File Server Issues [Resolved]

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Over the past 24 hours or so the Washington file server has been experiencing problems. The system has entered "read-only" mode which normally suggests a disk problem as it means that new files uploaded over the past 24 hours (and from here on until the problem gets fixed) cannot be written to the server but old files from before that time can still be downloaded. I am working to sort the issue with my Washington server provider and will try to keep you all updated.

Not to spark conspiracy theories but the premium file server is not affected by this problem.

Update at 11:25 GMT: the normal file server is now back in operation and working again. Thank you to everyone for their patience and support during this time.

Update at 01:10 GMT: the hard drive has been replaced in the file server and the OS has been reloaded. The 60GB of Fallout 3 files are currently being transferred over to the new hard drive from a backup server which is going to take some time. In the mean time I'm going to go to bed, what with it being 1am, and I'll be up in the morning to add all the necessary server forks, tweaks and patches to get the server running again, and hopefully the file transfer will have finished by then too. Hopefully the server will be back up by midday GMT.

Update at 20:20 GMT: after doing a disk check of the server the hard drive is heading for a full hardware failure. As a result the hard drive will have to be placed and the 60GB or so of Fallout 3 files on the site will have to be tranferred over to the new harddrive. Ergo the server will probably be unavailable for a further 12 - 18 hours, depending on how long it takes the server provider to replace the hard drive and do an OS reload. Thank you for your patience at this time.


  1. techstepman
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    ok so how do i get premium membership?seriously i cant find it anywhere!how much is it?

    im downloading so many years from here that i feel stupid...if the money are resonable im in!just tell me what to do!
  2. Arakizuki
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I just hit a IPS Driver Error... 4:15PM Standard MTN. Waited a minute or so and It's working fine.

    One thing I have noticed though is that browsing the site seems to get slower and slower.
  3. gsmanners
    • member
    • 68 kudos
    Sorry, I guess I'll make sure to take the stupid side next time. <img class=">

    I'm really more upset with modders and their big mods that have no mirrors. That just seems obvious to me.
  4. Snowgoose
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    But a free site with free mods goes down not even 12 hours and people are asking to open up another server or create premium temporary accounts? Just plain selfish.

    If your life depends so much on this site, you seriously need to find another hobby or game to play until its back up again. Go outside, take a walk or a bike ride, take a nap, do something.

    I agree with the second part of that statement. Patience is a virtue, no doubt. But I take exception with that first statement. Selfish? No. It's called quid pro quo.

    Many of the modders work really hard on their mods and host their files here in the belief that the site will not go down for very long. Users trust that they can access that work and provide the desired feedback. If that trust is violated, then there is a temptation to move elsewhere. It's a perfectly natural impulse.

    I trust the people who operate this site, but you have to admit the wisdom in having redundant sources for larger files. Why else would you have "mirrors" tab? If going down is SOP, then it makes more sense to have that redundancy, not less.

    Well, according to MY latin phrasebook "Quid pro quo" = something for something & what we have here is most definitely a case of something for nothing.

    Hence the strong feeling amongst many users that a few were being deeply selfish in asking that the site admins drop everything and open up the premium servers / create temporary 'free' premium accounts mid-outage.

    Do yourself a favour mate - don't use your intellegence to back a dumb argument & don't throw in latin phrases in the hope that they'll make your argument carry more weight.<img class=">

  5. gsmanners
    • member
    • 68 kudos
    But a free site with free mods goes down not even 12 hours and people are asking to open up another server or create premium temporary accounts? Just plain selfish.

    If your life depends so much on this site, you seriously need to find another hobby or game to play until its back up again. Go outside, take a walk or a bike ride, take a nap, do something.

    I agree with the second part of that statement. Patience is a virtue, no doubt. But I take exception with that first statement. Selfish? No. It's called quid pro quo.

    Many of the modders work really hard on their mods and host their files here in the belief that the site will not go down for very long. Users trust that they can access that work and provide the desired feedback. If that trust is violated, then there is a temptation to move elsewhere. It's a perfectly natural impulse.

    I trust the people who operate this site, but you have to admit the wisdom in having redundant sources for larger files. Why else would you have mirrors tab? If going down is SOP, then it makes more sense to have that redundancy, not less.
  6. xclear
    • member
    • 31 kudos
    Great Job on fixing the download issues!
  7. dukeman
    • premium
    • 20 kudos
    Good that server works again. Now I can continue my downloads. Good job guys.

    As Klammy says: "Most sites would probably take a week to fix their server issues."

    True but certain cases it takes longer.
  8. Rayek
    • premium
    • 343 kudos
    Nice job guys.

    Appreciate the effort to get them back up. And the extra work you all put in because of it.

    Buddah was very prompt in answering questions. Top notch.
  9. Klammy
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hey guys, thanks a lot. Most sites would probably take a week to fix their server issues. I guys addressed the situation immediately, and dealt with it. Thanks.
  10. mivanc
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Well, I must say I missed this whole outage with the server and all ... and I check this site almost every day. Gotta say, that's some pretty efficient fixing on Dark0ne's part.

    People who complain probably don't work in business environments where outages can last days and I've seen weeks(and even 1 MONTH!!). And we're talking corporate mail, services, applications. Stuff like that goes down, we're talking serious money. And it goes down often. Not a week goes by that something doesn't go down.

    But a free site with free mods goes down not even 12 hours and people are asking to open up another server or create premium temporary accounts? Just plain selfish.

    If your life depends so much on this site, you seriously need to find another hobby or game to play until its back up again. Go outside, take a walk or a bike ride, take a nap, do something.

    I love this site and its the best mod community I've ever been a part of.

    Good Job Dark0ne on getting things back up and running in what I find is a very respectable timeframe (given I missed the whole thing!) and to the moderators who maintain this great site.