Skyrim SE and Fallout 4 Creation Kit now available on Steam

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As some of you may already be aware, the launcher is being shut down next month and players are being offered the chance to migrate their games and other content to Steam. 

The Creation Kit - the official SDK for creating Skyrim and Fallout 4 mods - could only be acquired exclusively through this launcher which would of course be a problem for new modders once the service is taken offline. 

Luckily, Bethesda has already made both the Fallout 4 and Skyrim Special Edition versions of the Creation Kit freely available on Steam. You can add them to your library by clicking on the banners below. 

I have been able to confirm with Bethesda that both of these Creation Kit builds are compatible with the Steam and Xbox (PC) versions of their respective games. You should not need the Steam version exclusively to use these tools. However, it is unclear whether the CK will work seamlessly with the Virtual Reality versions of the games as modding for Skyrim VR and Fallout 4 VR is not officially supported by Bethesda.

The Fallout 4 Creation Kit appears to be much the same as the version offered by the Bethesda launcher, however, the version for Skyrim SE has been updated from 1.5.73 to 1.6.438.0. The update includes the following changes:

  • Now able to save an arrow's weight at 0
  • Memory leak fix
  • Now able to change weapon form's "unequip sound"

This, unfortunately, means that the new version is no longer compatible with the fantastic SSE CreationKit Fixes by Nukem. I spoke with Nukem earlier today who said he doesn't currently have the time to update CK fixes but is welcoming any assistance from contributors on the project GitHub page

If you're using this addon, make sure to make a backup of the current Creation Kit files found in your Skyrim game folder (listed below) or use the Creation Kit Downgrade Patcher by Halgari

  • Tools (entire folder)
  • Papyrus Compiler (entire folder)
  • lex (entire folder)
  • Data\
  • CreationKit.exe
  • CreationKit.ini
  • flowchartx64.dll
  • p4com64.dll

Kudos to Otellino for the list. 

It's important to keep in mind that this is not an automatic update, so there's no reason to overreact! If you have the version from you do not need to download the Steam version. However, if you ever need to reinstall Creation Kit, Steam will be the only option from 11 May 2022 onwards.

As a reminder, you will also be able to migrate any games from the launcher to Steam starting tomorrow (27 April 2022). You can read more about the migration process on Bethesda's website


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  1. Pickysaurus
    • Community Manager
    • 720 kudos
    You can start migrating your games to Steam here:
  2. hakchy
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    question: i never install this before, so curious, how much importand this is needed for a modded game?
    1. a1racer
      • premium
      • 13 kudos
      It’s not creation kit is for creating mod or game files and editing stuff. If you have no plans of doing any of that it won’t do anything for you. 
    2. zMaZT3Rz
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      You don't need it if you're not planning creating mods. All you need is Vortex if you just want to install already made mods.
    3. hakchy
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      oh i see, thx you so much for helping me
    4. AthenaX
      • member
      • 309 kudos
      Or you can use fallout4Edit for Fallout 4 or TES5Edit for Skyrim.
  3. Magolor7
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I keep getting the "Scene editing will not be available as the FlowChartX DLL failed to register successfully" and I'm not sure how to fix it. Both the FlowCharX DLL and the Creation Kit Application that I downloaded from Steam are together in the same folder. That's how the Creation Kit Application downloaded from Steam; I didn't manually move the files so they are in the same driver.  I've tried running as administrator and the same problem occurs. If anyone can help me out, it would be much appreciated? Thank you.
  4. yelnats2355
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I just installed the new steam creation kit today (04/27/2022).  When i try to run the CK through MO2 get Load error V:0000065432.  I've uninstalled and reinstalled it 3 times, each time starting it with Steam or the CK exe before trying to run it with MO2 .  I have verified the integrity of my files with steam..  I'm pretty sure it's installed correctly.  Is anyone else having this problem?  Is there a fix?

