Fallout New Vegas

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MyGoodEye Tapioks Marcurios and Gopher

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  1. paranana
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Does this require ENB? ;~; every time I use ENB I get stuttering beyond belief. But I love the Imaginator and all that. I just was looking for some recipes to enhance the visuals and DoF.
  2. CouriersGambit
    • member
    • 40 kudos
    Anyone, what version of NV skies and Enhanced shaders light do you have to use for sweet calamity?
  3. Korgan
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    I cant believe I don't see more comments here, but this was exactly what I needed after installing all the wonderful visual enhancements offered now that I can run them all. Nevada Skies, Enhanced Shaders and all the Directors Chair goodness (ty Gopher for tutorial). Was too overwhelmed to make sense of it all. After this, I can tell you that Sweet Calamity is my current favorite. edit: gah, or Grindhouse. How to choose???

    Anyways, thanks for putting these ideas together in one place. I am endorsing this er....not-a-mod.
  4. GoneWithTheSun
    • supporter
    • 13 kudos
    I really like the setups, can I post some suggestions/challenges for more? I've got some ideas like maybe a FarCry 3 setup or Mass Effect? How about replicating the Blackout ENB's effects using FNV Enhanced Shaders Lite? I'd love to see more.
  5. bauer24
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Just what i was looking for, i'm too picky and was looking for a good configuration that works with all of your mods. Thanks
  6. Jeoshua
    • premium
    • 111 kudos
    Half of MGE's mod pages aren't even textual anyways. He is a visual creature.

    When I said what you see in the description is the mod, I meant it. That pretty picture with the settings names in coffee-stained lettering from a printer that's seen better days, on travel-weary paper which has been folded over and put into pockets, sat upon as it rested in a caballero's back pocket one too many times, as he sat at the last bar out of Carson, sipping a Sasparilla and dropping a few more sticky drops of liquid onto this page.....

    ... That's what you're getting. Exactly what you're getting when you download this file. It's better than a screen shot, it's an example.

    MGE: Any time.
    Can you tell I like the style?
  7. MyGoodEye
    • premium
    • 754 kudos
    @TETRADIGM : Well, your vitriol sure does read (to me at least) as disproportionate to the perceived offense. Since we're in the business of making impolite suggestions, may I suggest that instead of coming off as condescending and demanding, you channel that energy to being helpful and/or polite.

    If I am misinterpreting your "tone", then my apologies, but you do seem (as I read it) far more upset about a small issue than is reasonable...

    ... and the term "should" when directed at us-modder-folk is pet peeve of mine because it does come off as "entitled".

    In point of fact, there is a description on the main image and beyond that, I'm guessing that at least the majority of folks that have come here have been able to take the mental leap to understanding that we were providing "recipes" for looks and styles when combining a number of popular visual mods. I grant that this was more active at the FNV Mod-Community-Peak, so perhaps it was simply understood by the users...

    However, I will concede that there is no type-written description. And that I can't think of everything. To us, at the time, I suspect we felt this was self-explanatory...

    So, I ask, politely, that you tell me what you'd like the description to read. I mean this seriously. If you'd like to help, I welcome your input because it is possible that there are other folks who will also be confused.

    @JEOSHUA : Thanks for jumping in!
  8. tetradigm
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos
    well that certainly clarifies, however there IS NO description. none. that should not qualify as it says nothing about the content, describing the work. i.e. mge should type descriptions instead of copy/paste his pictures that say almost nothing >_>
  9. Jeoshua
    • premium
    • 111 kudos
    How about what this mod ISN'T

    For one, it ISN'T a mod. It's a collection of pictures that show what you can do with MGE's mods in concert with others, shows you the settings in all those mods to get those, etc etc.

    What you see in the description IS what the mod is, basically.
  10. tetradigm
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos
    since the description is completely non existant, and im not plowing through every comment to find out, would someone kindly tell me what this mod -is- exactly? all im seeing is a couple pictures of screen shots with mixed mods. does this manage mods, or what?