  • The Elder Scrolls Online Beta Update

    Are you checking your e-mail every day, hoping to spot a "Invitation to The Elder Scrolls Beta"? Are you watching everything ESO, and dying a bit inside of waiting for the beta?

    Well, you still have to wait a bit... But, the good news is that beta invites will be sent out nearing the end of this month!

    The first beta events are smaller ones that primarily takes place during the weekends - and to those who haven't participated in a beta before, and thought it wou...

  • Skyrim Mod Sanctuary 59 : SkyRe

    A long video this time, covering the popular and expansive Skyrim overhaul mod known as SkyRe.

    Download links for reviewed mods:
    T3nd0s Skyrim Redone
    Skyrim -Community- Uncapper
    Balbor and Steelsouls SkyRe ReProccer Project
    ReProccer - Automated SkyRe patch generator

    Download links for previewed mods:
    Dovahkiin and The Apprentice of Thuum
    Slave Pack Riekling Porter ...

  • OpenMW v0.21.0 released!

    The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.21.0! Release packages for Ubuntu are now available via our Launchpad PPA. Release packages for other platforms are available on our Download page. This release introduces video playback, improvements to cell load time, and parsing for escape sequences in dialogue and message boxes.

    Check out WeirdSexy's release video.

    Known Issues:
    No sound when playing videos on OS X

  • Recent updates: nested commenting, sticky posts, latest versions, drag n dropping and bug fixes

    Things have been flying by a bit recently and we’ve been boshing out so many small fixes, tweaks and features left right and centre I’m almost struggling to keep up. So here’s a run-down of some of the recent changes we’ve implemented on the sites and in NMM.

    Nested commenting

    I’ve been wanting to get this functionality implemented on the sites for a long while now but there was no point getting it done until we upgraded the forums (which was done withi...

  • Rogue Dao interview doubles in size!

    The interview with Rogue Dao Studios from late January now has a second voice added -- that of Mike Dismukes, producer of Purgatorio and head of Rogue Dao Studios. Mike joins Megan Carmody to provide more background and information about their Planescape: Purgatorio project.

    See the expanded interview here....

  • Forum upgrade complete, still some work to do

    It’s been a long day but 8 hours after taking the forums offline we’ve now put them back online with the necessary updates in place. There’s still quite a bit of work to do, tweaks and performance enhancements to make, but the majority of the functionality should now be in place and we’ve re-enabled mod publishing and commenting on the sites.

    We’ve all got to get used to the changes that have been made by this latest version and we’re still trying to find our way around ...

  • Skyrim Mod Sanctuary 58 : Harvest Overhaul, Mage Backpack, FrankDema Travel BackPack

    Harvesting can be time consuming and can lead to over encumbrance. Let's look at some mods that fix those problems.

    Thumbnail image for this video is 'The Love of Talos' courtesy of xsbullx.

    Download links for reviewed mods:
    Harvest Overhaul
    Mage Backpack by Tumbajamba
    FrankDema Travel BackPack

    Download links for previewed mods:
    Destroy the Thieves Guild - Final version

    Download links for o...

  • Scheduled partial down-time and mod publishing

    Something we rolled out on the sites a couple of weeks ago without any kind of announcement was a new file publishing system when adding file pages to the Nexus. The inherent problem is thus; if you want to (properly) release a mod on the Nexus you need to first start a file page, add a good long description, add and setup all your images, upload your files and setup any videos and mirror links. If you do this without hiding the file (so that others can see it) you run the risk of some hasty (an...

  • Blog piece: Ads, Supporters, Endorsements and Bandwidth Throttling

    I want to use this article to talk about the ads on the Nexus network, the introduction of a new ad format and the choices we’re going to offer you in regards to these ads. We’re making Supporter membership an ad-free experience for the one-off cost of £1 and I’ll also be delving into how we’re planning to incentivise the endorsement system a little to try and increase the download-to-endorsement ratio for mod authors. First let me explain our bandwidth throttling system, which is going...

  • That Google malware thing

    Oh the irony of it. I wake up this morning ready to write out my plans for ads on the site and instead find Google have slapped a Malware warning on many of the pages of Skyrim Nexus, due to the ads. How tittingly annoying.

    First of all, sorry about the mess. Second of all, it should be “fixed” soon (not that anything is broken). So what’s happened?

    When Google sends its bots throughout the web to maximise their search content the bots also run all sorts of tests....