    04/29/2022- I'm runing Skyrim AE.  I uninstalled the creation kit, then uninstalled and reinstalled Steam.  Then reinstalled the CK.  Now I can open the CK with creationkit.exe.  I can't open it with the Steam CK launcher or MO2.  Steam won't help because the CK is Bethesda software.  Bethesda won't help because they succesfully dumped the shitty AE CK on Steam.  Still getting the Load error V:0000065432 when I try to open the CK with MO2.  The error message popup also says it's a Steam error.  The AE creation kit is about as useful as a football bat.
    1. I had that same problem with trying to run it through Vortex, and I fixed it by going into its edit options and adding an environmental variable with a key of SteamAppID and a value of 1946180.

      I assume there's probably a similar field in MO2's edit options for external tools, but as I never actually used it, I can't tell you where.
    2. EStrock
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks for the tip Legend! I got it to work in MO2 with the same value. For MO2 users I seem to have it working this way:
      Click on your gears icon in MO2, set up the creation kit tool. There is a line below arguments that says "Overwrite Steam AppID". Tick the box and type in the 1946180 value listed below. This worked for me
    3. yelnats2355
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      The MO2 fix worked for me.  Thanks to all you smart people.  Dummies like me are screwed without you.
    4. yelnats2355
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I'm just curious, but how did you find  the 1946180 value?  I wondered if my problem had to do with the steam ID, but I had no idea where to find the number.
    5. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 720 kudos
      It's the Steam App ID for the Creation Kit. You can see it by hovering over the respective links in the article. 
    6. ThePonyLover92
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      So, I just downloaded it and had the same issue. Entered in the value and it still isn't working, any ideas?
    7. hawksbill
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      This worked. Entered 1946180 as an override in MO2. Thank you. The creation kit seems more stable now as well.
  5. macrocosm144
    • premium
    • 16 kudos
    So it only works with AE then, thanks for the warning, I will not be installing that version anytime soon, the SE version along with Nukem's tweaks is too good.

    I will only add one hopeful request, whomever jumps in to update Nukems tweaks for AE CK, PLEASE take a look at the Fallout4 similar mod, the ck updates mod, it has a darkmode style, and its so wonderful and gentle on the eyes. I bet you could take the style code and move it over with minimal issues being they're so close, and the differences between fo4 SSE CK are not in the underlying GUI style code.
    1. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 720 kudos
      This whole AE vs SE thing is such a misnomer. The CK for both is exactly the same. You are literally talking about v1.5 and v1.6 of Skyrim Special Edition. I really wish the "AE" thing would fall out of use because it's just breeding misunderstanding and misinformation.
    2. KYLE215PS3
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      Pickysaurus agreed
    3. a1racer
      • premium
      • 13 kudos
      the real kicker is you can run the 1.6 without all the creation club stuff so basically, it's just an update to a 10-year-old file and people have freaked over it.  
    4. Oracus0
      • premium
      • 272 kudos
      Not really... It is baffling to me how Bethesda can "update" a file trivially, acknowledging that this update will break the community fix by Nukem, which is essential to the development of projects like Skyblivion, Skywind and Beyond Skyrim, and yet not incorporate the essential fixes Nukem made in their update.  But, yeah, I'm sure that zero-weight arrow thing will come in handy some time...
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      that update killed my whole game took me months to get all those mods and load order right with mo2 than the update destroyed it havent been back since
    6. HazakTheMad
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      Are memory leaks a joke to ya?
      Do people really prefer that companies never update their **** just so there will less work to maintain mods?
    7. Oracus0
      • premium
      • 272 kudos
      @Hazak - CK Fixes is not just a "mod."  BTW, I'm author of Skygerfall, and quest lead for Skyblivion and BS: Iliac Bay, and we can't develop without it.  CK Fixes does include memory leak fixes and much, much more.  Bethesda simply didn't fix enough of what's wrong with their product, and won't even bother to take a cue from the community.  We can't just automatically expect that Nukem or other tool authors will just dump more of their time in for free to fix what Bethesda broke/didn't fix properly.  And without mod support, Skyrim wouldn't be half of the success it has become.
    8. perchik71
      • premium
      • 226 kudos
      ?I will only add one hopeful request, whomever jumps in to update Nukems tweaks for AE CK, PLEASE take a look at the Fallout4 similar mod, the ck updates mod, it has a darkmode style, and its so wonderful and gentle on the eyes. I bet you could take the style code and move it over with minimal issues being they're so close, and the differences between fo4 SSE CK are not in the underlying GUI style code.

