• Vote for Bethesda at The Escapist

    Each year The Escapist (best known for their weekly "Zero Punctuation" column) run a people's choice competition of the biggest game developers in the world. Members of the site vote for their favourite developers in "rounds" against other developers and in the latest round Bethesda have come up against Valve, creators of all those games you love to hate (and I guess enjoy). If you'd like to help Bethesda out in a match-up they're clearly underdogs for then head on over to the voting page and...

  • Most endorsed recently added files

    There is now a new Top 25 page available on all Nexus sites in the top lists that displays the most endorsed files that have been recently added to the site. You can filter the results from between 1 day and 60 days since the addition of the file. You can use this tool to check out the up-and-coming new files on the site and it can be found under Top 100 -> Most endorsed recently added files....

  • Where do you buy your games and hardware?

    Many major online retailers have an affiliate system linked to them by which they offer small percentage based commissions to sites that refers paying customers to them. Take for example a site like Amazon. If you click a link on someone's website to Amazon and then proceed to buy something off the site the referring website will be given a small percentage of the total sale in commission. You don't pay extra. You don't do anything differently. You don't even know you've done it. But a commissio...

  • Tracking centre changes

    The tracking centre on all Nexus sites has been updated with new functionality and some fixes. Here's the change log: Added a new filter option to set a time range for results Fixed an issue with results not being ordered by date when filters were set Removed the ability to order results by file name as this functionality is practically provided by the individual feeds anyway Fixed an issue with text overlapping on small resolutions Please give the new tracking centre a spin. See wh...

  • Network upgrade complete

    All the Nexus sites and the forums were brought down today from 1pm to 9pm GMT so that I could upgrade all the sites to their latest versions. The upgrades went down without a hitch and there were no unforeseen problems during the upgrade process. However there could be plenty of unforeseen problems with the new site code that my own personal testing hasn't picked up. The scope of testing I do as an individual, and as the creator of the site is very limited compared to the scope provided by t...

  • Scheduled down-time (8 hours) Monday 15th March

    All the Nexus Sites and the forums will be taken offline on Monday the 15th of March from 1pm GMT for up to 8 hours while the forum and Nexus code is updated to the latest version. During this time none of the sites will be available and no files will be downloadable. A redirect will be put in place that I'll keep people updated on. Over 3 months work has gone in to recoding the tens of thousands of lines behind the Nexus sites to increase performance, security, fix many bugs and add some new...

  • Server move complete

    The down-time scheduled for today is now complete and the forums have successfully been moved to a new server of their own. This should help to alleviate the stress on the forum server which was also hosting both Fallout 3 Nexus and Dragon Age Nexus while dealing with requests from TESNexus. The servers will continue to be tweaked throughout the week. The weekends are the busiest times on Nexus sites so next weekend should prove to be interesting. Thank you for your patience during this ti...

  • Scheduled down-time Tuesday 19th of Jan 2010

    All the Nexus sites and the forums will be taken down tomorrow from 1pm GMT while the forums are moved to a new web server. The down-time is expected to last a maximum of 4 hours and all the sites should be back by 5pm GMT. This move should insure a faster response and more stability across all the Nexus sites 24/7 for the foreseeable future while helping to facilitate an update of all the back-end code of the Nexus sites which I'm currently undertaking that should be finished by the end of F...

  • New Premium Member server and server stability update

    The new year is upon us and with it comes its share of joys and jolts. First things first the move to the new file server architecture is now complete and there are now 4 file servers for the 3 Nexus sites. Please insure that you try and pick servers with the least number of users on them; although one location might be closer to you than the others the file speeds are still currently capped at 150kb/sec so it really shouldn't matter too much. On a similar note there is now a second Premiu...

  • Recent validation email problems

    All the Nexus sites have experienced issues sending out the validation emails for new members (or any emails for that matter) over this weekend. I apologise for this problem that I now believe to be fixed. I can't possible reply to all the emails sent in about this issue so sorry about that too! If you try now it should now work. If you registered today then you will need to wait 24 hours for your unvalidated account to be deleted so you can sign up again. Alternatively try logging in to the ...

