Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
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  1. kleinermango
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    If you are experiencing a bug please submit a trouble ticket in the bug section.
    Additionally, it makes it much easier to troubleshoot your issue if you include a save file and explain what you were doing when the crash occurred.
  2. Caesarian100
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    save to  use now????
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    Executions are perfectly usable if you're willing to accept consequences. Don't get why people think that Nobility executing each other willy-nilly was common and wouldn't be something that would make you despised and distrusted in any court where the news reached.
    1. Saitama0707
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      It wasn't common in the Victorian era, nor the Early Modern periods. I'll even give you the Late-Middle Ages. But it DID happen with regularity in the Early-Middle and Classical Ages. Without question. 
    2. ElRey020
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      Kings were executed when they lost civil wars and the king was seen as a traitor. When the King won a civil war he usually beheaded the Intriguers.
      Nobles were also often beheaded when caught in treason or when murder plots were uncovered.
      In the Roman Empire, it was common for the emperor to be killed (not executed in public) if they were deemed unworthy.
      In fact, in the early Middle Ages, many wars between kingdoms resulted in executions.
      But in the High Middle Ages, executions between nobles were very unusual, with the exception of crusades and 'holy wars', one would also rather talk about intrigued murder plots in classical ages.
      That's why I'd love to see some intrigue and murder conspiracies in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord.
      Because that's really how nobles often died.
    3. OHBOBSAGET3232
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      No. List all the examples of times nobles outright executed other nobles all you want. The amount of times they were held for ransom, blackmailed, indefinitely held for various political powermongering reasons, exchanged, or otherwise used for leverage in some way or another far exceeds ALL notable and recorded examples of outright execution.

      I'm not saying executions are the realm of fantasy. I'm saying your ideas of it are mired in fantasy. In most cases, nobles were far more valuable alive. Dead bodies don't provide leverage. Conspirators in some neato court intrigue aren't always nobility. I'm not sure how the hell Rome's constant civil war power struggles have anything to do with what we're talking about, nor Victorian or Early Modern periods. Completely irrelevant. This is a mod for a fantasy-medieval game.

      Doesn't matter how many hordes of unimportant figures were executed at any given time in any given conflict.  They're not within the scope of the argument. And if you don't give a f*#@ because it's a game, cool. I'll give you a good game reason excess execution is bad (only if you play long term, though. If you just map paint and quit, you'll probably be fine.)

      Dynasties in this game do not have the ability to maintain themselves long term. If you play long enough WITHOUT killing people off all the time, you'll notice swathes of entire families die out and the number of notables on the campaign map drastically reduce. You will speed up the process quite quickly if you just start chopping entire lineages. So, if you're absolutely GOING to indulge in your fantasy version of Medieval times, you should probably get something like Houses of Calradia to counteract this flaw in the base game.
    4. Marcors
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      This off the history channel 

      These are some of the most common types of Medieval execution:BeheadingBelieve it or not, beheading was deemed as one of the most honourable and least painful way to be executed in the Middle Ages. If a sharp enough axe was used, a person could be decapitated with one swift blow, allowing for an instantaneous death. Because of this, beheadings were often reserved for nobles, knights even royalty.
      I put the rest in because its interesting   .Hung, Strung and QuarteredPerhaps the most brutal of all execution methods is hung, strung and quartered. This was traditionally given to anyone found guilty of high treason. The culprit would be hung and just seconds before death released then disemboweled and their organs were then thrown into a fire - all while still alive. Once dead, they would then be cut into four pieces and traditionally have their body parts sent to four different parts of a city as a public warning to others.BurningTo be "burned at the stake" was a common type of execution and was often given to people believed to be heretics or witches. Strapped onto a wooden stake and surrounded by branches, these were then lit and would slowly burn alive.CrushingUsed both as torture and for execution, Medieval crushing involved placing the accused's head in a device that slowly crushed the top and sides of the head together. Eventually the eyes would pop out, skull would crack and the neck would break.Boiling to DeathBoiling to death was usually reserved for poisoners, coin forgers and counterfeiters. It involved being flung into a cauldron of boiling water or oil and the accused would slowly scald to death.Impalement
      As the name suggests, Medieval impalement meant to be impaled (or stuck through) a large sharp object, such as a metal spear or pole and left to die. This corporal punishment was regarded as one of the most shocking public form of executions and was often given to suspected witches, women found guilty of infanticide and child molesters.HangingOne of the most well known forms of execution, traditional hanging was still very commonplace in the Middle Ages. Someone could be hung for various different reasons, from the petty thief to an esteemed Nobleman. When hung with a trap door the neck would break allowing for a quick death but simply being hung could take minutes (sometimes longer) to die.The WheelThe wheel or Catherine wheel involved the victim’s limbs being gradually broken while strapped onto a wheel and then left to die. Agonising, this form of execution could take days to die.SawingSawing is just as it sounds. The victim would be hung upside down and slowly sawn in half. If sawn all the way, they would die, but often the victim was only sawn up to the stomach and left to die, which could potentially take several days.CrucifixionHarking back to biblical times, crucifixion was also carried out throughout Medieval Europe. Crucifixion is to nail a person to a cross with their hands and feet and leave them there until they die. A very prolonged and of course painful way to die, it can take days and even up to a week for death to occur.
    5. Saitama0707
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      Calm down dude. You're about to blow a head gasket. 

      No one ever said that they want nobility executing each other like there in a race. The fact is that it does not happen AT ALL in Bannerlord; even if the scenario/circumstance justifies it. You think you can burn a village, get destroyed in the field, & think that you'll be ransomed? Naw dawg. I need that head. 

