Fallout New Vegas


  1. dree74
    • member
    • 272 kudos
    Hey guys, it has been quite long since I commented here.

    I've been quite busy in real life, working nearly 60-65 hours while maintaining complicated social life. It is hard to say I will be supporting any of my Fallout 3/NV/TES5 mods. If you are hoping for updates on any of my public mods, it is unlikely to happen...not anytime soon.

    However, with Fallout 4 announced, I am planning to create More Perks for Fallout 4, but I cannot promise anything at this point I wish I had plenty of time like I did years ago, but I have priorities in my life.

    Also, super thanks to all the donors who supported this mod beyond simply clicking endorsement. I've been struggling financially in last couple months and this has been a great help. I truly appreciate it and if I ever come back to create more quest based mods, these donors will likely show up as badass NPCs and anti-heroes.

    Jonathan Silgals
    Kevin Evers
    Josh Jones
    Robert Dotson
    Linwood Oakes
    Julian Javier Lopez Pajuelo
    Jeremiah Simpson
    Christopher Chu Cheong
    Björn Falkenbach
    Stephen White

    Thanks again guys.
  2. BadNewsBear116
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    • 0 kudos
  3. ButterscotchZ
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    How do I get a suit upgrade kit?
  4. Smithsoniancrackwhore
    • member
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    sorry in advance if its a stupid question but are the DLC perks in the regular perk lists or would i have to do a fresh save for the DLC's ive already done?
  5. ParallelWave
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    • 0 kudos
    dunno if i'm just a fool but i can't /quite/ get the mod to work? it works fine if i run the game normally, through the launcher, but it won't work when i use mod organizer 2. I love this mod (played with it a bit before) but i wanna use some of the others i've found, too. Am i not noticing something simple? sorry for bothering if it is something dummy or something mentioned elsewhere that i didn't see!
  6. FFrutz2
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Not sure if these perks were ever made with balance in mind, but this mod's Repair Master (25%) + vanilla Raul's Full Maintenance (75%) perks would hypothetically make equipment never decay and always stay at 100% forever.
  7. Wolcamophone
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    That spritework for Hologram Expert is just a default photoshop filter you can't fool anyone.
  8. calvinien
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    OK so what in the heck does Leaving trails actually do? The description just makes it sound like the regular fast travel the game already has.
    1. pablodrigues
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      when you fast travel from the middle of nowhere, it leaves a marker so you can fast travel back to where you were, like a fast travel to unmarked locations you visited
  9. carcaman
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    who is the id for the perk Friendless, the npc got stuck and I can't find it on the site and I thought about eliminating it or if there is any other way to make it appear next to me or eliminate the perk and then select it later can help me pls for this¿
    1. pablodrigues
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      revert to a previous save game in which you have the lil deathclaw near you, press ~(above tab) and then click him, his ref IF will show up under his name on top of the screen, take notes, go back to your most recent save, press ~ again, type prid refID, press enter, then type moveto player
  10. VintageGamer84
    • member
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    Did not find a better place to ask but.. can anyone please tell me if a Deathclaw companion from Friendless perk can grow to alpha?
    1. bill8875
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      No, it cannot. You can probably change the model with FNVEdit or the GECK to make it into the Alpha.
    2. pablodrigues
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      up to a mother, if I'm not mistaken
  11. Siscomem
    • member
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    How the hell do you feed the friend of friendines that deathclaw perk how

    i would like to get some assistance or info how to feed the damn deathclaw
    1. bill8875
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      You do not.
    2. pablodrigues
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      open your misc data tab, search for the note "your best friend's favorite food", every 14 hours you can feed him with the stuff on the list, takes 96 food for him to advance to max level