      Nukeem and I use the same system for replacing the rendering mechanism, but there is a difference in my project with a more complex structure, moreover, it is identified from the color scheme, for this reason you can apply a light theme and any other.

      First of all, should be the whole UITheme, which says how to draw and what to draw, it depends on my WUI classes.

      So need to refine a lot DarkMode.cpp in the Nukeem project. And without the above modules, it will take another six months of development, for one programmer.
  6. deleted142394158
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
    1. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 720 kudos
      Considering the CK has no direct impact on the game or the script extender this seems like a coincidence more than anything. 
    2. deleted142394158
      • account closed
      • 1 kudos

    3. deleted142394158
      • account closed
      • 1 kudos
    4. HazakTheMad
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      The CK has nothing to do with that.
    5. HazakTheMad
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      How exactly are you running the script extender, through a desktop shortcut/Vortex dashboard/MO2 launch option?
    6. deleted142394158
      • account closed
      • 1 kudos
    7. Disarray82
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Did you try reinstalling the f4se launcher?
    8. HazakTheMad
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      Are you sure you didn't make a shortcut to the default launcher on accident?
    9. deleted142394158
      • account closed
      • 1 kudos
      so i got the CK fixed but now when i open it, only the render window shows up. The cell view window or other windows don't show up at all. They are all ticked in the view tab too. I haven't touched any settings either. This all happened by itself
    10. deleted142394158
      • account closed
      • 1 kudos
    11. deleted142394158
      • account closed
      • 1 kudos
      Yes, that worked but now when i open the creation kit, the only window that opens besides the interface is the render window. all of the windows are ticked in the view tab. is there any other way to get them to pop back up?
  7. deleted142394158
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
  8. Not sure if this is the place to ask but any word on why it's shutting down? I've never used it lol so it's not a problem for me personally, just curious.
    1. Olivir2019
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      I believe this is result of Microsoft taking over Bethesda - the launcher makes no sense to them (and I agree).
    2. Retrophyx
      • member
      • 190 kudos
      we are approaching a one world order.
    3. InvaderJoshua
      • premium
      • 15 kudos
      Because clearly this launcher was forced like I highly suspect the CC content also by Zenimax executives and not Bethesda themselves. Microsoft clearly cares more about game adoption in and of itself then microtransactions since it sells their true bread and butter the Xbox Game Pass. Anything at all that makes their games look any less appealing destroys the appeal of Xbox Game Pass. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I saw Microsoft get rid of payed dlc entirely and makes all future game content free just to make their games more appealing in the bundle. 
  9. InvaderJoshua
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    Whelp this confirms my theory that the only reason Bethesda was doing their own launchers and the creation club content was because Papa Zenimax wanted them to. Since Microsoft is having them get rid of the launcher and no new CC content has released lets hope there is no CC in Starfield, if you grew up in the collectathon generation seeing content attached to a game that you cant get without paying even if its crap is torture. Basically forces you to buy it for sanity. With free optional mods on nexus I never feel pressured since their seperate. Looking back on it I think games like Spyro, Banjo, and Jak did more bad then good for me lol.
  10. lefttounge
    • supporter
    • 219 kudos
    This is GROoVY news buds! ^~^
    I'll have to see about making a fallout 4 follower one of these sober days.
  11. a1racer
    • premium
    • 13 kudos
    Just redownloaded both kits off Bethesda’s site like a week ago, bummer the fixes aren’t working but I’d guess they get ported soon enough. The fix mod is the only way I can use it without punching my computer when trying to edit stuff that requires multiple masters open at once. 
    1. HazakTheMad
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      You can edit the ini to load multiple masters, it is one of the very first steps people should take before using the CK, the CK Fixes just happens to bundle that with it.
    2. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 720 kudos
      I've included a recommended CK INI with my modding tools collection here:
    3. a1racer
      • premium
      • 13 kudos
      had no idea I don't use the CK often enough to learn that stuff just knew that using the fixes fixed it for me. and thanks, picky didn't know there was a mod pack for the CK been a min since I checked the mod bundle pages.