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About this mod

Changes tournaments. Score is now individual and affects how valuable the prize will be. Tournament rounds can be configured at the start of a round. Bets are expanded to depend on score. The top 3 scoring are considered winners of the tournament. Leaderboard position gives increased rewards.

Permissions and credits
Very much a work in progress, this mod tries to expand upon tournaments in bannerlord taking inspiration from the amazing warband mod Tournament play enhancements. 

Number of participants in a tournament is doubled to 32. Participants are no longer eliminated between rounds, instead the winner is determined by score.  After the final round the top 3 are considered winners. If the player wins, the rewards get scaled with score and the placement.

Currently the mod allows you to configure the tournament in a variety of ways.
At the start of a tournament you may configure how many rounds it will be. Minimum is 1 and max is 10.

At the start of a round the number of matches (1-16) and number of teams(2-8) can be configured.
At the start of a round you can also configure the equipment that will be used.
If the number of participants per team is three or higher the set for four participants will be used. The fifth participant gets the same set as the first, sixth second, seventh third and eighth fourth.

The spawn points in arenas are not ideal. Depending on the number of teams, some teams may spawn very close to each other. Until we get a scene editor this issue will remain unsolved.

Bets now have an extra score condition. When a match ends, if the player has achieved the wagered score for that round it is immediately paid.

Performing certain feats during a match will earn you achievements, these can rewards such as renown, gold, influence, relations with lords and notables or power to the notables in the settlement.

The leaderboard is now based on score instead of wins. The top 10 characters on the leaderboard get daily gold and renown based on ranking.

This mod is now save compatible. To remove the mod from a save disable tournaments in the arena menu, the save should then safe to load without the mod enabled.
To use on an existing save simply load the save, to reset leaderboard simply disable and then enable tournaments.

Please consider checking out my other mods