Houses of Calradia solves AI marriage and AI clan extinction. It plausibly arranges noble marriages organically, and it does so with the overall goal of improving clans' fitness to survive while introducing minimal character bloat. If necessary (very rarely), HoC also directly prevents clan extinction.
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Recompiled for the transition to stable e1.6.3 and beta e1.6.4
Recompiled for the transition to stable e1.6.2 and beta e1.6.3
Version 1.2.10
Now supports Bannerlord e1.6.1 (stable) & e1.6.2 (beta)
Rebuilt to work on BL e1.5.10 (stable)
Version 1.2.9
Updated for Bannerlord e1.6.0 (beta)
Version 1.2.8
Updated for Bannerlord e1.5.10 (beta)
Version 1.2.7
Updated for Bannerlord e1.5.8 (stable) & Bannerlord e1.5.9 (beta)
Minor update to prevent inability to enable Houses of Calradia with BUTRLoader if you have installed the MCM v4.2.0 Beta
Version 1.2.6
Updated (again) for Bannerlord e1.5.8 (beta)
Version 1.2.5
Updated for Bannerlord e1.5.7 (stable) & Bannerlord e1.5.8 (beta)
Version 1.2.4
Updated for Bannerlord e1.5.6 (stable) & Bannerlord e1.5.7 (beta)
Improved Harmony patches' robustness
Added detailed game & module version dependency information for BUTRLoader (Launcher)
Version 1.2.3
Downgraded Mod Configuration Menu client version (doesn't affect functionality) so that Houses of Calradia would no longer silently depend upon ButterLib for those that use HoC without MCM
Version 1.2.2
Reupload of 1.2.1 due to a remote but possible upload error
Version 1.2.1
Updated for Bannerlord e1.5.5 (stable) & Bannerlord e1.5.6 (beta)
Version 1.2.0
Added robust randomized battle equipment selection (with a guaranteed horse and horse-appropriate weaponry) for spawned nobles (either distant relatives from Clan Extinction Prevention or from marrying into the lesser nobility)
Added smart appearance randomization for all spawned nobles (borrowed some code from the Heritage mod for working with body sliders, thanks zenDzee!)
Fixed an issue where the beta version and stable version were writing their log files to different places
Fixed an issue preventing full compiler optimizations in the past release
Improved stats of spawned nobles, because hey, they better not be a putz (or unqualified to ride their horse)
Version 1.1.3
Updated for Bannerlord e1.5.5 (beta)
Re-introduced "Allow Different-Kingdom Marriages for Ruling Clans" setting
Disabled redundant, inferior, and not configurable vanilla NPC marriage system added in e1.5.5
When scoring possible matches for a suitor, the couple's effective relation is now a factor (includes personality trait affinity, etc.)
Female clan leaders are currently forbidden to marry due to issues; I hope to address this with a future overhaul of how clan reassignment for females works post-marriage
Version 1.1.2
Updated for Bannerlord e1.5.4 (stable) -- new e1.5.5 (beta) version coming soon
Upgraded to MCMv4 (still optional, although highly recommended)
Upgraded to C# 9 and MS Project SDK with BUTR's Bannerlord.BuildResources
Clan Extinction Prevention now applies to minor faction clans as well (though AI marriage is not yet supported for them)
For now, kingdom-ruler clans cannot marry outside of their own kingdom (associated setting removed, a more restrictive temporary measure than will be taken in the long-term)
Version 1.1.1
Updated for Bannerlord e1.5.3 (stable) & Bannerlord e1.5.4 (beta)
Version 1.1.0
Added an extensive but optional in-game settings menu. To use it, you must install Mod Configuration Menu. A preview of available options has been uploaded to the Images section.
Different-kingdom, different-culture marriages will no longer be arranged by default (configurable)
Different-kingdom marriages are never arranged while factions are currently hostile to each other
Player execution of the last eligible clan leader is now allowed to eliminate the clan (configurable)
Spawned marriages (lesser nobility) are now even more aggressively reserved for clans desperate to marry (configurable on numerous levels)
Version 1.0.2
Updated for Bannerlord e1.5.2 (stable) & Bannerlord e1.5.3 (beta)
Version 1.0.1
Clan Extinction Prevention no longer applies to any clans that aren't regular noble clans (no mercenary clans, no bandit clans, etc.)
Version 1.0.0
Initial release for Bannerlord e1.5.1 (stable) and e1.5.2 (beta)
Important Context (post-e1.5.5): The new "AI marriage" feature in vanilla is such a massively oversimplified system, to be kind, that I don't recommend it to anyone. Also, remember that "doing marriage" is just the beginning of Houses of Calradia.
Historical Context: Vanilla doesn't do AI-AI marriages. At all. No AI marries another AI beyond those scripted as already married at game start. Thus, by the third generation, clans start going extinct, and the world dies. Enter Houses of Calradia.
Arranges plausible marriages between AI nobles in an organic fashion
Nobles are more likely to marry when their overall clan's fitness is low and, otherwise, are increasingly more likely to hold off
If there are no eligible candidates for marriage, clans with low fitness levels may eventually choose to marry from the lesser nobility
Matchmaking system is designed to avoid character bloat
AI matchmaking only starts at age 27, so the player has plenty of potential spouses (configurable)
If a clan leader is the only living adult in their clan and dies, then a distant relative will take their place
Extensive set of configuration options, but only if you choose to install Mod Configuration Menu
Built-in support for any custom calendars or aging rates which you may have defined with Pacemaker
Can be freely added to an existing campaign
Worry-free removal from a campaign with no special steps required
Houses of Calradia is extremely compatible.
No external dependencies. However, if you'd like access to the in-game configuration menu, then you need to install Mod Configuration Menu.
Worry-free addition and removal to and from existing savegames
Only (soft) incompatibility would be with other mods which arrange marriages, but this would never result in a crash or incoherency
Will even detect whether Pacemaker is loaded and adapt to any customized calendars / accelerated aging you're using
Future Work
If you have a savegame which has already been depopulated and add this mod to your campaign, then at this time, Houses of Calradia will only be able to prevent any further clan extinction and begin to rebuild the nobility: it does not yet have "immediate repopulation" functionality for repairing such vanilla campaigns. That is, however, a planned feature of the mod.
As I've developed a lot of statistics collection code to observe the long-term noble/clan population & its behavior with respect to Houses of Calradia, I intend to continue to expand upon this data to make tweaks and add new features, such as global population control, toward the end of improving matches, clan fitness (a predictor of how well a given clan is likely to do in terms of overall health in the future), potentially introducing new noble clans dynamically, and reducing any unnecessary character bloat.
Final Notes
If you appreciate Houses of Calradia, then please do remember to endorse it! Additionally, you might be interested in my other mods:
Pacemaker, which gives you powerful, fine-grained control over the campaign timescale. If you use Pacemaker to increase the timescale, it is highly recommended to use Houses of Calradia.
Noble Titles, which adds 4 ranks of gender- and culture-specific titles to rulers and their vassals -- a big bang for your immersion buck.
QuickStart, which lets you go from 'New Campaign' to being on the map in 1 click -- great for power users, testers, and modders.
I am also a member of the BUTR (Bannerlord Unofficial Tools & Resources) Team, and I work primarily on ButterLib and related services within our team's swathe of significant offerings for modders and the community.
As with all of my projects, quality contributions and collaboration are very welcome, but even if you just want to browse the source code for Houses of Calradia, you may do so via its GitHub repository: