  • [Resolved] File upload/download problems

    There is currently an issue with the servers that means small files below 2mb cannot be downloaded. Similarly any new files uploaded will not work. This is because of an internal network issue in the datacentre between the servers and the SAN. Please hold off uploading any new files until I have updated this news post with the all clear as you'll only waste your time trying to upload for nothing at this time. Update #1, 16:37 GMT The issue still persists. I have put in place a temporary w...

  • Update on the forum situation

    I thought I would provide a quick update on the previously reported forum situation before heading out. In the late hours of Sunday night a Ukranian group managed to inject some malicious code in to the forum code using an exploit of the forum software. On Monday morning I attempted to resolve the issue by taking the forums offline and upgrading them to the latest version. Upgrading the forums also removes all the skins and customisations (such as kudos and the new AP system). Today I have...

  • Forums security issues

    The forums are currently being focused by some Ukrainian "hackers" for malicious attacks. As a result I have taken the forums offline as I work to sure up the forum security and protect against future attacks. The activity on the Nexus sites will hopefully go unhindered during this down-time. There's no reason to believe this is an attack focused on the community, rather just an attack on a popular message board that can provide the hackers with access to some potentially unsecured compute...

  • Activity points

    Some new stats have been added to all user accounts on the site called "Activity Points" or AP. Each time you perform a beneficial action on a Nexus site you'll gain AP so that other users of the site can see how much you have done on the Nexus sites. The more AP you accrue the higher your level and rank on the sites will be. At the moment AP and levels are just for show; they don't unlock any special features or secret sections of the site but who knows, maybe in the future your AP might be ...

  • Unique downloads counter

    A new statistic has been added to all file pages and individual file counters across the Nexus sites today. The new statistic, "Unique downloads", gives as true of a representation as possible of the total number of individual members that have downloaded your file over its history. To clarify; total downloads includes repeat downloads from the same member. So if you have released five versions of your file and a member has downloaded all five versions then that adds five to your total downlo...

  • Down-time on Sunday 27th of June

    Thank you for your patience during the down-time on Sunday the 27th of June. I'm constantly striving to improve the performance of the servers and increase site load times and this change will hopefully be a big part of that. Here's hoping!...

  • Scheduled down-time tomorrow (21st June)

    This maintenance has now been completed. Thank you for your patience. All the Nexus sites will be taken offline tomorrow at 13:00 GMT for up to an hour while the forum database is optimised for efficiency. The forums have been loading particularly slowly recently and the hope is that this optimisation will sort the issue. The forums need to be taken down in order for the optimisation to be performed and the forums are integral to the running of all the Nexus sites; so when they're down all...

  • New Vegas GECK available on release

    The answers to the second half of the Fallout: New Vegas fan interview were released by GStaff on the 15th of June, and just incase you hadn't heard it seems like the New Vegas version of the G.E.C.K (SDK) will be available on launch. Here's the quote: Will the Fallout: New Vegas Version of the GECK ship with the game, or be downloadable on release? JS: Yes. In addition to the normal GECK functionality F3 modders have come to expect, the F:NV GECK will allow modification of ammo lists, amm...

  • TESNexus traffic soars 25% after Steam promotion

    The total daily unique visitors on TESNexus soared by 25% on normal figures this weekend (12th/13th of June) after popular gaming platform Steam launched a special Game of the Year promotion of Oblivion and Morrowind respectively. As a result TESNexus had its most popular weekend ever with back-to-back figures of 113,000 and 123,000 unique visitors achieved on Saturday and Sunday with a total of just over 300,000 files downloaded and 2.6 million page views. Registrations almost doubled from t...

  • Site down-time and corrupted download table

    I brought down the site for a few minutes this afternoon at 2:50pm GMT to repair a broken table in the database that stored all the download history data for user accounts. The table has been repaired and the database has been speed optimised during the downtime. The table corruption means that anyone trying to endorse a file recently off the site may find that the file won't allow them to do it as their original download wasn't recorded by the site. In order to fix this you'll need to go thr...