  • Changes to the file servers

    Over the course of the next week the file servers across all the Nexus sites will be coming offline one at a time so upgrades can be made. The fundamental way in which the file servers operate will also be changing. At the moment each Nexus site has its own file server(s); two for TESNexus, one for Fallout 3 Nexus and one for Dragon Age Nexus. Once the upgrades to the file servers have been made all four file servers will be used by all three Nexus sites, balancing out the bandwidth and load ...

  • Your thoughts on improving this site

    It's oh so cliché to say on the internet these days but this site is run "by gamers, for gamers", or maybe "by modders, for modders". Recently I've been putting a lot of work in to improving various aspects of the site, ramping up the functionality, increasing usability and action efficiency and generally trying to roll out updates that are going to improve things around here based on recommendations from users within the community. Indeed I've found I have a lot more time for coding these ...

  • Follow Nexus on Twitter

    The Nexus now has its own Twitter page updated by yours truly. Now none of the staff are really big on Twitter as a personal tool; "Robin is going to the toilet", "Robin has had a hard day", "Robin is going to have a bath tonight", noone cares about that sort of rubbish, not even my friends, but what Twitter is handy for is keeping people up-to-date on changes to the site as well as providing a medium to communicate problems to people if for whatever reason (touch wood) the site goes down. Th...

  • Elder Scrolls V possibly set 200 years after Oblivion

    It seems Waterstones, the famous book sellers, might have dropped the ball on the Elder Scrolls V. In a blurb for the new Elder Scrolls book by Greg Keyes, The Elder Scrolls: Infernal City, the page editor put up this interesting tidbit: A novel that takes place forty-five years after the Oblivion Crisis, which is the story of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion game and the expansion pack Shivering Isles. It partly bridges the gap for the next game, which is set 200 years after the Oblivion crisi...

  • Uploading Issues !

    There appears to be an issue with the download servers not updating with new uploads. It appears to be an issue with the servers being out of sync and I have posted in the staff forums for Dark0ne to take a look at the issue....when he checks in. He is presently out of town and does not have his normal internet acccess, so when he tells the staff anything I will be posting a followup here as well. We are aware of the issues, they are available on the premium only server, but the others do n...

  • Server move complete

    Well it's official, the Nexus sites have been moved to their new home here in England. There were a few quirky problems over the days following on from the move but these should all have been ironed out now. The move was a resounding success and extremely quick thanks in great part to the folks over at Krystal who are now hosting the web servers. Simon, one of the directors of Krystal, was actually the co-founder of Morrowind Chronicles back in August of 2001 which is the website from which this...

  • Server move in progress

    Howdy The Nexus sites are currently being moved over to their new servers. If you're reading this then you're ON the new server, welcome! The work doesn't finish here though; there's lots of config files, tweaks, module installs and server restarts to go. So hang in there. Bugs The Nexus sites are big sites with lots of specialised code. I'm not a professional coder and I often forget important things, so if the site is breaking then please report it here. Provide the page you're visiting a...

  • Server move soon

    The stress of last week is now behind me and the forum server is back up (but how long it will last is anybody's guess). To preempt the final failure of the forum harddrive the proposed server moved scheduled for the middle of August has been pushed forward to, hopefully, as early as this coming Wednesday (5th Aug 09). First of all why is this server move necessary? It's necessary because the servers are at their peak. They can handle what's being thrown at them right now but I want to squeez...

  • Comments and Ratings disabled

    Buddah for info: Posting this here so it is easily found. If you uploaded a file in the past 3 or 4 days and ratings and comments are disabled. No one, I repeat NO ONE, not even Dark0ne can enable them. When the forum servers went wonky....there was no file thread created when the file page was initiated so there is nothing that can be done about it. The only fix, and again I repeat THE ONLY FIX is to delete the old file page and create a new one if you want to have comments and ratings...

  • Down-time over

    The server is now back up with the necessary upgrades in place. Initial indications are good and the situation is being monitored over the course of the next week to assess whether a further upgrade will be necessary or not....