Fallout New Vegas

Q: The iron sights are misaligned!
A: Please see the Description. Specifically, look for the header titled "Iron Sights Adjustment," and click on the Spoiler. It's not hard, and it barely takes any time. Promise. :)

Q: The model is clipping! Why?
A: Because I'm an idiot.

Fixing it is simple, though. Download FOV Slider. In-game, open up the MCM, and look for the setting titled "Near Distance Clipping." Slide it all the way down (to 2.0). And that's it. :)

Q: What FOV should I use?
A: Lower FOVs are going to look better. I do try to account for higher FOVs within reason, but I don't prioritize fixing any wonkiness there, because high FOVs look bad in my opinion. Sweet spot is going to be between 65 and 75. I use 70 myself. I don't support high-FOV-specific problems by the time a set is released, sorry. Life is too short to put that much effort into something I don't care about.

Q: Will you make third-person animations?
A: Nope!

Q: Will you apply these to other vanilla weapons/mod-added weapons?
A: No. If you do a little bit of reading and have Notepad on your computer, though, you can make and release patches yourself.

Q: Will you make animations for me?
A: DM me.

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