Fallout New Vegas
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  1. EnderDragonFire
    • supporter
    • 23 kudos
    Why is this mod confusing everyone? Co-ed prisons exist in the real world, even in the United States. In countries with less resources, they are even more common. The New California Republic is a country with few resources; this is a post-nuclear world.
    1. abek2947jd
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      these prisoners have been imported specificly to do back breaking labour and the powder gangers rape women thats why one of the dead caravaneers is naked on the floor, any female inmates propably would be locked away somewhere and abused non stop they wouldnt allow them to run freely and they would be so small in numbers that they would be seen as too valuable to let them go or more powerfull powder gangers would claim them for themselfes.

      any female inmate would be seen as a resource or an asset and any females they can capture would be the same.
  2. DoomspudRoflcopter
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    So I guess everyone forgot about the ransacked caravan near the NCRCF where it's pretty not-so-subtly implied that when the Powder Gangers hit it (it was confirmed to be them through various notes in various camps), that they raped the only female in the caravan. After all, she's the only corpse that's left naked. The NCRCF was clearly NOT a Co-Ed prison, and wouldn't be, because, as stated below by several people, men are clearly the better option when it comes to manual labor chaingangs. That was the entire purpose of the prison, to put convicts to work building railroads. 

    And then there's the one simp down there who posts a wall of text glorifying this blatantly not-lore-friendly mod...
  3. mikey5253
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Haters: Do you not think that one of the very first things these male prisoners would have done the second they broke out of prison would be to go out and get girlfriends and recruit females to join them. Regardless of whether the original prison was Co-Ed or not they broke out before your character gets there with time to recruit some women. Anyone who thinks this gang full of criminals would have stayed an all male sausage fest after being locked away from the opposite sex has an insanely low I.Q. Therefore even if it wasn't a Co-Ed prison you would find plenty of female powder gangers be it she joined by choice or got kidnapped and got Stockholm syndrome, or many other reasons. It is also not hard to believe that, in a wasteland where the earth is devastated and falling a part, that the NCR might not really care how the women prisoners got treated overall. Prisons have cell blocks for a reason to keep prisoners separate. It would not be hard to have an all male prison block in one area of a prison and have an all female block in that very same prison somewhere on the grounds. "What a hard plan this would be to come up with, right." Maybe for you ridiculous haters. I know it is not easy, but try to become smarter somehow and stop hating on people who are trying to do nice things for others without asking for a dime in return.
    Therefore to all the haters complaining about this mod: I say you suck, your awful people who should be ashamed of yourselves.
    TO THE CREATOR of this Mod: Thank you for the great mod I know you gave your own personal free time to create it and then release it to us less computer savvy gamers so we can partake in the fun of your creation without any cost to us or gain for yourself. I appreciate you and all mod creators like you. You are AWESOME. Don't let the haters get you down with there stupidity they can't really help it. Most probably got dropped on there heads as babies. I wish I could repost this as a reply to every hater who has given a bad comment relating to the "there wouldn't be any female's in this gang" issue. I just don't know if the Nexus people would get mad, and it would probably clog up your e-mail box. THANKS
    1. outerheaven1776
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      they wouldnt get gril friends theyd probably assualt them and things I wont say here in a prison enviroment.
    2. BillstrNexus
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      You do have a point outerheaven. I'm not a female but I can say it is not attractive at all when the only thing you say is: "It never gets old when something blows up."
  4. spoonsandvich
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    cool mod
    male prison/10
  5. Thisguyagain
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    this mod annoys me, but not for the same reasons everyone else is bitching.
    I do like the idea of female powder gangsters. but sadly this mod dont cut it

    first of all, when neutral and even friendly with powder gang faction, the female members are hostile on sight to me.
    secondly the female powder gang members set off all the explosive mines and boobytraps set by powder gang, the ones that the "normal gang members" dont set off.
    third, and this is a bit of a nit pick, but the female powder gangsters look like the god damn corpse bride, with blue/greenish pale skin and gross shaped faces.

    1. Paperblade
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Have figured on how do uninstall the mod? I did via the NMM and started out from Doc Mitchells house, but whenever I get down to The Skydiving Shack I encounter hostile female and ugly prison birds and I sided with The Powder Gangers during the shootout... This really messed my game up
  6. zxczxczbfg
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    The fact that a female Courier can put on the PG armor, sneak into a PG facility, and not be spotted as a spy instantly, probably means that there are female PGs.
    1. dragonicdude
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      they bounty hunter guy finds it out when a female pg aproaches him
  7. evilbeefjerky
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    Okay a lot of you seem to be thinking in pre-war terms.
    However, this isn't pre-war America, this is the NCR and the NCR would deal with male and female criminals alike.

    It is somewhat illogical that the NCR would ship only it's male prisoners in it's work gangs. In a post-apocalypse you make do with anything available.

    Moreover in Van Buren the main character was to be an ex-prisoner, and could be male or female. Regardless of gender they would have escaped from the same facility, so don't tell me it's impossible in Fallout.

    Why assume a co-ed prison in any case? They could be held in seperate wings, and united *after* the uprising.
    In the end it was a lack of imagination on the developer's part.
    1. StormDrummer
      • supporter
      • 12 kudos
      I wouldn't call it lack of imagination. One thing most of the commentors here overlook is that women don't make ideal railroad laborers, so why ship them in from California?

      Recruited/kidnapped from the Mojave population? Well, maybe, but I don't imagine there'd be all that many available.

      Well, all this is speculation. It could be either way. The modder wanted female Powder Gangers, so he and anyone who wants to download can have 'em. Why not? Anyway, it's been an interesting conversation.
  8. Danny159
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    While agree with the haters, as there shouldn't be female powdergangers.
    You might get away with creating a small group of female prisoners in third cellblock.
    They should be very wary about any male powder ganger and male Couriers.
    Male powder gangers might be able to be scripted to occasionally try to attack/rape a lone female powder ganger who's wandering leads her too far away from the other female powder gangers.
    And perhaps have the women gang up on a lone male too... (women have needs too) XD
  9. FrankensteinDR
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Good mod, nice idea ! I like it. 5
  10. elizav
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Powder Gangers originated from a prison outbreak. There are NO prison that holds opposite gender at the same time. That is why Powder GangERs is just bunch of male thugs.
    1. vicks008kid
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      you do know that 1.Fallout is not in the same world we are in 2.maybe the NCR was sorry for the guys in there and put girls in 3. It is a mod do not download it if you do not like and do not hate.
    2. gluumba
      • supporter
      • 43 kudos
      This is post apocalypse, they don't have two prisons to incarcerate opposite genders. this is fallout, not a modern society, people f*#@, people die, s#*! happens. besides, even if they were weird about opposite genders, there's cell blocks a and b, so they could split them like that
    3. TheManFromJupiter003
      • BANNED
      • 1 kudos
      Gluumba you know nothing about life do you? Calm your tits, elizav wasn't even being rude or mean nor was he "hate"ing, just pointing out a fact. Vicks008 your a fucking idiot. The world of fallout IS OUR WORLD. Its just post apocalyptic. Both of overreacted.
    4. Amathy
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      except it isn't a fact. co-ed correctional facilities do exist. and no, the fallout world isn't the same as our world. not sure what kind of pedestal you're putting yourself on to call him an idiot if you think what we're used to is relevant to what happens 200 years in the future after a nuclear war in a fictional world.