Fallout New Vegas

Vault 24 - Stories and Quests (14 comments)

  1. MarshyMarauder
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    I dont know if this has been requested yet, but i think a quest to restore power and clear some of the radiation etc would be great! and has anyone made any mods involving this? ive only found a ICMB station one
  2. PsychoGenesis
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    You can combine this mod with several kinds of places. Like the top levels are still inhabited with a small community with the basic stuff (merchant, doctor, one badass guard, etc) and to earn their trust or unlock unique weaponry or armors that were found in the vault by the inhabitends you must clear the lower levels of hostile creatures, raiders, ghouls etc. Ofcourse this is a very wide idea, you can put your own twist to it so it stays a unique mod. Which is hard to change seeing the size of this vault.

    Looking forward to seeing the final result! Keep up the good worK!
  3. MajikMoshos
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    I also agree with mashing up the interior worldspace and dungeon crawl ideas. In terms of writing dialouge, you'd only need to do it for a few named, dialouge-recorded characters. Asking around the nexus for voice actors shouldn't be to hard, and people can voice multiple roles, so about 5-10 people voicing 10 or more major characters wold be feasible if everyone had two roles. Those who are good at changing their voice a lot can do three or more.
    NPC's which are friendly and not dialog ready can have some simple banter recorded too, but that should be saved for a patch later on. They'll probably just yap about the vault's situation or something like that, maybe comment on the changes that take place.
    Most enemies can have typical fiend/raider dialog, maybe a few lines removed if they refer to stuff in the wasteland. you won't really hear them that much unless you sneak about.

    Dungeon crawl elements will be great too, just have the quest leave some areas unexplored. Let's say you find Security cards with increased levels opening up higher-security doors. So for instance, in the first few floors you might pass by some level 3 doors, and a few hours of questing later you come across a level 3 security card that'll let you progress some more. You could, if you want, go back to the level 3 doors from before to open them either for goodies, or for some more areas where you can kill some ferals, beasts or savage dwellers, and maybe come across a cool new item in the process.

    anyway this is a pretty cool, huge mod, it'd be nice to see soemthing good accompany it.
  4. cambragol
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    • 58 kudos

    I hope we can all agree that if this is gonna be an Interior Worldspace kind of thing, there isn't gonna be any influence from external factions inside the vault. No NCR, no Caesar's Legion and so on.

    That would be my original premise for the Interior Worldspace idea. The factions would be completely limited to the vault itself. No one outside the vault would even know of their existence.

    Although in the main thread there was a good idea which did incorporate both a giant ghoul faction, interior factions and contact with the exterior factions.
  5. RaiderOverlord
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    • 13 kudos
    I hope we can all agree that if this is gonna be an Interior Worldspace kind of thing, there isn't gonna be any influence from external factions inside the vault. No NCR, no Caesar's Legion and so on.
  6. Bombardment93
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    If you could find a middle ground between a full blown faction based quest like the NV main quest and a dungeon crawl that would be the best for content and work load. You could work with mini-factions that you only have to deal with for a short space of time. They could range from a small army of identical robots, to a family of 4 or 5 to one big super mutant. That way you can keep the unique NPC count low and not have as much plot/dialogue consistency to worry about. Each faction quest could be something small to help you advance towards your freedom.
  7. RaiderOverlord
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    One large, monstrous ghoul-faction seems the right idea here. To balance things out, atleast.
    What will be the right amount of smaller factions? Because I can imagine that loads of tiny factions is annoying to make, and too few smaller factions isn't very good either.
  8. cambragol
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    • 58 kudos
    I like the 'Interior Worldspace Idea' also. Small, near feral factions would be the way to go as well. To minimize dialogue requirements. However, small factions would also limit the need to battle, or would limit the scope of battles. Maybe one, really hideous ghoul like feral factions in the deepest deeps of the vault could alleviate that.
  9. RaiderOverlord
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    • 13 kudos
    I have to agree with the 'Interior Worldspace idea' idea. I really like the concept of the player being trapped in the vault, and that he/she is forced to interact with the remaining tribes in the vault. I use the word 'tribes' very lightly here, because I was thinking about small family groups of vault survivors who struggle to survive in the ruined old vault. The majority of those groups being hostile, or even feral (maybe something like the crazy cannibal vault dwellers described in the following cut terminal entries from fallout 3? http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Hamilton's_Hideaway_terminal_entries). All those groups are in conflict with eachother, some fight because they'd like to escape the vault, some fight for mere survival, and some fight beause of pure psychotic rage.
    Just some things I was thinking of I guess. The bottom-line is that I think it is best to really shrink the 'factions' to a minimal, but functioning size.
  10. cambragol
    • member
    • 58 kudos
    Idea: Interior Worldspace

    Difficulty to Implement: Very difficult

    The entire vault has been sealed for 200 odd years. During that time the vault society has collapsed several times. Factions, gangs, parties, kingdoms, fiefdoms, and tribes have risen and fallen numerous times. The vault perpetuates the remnants of the original dwellers, despite its increasingly dilapidated and broken status. The player is thrown into this world by falling into the stairwell or elevator shaft of the vault. He cannot escape (initially) and is forced to interact with the remaining tribes/factions to effect his way out. The player will instigate (passively) a final bloody war between the survivors and crawl free of the ruined carnage of the vault at the end of the quest. This idea draws inspiration from Howards' 'Red Nails' of course.