Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord


  1. Areldir
    • member
    • 40 kudos
    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Q. Is the Open Source Armory/Weaponry/Saddlery compatible with an existing save?
    A. Yes, but it may take some time (a couple of in-game years) for items to appear in the in-game shops.

    Q. Is the Open Source Armory/Weaponry/Saddlery safe to remove mid-save?
    A. No. Removing any mod from your game will cause issues and can result in the permanent corruption of your saves. Do not remove mid-save.

    Q. Does the Open Source Armory/Weaponry/Saddlery add items to troops/lords/npcs?
    A. No. For that, you need a dedicated overhaul mod. The OSA has an official total overhaul: 'Shattered Imperium', which is hosted on the Discord server.

    Q. When I open the inventory, my item icons look strange/stripey/brown. Is this a bug?
    A. No. This is a bug in the vanilla game that TaleWorlds has fixed in versions 1.2.0 and newer. 
  2. kailan
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Hey thanks for the awesome pack of armors.

    Are you guys gonna put all your new work in this pack or are you gonna keep working on your separate armor mods and once in while combine it in this one?
    1. Areldir
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      The plan is to continue supporting our separate mods whilst also incorporating all our assets here. We're also in talks with several other modders on adding their assets to the project too, so it will grow over time.
      Edit: Due to increasing constraints on my time, I am discontinuing support for my Calradian Reforms - The Armory mod. The OSA will now be the most up-to-date source for those items.
  3. jmpmdc
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, first of all. Awsome mod! love it! 

    I want to say that i found a crash that happen when you use inventory and load armor. What i did usually is overwrite the files to update the. Which was causing the fail. the best aproach to play on 1.6 or above, is to delete the existing mod and unzip the 1.6 mod. That will fix the problem. I would guess some file from older versions of the mod is causing troubles with the 1.6 version of the game. 
  4. alexoraso
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    the mod is applied but i can not find the added armor anywhere 
  5. exzzabyte
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  6. voidmind
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great mod
  7. Dragonborn1234777
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Will it work on XBOX? Because don't see 1.0.X but I really want to use this mod.
  8. Rhonen5
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Very nice set of new armors and weapons but the textures seems to be to high or perhaps have any mesh error or have to many details for the game to handle as it takes the game a few seconds to load the texture of the armors when equipping them to the characters, i don't have this problem with the saddles and weapons.. so my question is if it would be possible to request a medium texture version so it loads in faster on slower graphics cards, i would do this myself if i knew how and if there are no plans for this then i would be happy if someone explained how to do it. Thx :)
    1. Rhonen5
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      After some thinking and looking into the base game AssetPackages i see that all .tpac files are 500mb or smaller while this mod and Orbis_Terrae_Armarium (for all those that play Banner Kings) are around 2GB per .tpac file, so maybe the game would run faster and smoother if there where more files but smaller ones like in the native folder so the game don't need to search though such large files every time we click on something.. i am no modder but i would bet a few cows that it would help a lot :) at the very least it would be worth a try to make the game more stable and crash less, i just hope someone take on the hero mantle and do it :D
    2. fultonator
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Gonna go ahead and second this request. I'm having an issue with the custom armors when using My Little Warband, where the engine is seemingly overloaded by the size of the armor textures in large battles. The game will freeze while attempting to render a piece of armor in motion, and I'm guessing that's just due to the texture size. The only solution I've found is using vanilla armors, which is a little unfortunate since I love these armors so much. Currently I just can't play my latest savegames without completely re-equipping all of my units with vanilla armor sets.
  9. fultonator
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I'm having some strange freezing/crashing in large battles when using OSA and My Little Warband, specifically when I have large amounts of cavalry. I've tried disabling OSA and equipping all my units with vanilla armor, and that does resolve the freezes/crashes.
    When it happens, it's usually while turning my camera to look at my units, and usually all my units helmets will sort of fly off revealing their and my bald head.

    The only way out is to ALT-F4, but as soon as I load in and try to engage in that same battle, the same freeze/crash will happen again. Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this, but the other mods I have installed are:

    -Open Source Saddles
    -Open Source Weapons
    -B.A.R.D. (for all factions)
    -My Little Warband
    -Improved Garrisons
    -Xorberax's Legacy
    -Dismemberment Plus

    I've disabled all the other mods during troubleshooting (with the exception of MLW and BARD, since those are integral to the saves) and it always follows OSA. Gonna keep trying some things, reinstalling OSA and whatnot, but just seeing if anyone else has had this issue and/or knows a fix.
    1. galigula12
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Its a problem with the Bannerlord engine and the texture of the OSA so everytime a lot of troops are loaded into battle (like reinforcements) it is overwhelming the Bannerlord engine and the game freezes. as far as i know..
      The only fix i found is to lower the battle size, lower the amount of corpses and set ragdolls to 0 (atleast for big battles).
      Or equipping the troops with vanilla armor like you did.
    2. fultonator
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Ah, bummer. I'm going to mess with different armor components to see if a mix of things is a possible fix, but that's a shame if not. I really love the armor sets. Thanks for the reply, and I'll let y'all know if I find a good fix.

      EDIT: After toying around a little, it appears to just be linked to the OSA helmets for me. I've swapped out every other armor piece, and it follows the helmets every time. Still trying to figure out if there are any this is not the case for, as the helmets are kind of my favorite part of this mod. It also continues to only be an issue with cavalry, at least for me, at least so far.

      EDIT 2: Nope, not just helmets. That fixed it for one battle, froze (and every soldier went bald) immediately on the next one.
  10. VladimirMarduk
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    Anyone else having CTD when having Open Source Armory (not saddlery or weaponry) as the only mod enabled? It's easy to replicate for me, when starting a new game, choose Sturgia, then choose "Hunters" as part of your family's history. 
    1. VladimirMarduk
      • premium
      • 15 kudos
      oh, so after some testing, this appears to be happening on any mods that add nevermind...
    2. 69Darking
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      acontece isso porque o mod esta desatualizado!!!!!!
  11. ChadwickTheChadRat
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    Sometimes the game crashes when I speak to Imperial Lords out in the field after asking them about Neretzes Folly. I can finish talking to them but after leaving them the game crashes. It doesn't happen every time, but it happens often enough to be an issue for me, and it seems like it only happens with Imperials. Does anyone else have the same problem? I started a fresh campaign on version 1.2.9 and don't have any other mods installed only Open Source Armory, Weaponry, and Saddlery. Also re-installed the game there were no leftover files from previous mods.
    1. Daizen7767
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      same, i'm only install OSA armory and saddlery, after talking with imperial lord my game during loading screen and then Crashing my game
    2. irulannaba
      • supporter
      • 26 kudos
    3. yeek1234
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      • 0 kudos
      100 percent about this bug. Now play without this mod and no crash.
  12. JesterBlister
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    • 0 kudos
    GUYS PLEASE HELP! I downloaded the 1.2.x armory mod for my 1.2.7 game version. And when i am starting launcher the mod cannot be checked in checkbox and also i downloaded the patch, please have a look at that.
    1. djukzo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      l have same issue, did you find solution?
  13. Hobosapiens
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    Dont hesitate, works as intended for 1.2.9