About this mod
Implements a shipping bin similar to Stardew Valley
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
This mod adds an interact trigger to the shipping bin in front of your house (whatever your roll button is) that opens a package exchange ui that lets you ship and sell items directly from your farm.
The UI shows how much your current shipment is worth and indicates what the day's market bonus is in %. There is now an option to remove the market fluctuation change.
Once you close the UI, you will be set up to receive a mail the next morning (or immediately, if you disable that option) with your hard-earned gols in it.
Items shipped will be lost when you close the UI so if there are any bugs in this mod, you may end up broke AND possessionless. The Aedenthorn Shipping Corporation offers no warranty for lost deliveries.
Each time you send items using the bin, a new delivery is created, so you will end up with multiple mails if you send stuff more than once per day.
The delayed mail function is experimental. The game doesn't seem to actually implement any delayed sending of mail, even though every mail has a "sent" time stamp (it appears to always be set to whenever the mail was created). So, I had to hack it, and now ALL mail will only show up in the mail box after the time in its "sent" time stamp. This shouldn't affect the game's mail because as I said, I don't think this is implemented, but who knows, eh? Turning off this option should bring back any lost mail if my hacks weren't doing their job properly.
Requires Unity Mod Manager. Install by extracting to your Mods directory, or via the UMM interface.
Source code at https://github.com/aedenthorn/mytimeatportia.
If you want to complain or ask for help or help me test my mods, you can visit my Discord server.