  • Reminder About Sites/Mods Which Contain Illegal Rips/Conversions/Translations

    I'm not going to say which sites are not allowed since that would defeat the purpose, however recently there have been a number of mod uploads/links to a certain site which contains ripped/converted/translated content for DA. Any mentioning, linking, referencing to this site and others like it will result in a ban. Before uploading mods, linking mods, or mentioning mods, you should make an attempt to ensure that the site is reputable and does not contain any illegal content.

  • Aesthetic changes to top area

    The top area of all the Nexus sites has been updated today. There's been some rearranging of the top menu, the title images have been spruced up a bit, some cliche gradients have been added for uber coolness and, yes, that's another advertisement I'm afraid. A 728x90 leaderboard ad has been added to the top right of the site. I'm hoping the additional funds gained from the placement will help to secure the necessary money needed to support an additional site should Obsidian release an SDK for...

  • Download service resumed

    Around 4am GMT this morning the download service on the site stopped working. My server provider was working on their infastructure around this time and managed to bring down the hard-drives that store all the files on the site. Service is now back up and working again and I apologise for this issue. Thank you to the 300+ people who emailed me over the past 6 hours letting me know! ...

  • Bethesda rumour mill churns in time for E3

    I don't normally do much news outside of modding because hey, I'm rubbish at it, ok? But after doing some browsing today there's word on the grape vine that Bethesda is gearing up for the announcement of a "secret" at E3 that starts in just over a week. Now a new Elder Scrolls game wouldn't be a surprise. Since Fallout 3's release over 18 months ago Bethesda haven't announced any new projects in development in their own dev studios (just lots of publishing deals with their various partners). ...

  • New file servers

    The old file servers have been replaced with new servers and updated hardware that should be able to much better handle the load from all you folks who like to download so much. Twin 600GB SAS drives in RAID 1 are now handling your file serving needs on 1gbit lines. Lets see how this goes....

  • Known issues with the file servers

    I am aware of an issue with the file servers at the moment that is seriously affecting file delivery for normal members. One of the file servers has been throttled at 100mbit rather than 1gbit at the ISP for some reason this weekend and I'm in contact with them about getting it fixed. That's putting undue pressure on the other file servers and coupled with a particularly busy weekend (190,000 unique visitors yesterday and 250,000, so more than 2.2 visitor/downloads a second) has brought the ...

  • New member bar with chat functionality

    I have just enabled a new member bar feature on the Nexus sites and the forums that is going to be running through beta over the next couple of days. Before I say anything let me waylay your initial gulp reaction after you first saw it; you haven't picked up a malware toolbar off the internet! This is legit ;) The toolbar will display for any members that are logged in to the sites or the forums and it syncs with the forums. You can turn the bar off in your preferences area if you don't want ...

  • Posting reputation: let the community moderate itself

    I have added a new reputation system to file and image comments on all the Nexus sites. This new system is a "plus or minus" system similar to the current rating system except that minus points can actually have consequences to the post. It is visible on all file and image comments to the right of the comment date. If you like a post you plus rep it by clicking the thumbs up icon and the post will instantly gain a reputation point. If you don't like the post, if you think it's a troll post o...

  • New Supporter member group and Image Share section

    After reading through the feedback provided by the community on my last news post I decided to return to the confines of the private Nexus staff forums to listen to the council of my fellow staff members and discuss viable solutions. Today I've decided to go ahead with my plans and we'll see how it goes. To start with I have created a new paid for member group known as a "Supporter". Supporters are either people who have paid a one-off fee of £1 to become a Supporter of the site or are past ...

  • Announcing Adult Nexus in development

    I'd like to take this time to announce some new spin-offs to the Nexus sites labeled Adult TESNexus, Adult Fallout 3 Nexus and Adult Dragon Age Nexus that are currently being developed. While these sites are not finished I'm announcing them now to gauge community response and receive feedback on what possible users would like to see from the sites. While I can't fulfill all requests I always learn a lot and get lots of great ideas for future site features from these sorts of feedback sessions. ...