  • Skyrim Mod Sanctuary 57 : Achieve This, Lock Overhaul and No Sneak Attack Sound

    I love most things about Skyrim, but here are three things I do not like, and luckily there are three mods that fix those things.

    Thumbnail image for this video is 'Ignis II' courtesy of kaldaar.

    Download links for reviewed mods:
    Achieve That
    Lock Overhaul
    No Sneak Attack Sound

    Download links for previewed mods:
    WIP - Immersive Bounty Hunting ...

  • Blog Piece: Nexus plans for stability and infrastructure improvements. Oh, and money.

    Yes, I’m sorry, here’s another one of those 5 page, 2,500 word rambling nonsense blog posts I like to make from time to time to show you that I’m not dead and we’re still moving forward. If you have no interest in servers, money or talking about my narrow views on corporate greed, then I would suggest skipping this one!

    We’re about one month into the new year now and I wanted to share with you one of our main priorities for this year, as it’s as important to us as it...

  • Mod of the Month interview with Rogue Dao Studios

    This is part of a series of interviews with past Mod of the Month winners here on the Nexus, which still has some catching up to do. These will be posted in order of their completion.

    This interview is with Rogue Dao Studios members Mike Dismukes and Megan Carmody, for the Planescape: Purgatorio demo available here on the Nexus. Mike is the producer of Purgatorio and head of Rogue Dao Studios, and Megan is project lead on Planescape: Purgatorio. We will be discussing this demo, as w...

  • GOG releases NWN2 complete with Mysteries of Westgate

    On the 24th of January, GOG finally made it possible again for people to buy Neverwinter Nights 2 without having to also buy other games. A short time after the lawsuit between Hasbro/Wizards of the Coast and Atari over their handling of the D&D license, Atari lost the rights to publish D&D-based games, and all online stores removed Neverwinter Nights 2 from their catalogues.

    In the months that followed, NWN2 eventually showed up again, but only in bundles, such as D&D Neverwinter ...

  • Mod Configuration Menu with the Vanilla User Interface

    SkyUI is the most endorsed mod on all of the Nexus sites, and with the addition of the Mod Configuration Menu (MCM) it has become even more essential on most peoples Skyrim mod list. However there are people who still prefer the original games UI and for them the lack of the MCM is a major setback.

    But have no fear, the SkyUI team thought of that and have provided a way for everyone to enjoy the advantages of MCM.

    Download Links

  • Pre-purchase Dragonborn now!

    Dragonborn just became available for pre-purchase on Steam, and will be available for playing February 5th. Grab it now for 20 $/€!

    In case you don't know what Dragonborn is all about yet, here's a small description for you:
    "With this official add-on for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, journey off the coast of Morrowind, to the island of Solstheim. Encounter new towns, dungeons, and quests, as you traverse the ash wastes and glacial valleys of this new land. B...

  • NMM 0.40.0 released with category support

    It’s been a month and a half since our last update to the Nexus Mod Manager, but, being the merciful slave master that I am, the Nexus programmers were given a two week break over the Christmas period so they could remind their friends and loved ones what they look like. That’s all over now however and it’s back to business as usual. I’m here to announce the fruits of our labours as we release NMM version 0.40.0.

    This version of NMM includes our preliminary work on a feature...

  • The Elder Scrolls Online Beta Signup!

    Update: Not getting any confirmation after applying for the beta? Be sure to check your spam folder! It has been reported to end up there quite a lot.

    Great news! The beta sign-up for The Elder Scrolls Online started today!

    Be among the first to set foot in the massive world of Elder Scrolls Online! The Beta will begin soon, so be quick about signing up!

    Now, remember everyone; this is not meant to be for you to just play the game before...

  • Skyrim Mod Sanctuary 56 : Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival

    In this video I give my impressions of the Frostfall mod. Spoiler alert: I think it is brilliant.

    Thumbnail image for this video is courtesy of TomAraya.

    Download Links:
    Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival...

  • The Dragonborn Comes in February

    Happy news for both PC players and Playstation 3 players!

    PC: You will be exploring Solstheim on February 5th!

    Playstation: Sometime in February, you will get to explore Solstheim, followed by building yourself a home, and after that you will get to either kill or team up with some vampires! All this in February! And that is not all; update 1.8 will arrive just before Dragonborn. You think Bethesda is ending it with just giving you (in order of release) ...