Fallout New Vegas


  1. bladerunner900
    • member
    • 26 kudos
    1. drithius
      • premium
      • 129 kudos
      bump for people too blind to scroll down half a page.
    2. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      Or too lazy.
    3. Nugets
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I initially had NMC's texture pack installed before this mod. I installed the mod using these instructions and everything worked out great. I finished old world blues, and tried to go back home, and it kept on crashing. I just uninstalled NMC and it's all back to normal again. That sound weird?
    4. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      Not really. This game is not built to handle a lot of textures regardless of the power of your rig. Why it would happen after OWB is puzzling.
    5. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      Bump to get this back to the top where it belongs.
    6. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      This has been moved to page 4, and people who do not search are still asking the same questions, all of which this thread answers.
    7. MasterForce1000
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      This should be a sticky post.
    8. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      I agree. Unfortunately, there is apparently no way for anyone other than the mod maker to make a sticky post. Thus, periodically I and others come into the thread and bump it to the top.
    9. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      Bumping this to the top for those unwilling to do a bit of searching.
    10. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      Bumping this so Samersian will not have to read even one page of this thread.
    11. Forzane
      • premium
      • 143 kudos
      Bump to get this back to the top where it belongs.
    12. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      Bumping to get this back to the top.
    13. kraityn91
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Bumpity bump
    14. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      Another bump.
    15. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      Based on recent posts bumping again.
    16. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      Yet another bump to get this back up on top so it will be read.
    17. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      This needs to be re-bumped.
    18. Glyth84
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I was having a small issue with my install, tried a couple different things, then came here to read the posts and just kept reading until I found this. Solved my issues. YAY! Very sad to see all the other impatient people here. If I have learned anything over the years with game modding, it would be that it takes time. You want a good quality play, take the time to read and follow instructions. Have an issue? Look (deeply) into it. All worth it in the end. Thanks Bladerunner900, awesome mod, took me a few hours to find it but best player home out there!
    19. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      Once again this needs to be at the top of the thread. Wish there was a way to make it a sticky.
    20. p0rkch0p3xpr3ss
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
    21. Aryell
      • premium
      • 13 kudos
      great mod! Installing using MO works perfectly for me,
    22. TennesseeTuxedo
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      bump back on top
    23. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      Starting to once again see posts by people wanting NMM to install the mod for them. Bumping to the top.
    24. XiaN Vizjereij
      XiaN Vizjereij
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Bump for info's that should be on the info page .. thank you very much for compiling those !
    25. Kaphraxus
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      The FOMOD version throws an exception when I try to activate through FMM. Here is the error, copied from scriptexception.txt
    26. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      FMM? Do you mean FOMM or NMM? If the latter, do you have a 32 bit system? The file may be too large for that. In any event, even though Bladerunner900 has put up a FOMOD version, I still think players would have better luck by following his manual installation instructions.
    27. Kaphraxus
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Sorry, I meant FOMM. And my system is 32 gig, would that cause any problems for manual?
    28. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      I have a 32 bit system as well and no problems with a manual installation. Actually, FOMM should work as well provided you have the latest version of FOMM. I asked the question only because NMM will not install large files if you have a 32 bit system. It throws an out of memory error message, rather than one like you got.
    29. Mebantiza
      • premium
      • 346 kudos
      FIx more bugs and release those too hehe
    30. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      Bumping this back to the top where it will hopefully be read.
    31. donaldpadilla19
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    32. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
    33. XavierB34
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Same error as Kaphraxus had with FOMOD version (FOMM 0.13.21)
    34. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      You should be using newer FOMM version. Really, however, this mod installs soooo much better with a careful manual installation following Blade's instructions. If you insist on using FOMM, you may need to empty your temporary directory, buy running %temp% and deleting the stuff in that directory. If it is too full, FOMM seems to choke.
    35. XavierB34
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for your advice, I have been eventually forced to install it manually and it works (not taking into account the buggy system room) but I will keep in mind your tips for using FOMM
    36. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      Buy the way, reading my post again I wrote "buy" when I meant to say "try". Glad you got it working.
    37. Igrouve
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for this!
    38. Kuko16
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      rererererererer bump
    39. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
    40. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      another bump
    41. Xfrostbite
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    42. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
    43. XavierB34
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      bumpy bump
    44. VladBoss
      • member
      • 5 kudos
    45. travelmedic
      • premium
      • 32 kudos
      bump - just used these instructions for manual install myself
    46. tohdoh
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks. Also, for some reason whenever I tried to copy over files from the DLC over to fnvdata it kept asking if I wanted to replace the core UHNV files since apparently the way the file is named (UHNV-OWB) registers as (UHNV), but if I add a space between the dash it works (UHNV - OWB).

      I'm a newbie when it comes to using mods so can anyone confirm that renaming these files is harmless?
    47. Thenryb
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      You say "it" kept asking. What kept asking? The game should recognize the difference between UNLV.esp and UNLV-OWB.esp without you needing to add another dash. Not sure whether that will screw things up or not. If your OWB weapons wall is in the armory you are likely OK.
    48. tohdoh
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You say "it" kept asking. What kept asking? The game should recognize the difference between UNLV.esp and UNLV-OWB.esp without you needing to add another dash. Not sure whether that will screw things up or not. If your OWB weapons wall is in the armory you are likely OK.

