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Version 2.5.0
Move bed UI to two rows for many spouses
Version 2.4.0
Fixed non-vanilla romance childbearing
Version 2.3.0
Fixed Higgins romance
Version 2.2.3
Potential fix for crash when trying to kiss while riding
Version 2.2.1
Actually added option
Version 2.2.0
Added option to not add adults as romanceable
Version 2.1.3
Fixed pre-existing jealousy still triggering break up
Version 2.1.2
Added back changed RemoveFromBlacklist call
Version 2.1.0
Better animation ending handling
potential fix for blacklist error
Version 2.0.2
Fixed kissing not playing for tall partners
Version 2.0.1
Fixed mod settings ui
Version 2.0.0
Fixed most outstanding issues with MTAP latest version
Version 1.2.1
Prevent spouse kissing from happening outdoors due to raycasting problem
Version 1.2.0
Added ability for spouses to initiate kiss with player
Fixed double audio for kiss
Fixed some ragdoll issues with kissing
Version 1.1.3
Potential fix for quests not starting
Don't change spouse when talking if spouse set to "None"
Version 1.1.2
Fixed crash on return to main menu
Fixed spouses not getting gravity back after kissing
Version 1.1.1
Fixed custom kissing audio
Version 1.1.0
Added new kissing sound
fixed bug of marrying old spouse instead of new
Version 1.0.2
Fixed some problems with spouses kissing
Allowed spouses to always follow player
Version 1.0.1
Added UMM version requirement to prevent crash. Please update your UMM version to 0.13.0!
Version 1.0.0
Added ability for spouses to kiss each other when in range (experimental)
Set current spouse when initiating conversation
Update for UMM new version
Version 0.9.5
Removed block on expressing romantic interest (heart knot)
Version 0.9.4
Fixed interfering with fiance identity (force mod to use fiance id during proposal period)
Version 0.9.2
Minor fixes and corrections
Version 0.9.1
added mod UI buttons to manually set current spouse
removed unintended ability to date children and pets
fixed Ginger's marriage quest not triggering
fixed date quests not triggering
Version 0.8.0
Added ability to select "current" spouse by getting a massage (for asking about a baby)
removed 15 day marriage requirement on asking spouse about a baby
This mod changes how romance works in the following ways:
Allows you to form new romantic interests when already married to someone else
Allows you to get married when already married to someone else (doesn't affect old marriage)
Prevents romance interests (including existing spouses) from getting upset when you get married
Prevents romantic interests from getting jealous when they see you interacting intimately with another romantic interest
Prevents romantic interests from getting jealous when they see you on a date with another romantic interest
Allows you to select any spouse to sleep in a bed in your house, and they will now sleep there at night
Allows spouses to kiss you and each other when in range (optional)
Makes kissing sound more realistic
(Experimental) Allows you to romance and marry normally non-romanceable human adult NPCs - apparently going on dates with them is still bugged though
(Experimental) Allows you to have a child with whoever is your "current" spouse (see below)
(Experimental) Allows female same-sex couples to choose to give birth to a child "naturally" (I'm not sure how/if this actually works)
Things to be aware of when running this mod:
There are some parts of the game that require a specific answer to "Who is your spouse?" especially surrounding having children. To fix this, I've added a setting that chooses a spouse as your "current" spouse. In order to choose one spouse as your current spouse, you can either: a) talk to them (doesn't work if spouse set to "None") b) hit ESC, then open up the UMM interface (CTRL+F10) and click on the spouse's button in the mod settings
There are still certain things you can't do unless the game thinks you have no spouse - most importantly marrying Ginger! Before you give Ginger a wedding ring if you're already married, go into the mod settings and set your spouse to "None". Other NPCs might have similar problems. Phyllis does not, so her marriage quest should trigger even if you are married and have a "current" spouse.
Once you successfully propose to an NPC, the mod uses your fiance as the current spouse until the marriage. This is necessary to ensure the marriage occurs with the proper spouse, but keep in mind that during the proposal period (including proposal quests, I think) you won't be able to set a different current spouse.
Please note there may be other unforeseen consequences of having multiple spouses or romantic interests while married, both for gameplay and for the actual running of the game - this mod may cause unexpected gameplay or even corrupt your save game!