings on this mod and I would like to share those!

    The best comparison I can draw to this is another mod I played (and left a comment on) called The Happy Place - New Vegas Horror. It's a survival horror story/quest mod that has you exploring an abandoned mansion. While I did like that mod overall, I do think this pulls ahead just a bit. I'm not sure that the intention was the evoke a survival horror feeling for this mod, but regardless of intention, it definitely succeeded at that, and since it's a genre I love, I have a great appreciation for that. The exploration and map layout was genuinely engaging and fun, and I enjoyed backtracking to previous areas to unlock further progression. To an extent, this is a double edged sword, because a lot of the time, you do backtrack to the same location several times in a row, and it would've been nice to split it up with some variety in when you go back to what part of the map. I still enjoy that you unlock new access points and areas of the map as you progress. It makes an admittedly small map feel bigger, and I would say that is a great use of resources. As well, having new items and weapons become available through progression—especially since you can get some really good weapons and armor early in the game through this mod—is an excellent bonus. These factors make the survival horror comparison apt, and since they're some of my favorite parts of the genre, I have to appreciate it.

    The voice acting is something I want to touch on. Often times, I've noticed that voice acting in mods can feel a bit underwhelming. While I can temper my expectations because I know that it's often times not professionals doing it, that isn't the case here. This is genuinely some of the best voice work I have ever heard in a Fallout mods, so I have to give a shoutout there. I want to give a special shoutout to Lt. Mitchell's voice actor Mick Mize, as the voice work for this character specifically even felt better than certain character from the base game (Cliff Briscoe comes to mind). This is the only time I have ever felt that way for a mod's voice work, so it's certainly a nice touch. I don't know how you found the crew you used for this mod, but please, if you ever make another, use them again. They will certainly be wonderful assets to help the believability.

    The story is where things take a slight dip. While I disagree with the notion I've seen some share that it feels boring, I do believe it feels, at times, fairly rushed. There's no moments to stop and catch your breath, and that leads to the pace feeling a bit too fast. By the time you're even halfway through, it's just a constant stream of things happening in which you have no time to actually take in the story, characters, or lore presented within the mod. While normally, this would seem a gameplay over story focus, the gameplay largely consists of endless waves of enemies to run through and fetch quests, which would be alright if there was a slower pace to explore the mod and its content, but without, it starts to get slightly repetitive. I think a good balance would be to have certain segments slow down so you have a chance to talk to Lt. Mitchell and Dr. Matthews. Even if it's not much, it would give the player a chance to develop a stronger connection to the story and characters. On the subject of characters, however, is where I think the writing picks back up. What we briefly see of the character writing in the mod is solid and left me wanting to learn more about the characters. It's rare for me to find a character that isn't a companion but I want them to be one, mod or base game, but Lt. Mitchell definitely cleared that bar for me. As well, I think the ending is well-done too. Usually, I don't tend to enjoy downer endings in media (real life can be enough of a downer already) but I think it was handled well here. The conclusion of the mod, up to and including jamming the card in where past you would have already found it was a nice touch, and I truly felt sad that Lt. Mitchell didn't get closure. That's a testament to solid writing, and for that, I applaud you.

    I drew a comparison before to The Happy Place, and I want to make a contrast here between that. As much as I did enjoy the other mod, it had one noticeable problem when I walked away from it that this mod didn't have: it felt unrewarding. There was no real benefit from completing that mod, but with this one, there's enough that you can keep when you leave, including new unique items, to make it feel like there's a purpose for going through it. The new armor specifically is useful in irradiate areas, and while those aren't as common in New Vegas as they are in Fallout 3, they're still present, so this addition is a nice touch.

    I know that there's a lot here, but I hope the feedback helps and encourages you. I truly hope to see more mods of this style from you, and hope that with each one you may make, things only get better and better. You did a great job with this, and I do think you should feel proud of it.
  9. ShadowXana
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    • 0 kudos
    Jesus Christ I looked through every comment and I don’t think I single person has gone through the crap I am going through. Has NO ONE asked for the DAMN QUEST IDS?! AND IF ONE MORE PERSON SAYS TO CHECK THE GECK I AM GONNA LOSE It!
    1. kahrnivor
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      You're asking someone to do exactly what you can do.
    2. 9Baka9
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      cheg da geg
    3. MrsBigBrain69
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I think FNVEdit would make your life a whole lot easier. You can download it here on nexus. 

      I will say, I can imagine your frustration because trying to find it using the GECK is precisely like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
  10. MrN3wVegas
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    This mod took me a little over an hour to complete. The story you have created and the cool tricks you used for this made it a very enjoyable experience. This left me wanting to replay it again! Great job on this project and thank you for your time and dedication. Few people have the willpower to create an entire mod. Very well done.