      My computer? I get a prompt because it doesn't recognize the difference for whatever odd reason.

      I have to add a space, perhaps it's something to do specifically with the way my computer is built? I have no clue.
    49. Mebantiza
      • premium
      • 346 kudos
      Are there any further bug fixes \ updates done to 4.4, besides blades version that anyone is aware of?

      So far, I am aware of

      > bladerunners updates
      >Underground Hideout New Vegas - GRA and other patches

      For myself, I have merged all 4.4 esps into a single unified file using zmerge.

      UHNV 4.4 (all DLC)
      BR900's updates 
      Underground Hideout New Vegas - GRA and other patches (Not worried walrus version)
      In addition, the free weapons you get with this are stupidly OP, particularly Pinpoint. 65! base dmg and 8 round clip. + NV scope.  This weapon should either a) not be in the file at all, ie removed, OR, nerfed sustainably. ( I went with a nerf). Its still technically better than the Gobi Scout Rifle in my game, but not near as bad as 4.4. The other 3 guns, are, semi-OP and I did some minor adjustments to make them less powerful than the games named weapon equivalents. All 4 weapons are still good, just (much) better balanced.

      Other issues. 
      Sorters are not linked in the modern sense, so you have to physically have the craft items in your inventory. 
      Some items auto-sort that have no crafting function at all, IE paint gun along with a few other items that are actually just junk.
      Sorting lookup tables need to be updated to cover all the games craft related materials as gaps in sorters coverage exist.

      Nice to have QoL feature Id like to see...
      Auto-sorter for actual JUNK items, items that have zero crafting function. Be nice to be able to just shed any actual junk quickly to a sell container, rather than by hand as is still the case even now.

      The moving tool. I like the idea behind it on one level, but, still kind of poorly implemented. The idea of placing the HO where you want, is 'handy' yes, but, the fact you can move it will-nilly at will is a little unbalancing in itself. If the wrench was a single use, expendable item I feel that would have been a more reasonable approach.  

      Other considerations.
      Do NOT use this file with NMC High (4k) installed. It will crash UNHV. Tbh, no one should run that version period, the 4bg patch doesn't help (in this case). MED looks as good, and wont crash UHNV.

       If anyone knows of any more unofficial fixes for UNHV besides the couple available, be they off-site or w/e, let me know.
    50. beno11180
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Doing my part for the community
    51. Razor_Ramon
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    52. HadToRegister
      • premium
      • 195 kudos
      This super helpful post keeps getting buried by people who don't even bother to read the comments section to see if their question was already answered.
      If people would read the comment section, instead of being lazy, this post would stay at the top,
  2. Postman6
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    For anyone who wants a modern take on this mod :
  3. Caparzzo
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Man, I wish someone would carry on developing and updating this mod, I've used it for years.
    1. Identical
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It mostly has everything. Easily the best house player mod in all of fallout/TES series. Shame a similar one was never created for the newer games
    2. barame3526
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      It has everything we need and no need to update anything, although I wouldn't mind some new features.

      FO4 has
    3. DominiqrLee
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      naah its awful compared to New Vegas one. All of these replicas are too big, too much junk inside. This one was perfect, clean, simple 
    4. Postman6
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      fear not my fellow courier, Soon ill release the successor of this mod.
    5. RikimaruLDR
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      I do have this one for Fallout 4 but it seems all the author's mods where removed
  4. lenightmare1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i know this mod is old as hell, but I need some help. For some reason there's a very bright light coming out of the teleporter and the chem station that doesn't turn off even with the lights out. I've tried enabling the security lockdown and turning all lights off but it's still there
    1. lxmonadx
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Do you use Lumen? If so, someone mentioned a fix in the posts over there
  5. duncant816
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Idk how it's remained my favorite playerhome so long but this is by far still the most goated playerhome I've found for new vegas
  6. thebatmann58
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    ive used this mod a few times, i do not understand why the entrance is placed where it is, if you are ealry game you must use consol commands just to get to it.
  7. grimmy294
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    any  chance this will work with nv v 1.4?????

    or is there anywhere i can download 1.3?
  8. JadeFontaine
    • member
    • 0 kudos
  9. Spectro6w9
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    My hideout is bugged. What might be causing the problem ? some things doesn t appear in the armory shellves . Also drug cabinet in missing a door somehow ???
  10. Spectro6w9
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I have a problem with the armory, it doesn t display certain ammo on the shelves. What might cause this bug ?
    Also the grenade section doesn't display aswell whatever explosive should be next to the incendiary grenades.
  11. digbick6666969
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I followed these instructions to the letter regarding adding the DLC bsa/esp files and the more mannequins/better lights patches and the game outright refuses to load in those areas despite having no troubles with this the first time around that ive used this mod. Ive uninstalled and reinstalled this mod through vortex and manually in the data files multiple times and it still refuses to work properly. Does anyone have a solution for this or am i just SOL?