      You do have a point regarding the commonality of Noble on Noble executions. For the most part, you'll be ransomed or held as a prisoner for larger political move; maybe even a ward if you're lucky. 

      Lastly, I've experienced your final point. 1023 days in, and I can hardly find a powerful lord. Most clans are now being lead by kids. I'm the Emperor, and I have clans that have had their entire households put to the sword. But a bigger issue regarding Bannerlord is the amount of ladies on the battlefield. You want to talk about historical inaccuracies, you should start with that lol. Why does TaleWorlds have ladies leading armies when their skill set houses no martial prowess? Even if they did have the skill set, ladies did not lead armies. Maybe in Ancient Africa, but definitely not in mainstream history.
    6. Selection0
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      You should read up on the real history of Vlad Tepes then... not everyone in a position of power was as insane and cruel as him, but its a good example of a historical figure executing people willy nilly.
      Also its just a game, historical accuracy is pointless when there is no in depth system of diplomacy like games such as Crusader Kings has. You should probably try Crusader kings if you like history and deep game mechanics.
    7. YumiESP
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      nada que ver, si te pones en una suposición historica sabrás que por ejemplo en españa, inglaterra incluso en muchos otros paises las damas han llegado a ser reinas de una nación, incluso liderando a sus ejércitos en batalla, aparte de todo esto conoceras a los vikingos donde las "damas" sin experiencia como tus dices... fueron guerreras incluso yo diría que mejores que otros barones. estudia historia hermano, luego nos cuentas que tal.... gracias
    8. YumiESP
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      Claro pero eso tiene un sentido, que sentido tiene ejecutar a alguien que sigue órdenes de su rey en batalla, a eso se refiere. si ejecutas a alguien sin causa justificada es normal que tengas -100 este mod esta perfecto, lo unico que falta es un mod "tribunal de justicia", donde se encargen de saber si hiciste bien o no en castigarlo por sus x pecados.
  4. YumiESP
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    este mod es simplemente perfecto, obtuve un juego nuevo donde fui soldado con el imperio meridional, estubimos en guerra con khuzait, uno de sus lideres ejecuto a mi hermano, la experiencia fue brutal.. ya que yo encomende mi propia mision.. venganza. total fui a por su hijo y fue la mujer del verdugo de mi hermano quien pago, siempre enemigos esa es la esencia, luego eso que decis que no tiene sentido que otros tengan -100 de relacion pues no, es practicamente normal y sabeis por que ?, porque en muchas naciones no puedes ni podias tomarte la justicia por tu mano, aunque fuera la edad media o incluso la de los romanos. siempre habia un tribunal de justicia y claro, eso es lo que falta... este mod esta 100% perfecto
  5. Kastrenzo
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    Im not sure if this is a bug coming from this mod,  but its the first time I've seen it happen, and this is the only change I've made recentley.

    Khan Monchug had recentley executed a different friendly lord, so i went hunting for him
    I found him already in battle with another friendly lord, so I joined the battle with the intention of executing him later

    by happenstance in the chaos, I actually came face to face with him, and drilled him with an arrow, and he died on the battlefield. (got both the red skull marker, as well as a notification at the end saying he died on battlefield)
    notification appears at battle's end.  And then after when I check the encyclopedia, it says he's still alive,  and a prisoner of the party I saved earlier.
    I trade for him, and put him in my party, and then execute him myself.

    has anyone encountered anything like this?  pawns dying in battle but... resurrecting on the strategic map?
    1. Kastrenzo
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      upon further testing I have confirmed this bug is being caused by this mod. I filed a bug report with my findings
    2. Zagus4office
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      i had the same happen to multiple pawns
  6. Larmantine
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    This mod is not compatible with Pacemaker, and perhaps even Vanilla, as it disables death by old age. I have nobles as old as 171 years. Disabling this mod solves it.
  7. HaramiKiller
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    I don't know why but every time l try to load game it crashes by saying:
    - Reasons Source: OffWithTheirHeadsMethod not found: 'Void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Actions.KillCharacterAction.ApplyByExecution(TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Hero, TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Hero, Boolean, Boolean)'.
  8. blahbrunch
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    I tried to play with this mod and other mods, as well as when installing on a clean version without mods (new campaign) Crash of the game when capturing an enemy lord.The mod idea is great, but it doesn't work. 
  9. coffeeandcereals
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    • 27 kudos
    thanks for this, i'll give it a try.

    i've seen enough discussions on the topic of executing lords and how it's either historically acurate or executing prisoners being a war crime.

    but there are some issues i take with the way it's handled in vanilla. one of the bigger reasons being nobles on the other side of the god damn continent hating you (-100 relations) for executing someone they don't know. it doesn't make sense.

    and while i accept the premise of the war crime argument, in the context of the game, especially balance wise i just can't.
    because at 90% of the time your back's against the wall and armies flooding your kingdom left and right and an eternal defensive war can't be the only way to progress in this game. while you take ages to gather troops, the lords that escape your prisons or ones you let go return way too fast with armies like nobodies business. and because they don't get hit by so many penalties the player gets hit with, the ai can, indefinitely come at you without loosing much ressources, while you do. so the entire execution thing is more of an balance act than it appears to be.

    I'd even go as far as having executions raise relations with faction members that executed noble is at war with.
  10. Handie
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    What is the base chance that executions happen on setting 1? I have it set there and they are still executing one another like madmen. 
  11. chinhvuonga
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    crash on 1.7.0