  • Staff Picks - 15 Dec 16

    Another week, another set of staff (and guest) picks to present you.

    Before we begin the weeks' picks, I just want to clarify that the way we do this is very simple, each staff member chooses a mod of their choice, and then I compile them all and post them up. So when I saw that both Robin and I had picked a mod from the same author I thought it might be seen as favouritism or that we were colluding. Let me assure you; we're not. I guess you can chalk it down to 'grea...

  • Advertising on Nexus Mods. The how, what and why, and what to do when it goes wrong.

    As you all likely know, Nexus Mods makes use of advertising on the website to create a source of income which is subsequently used to pay for the range of expenses the site accrues in its daily operations.

    I'm sure we'll all agree that adverts, in any format, really are a pain in the backside. Unfortunately, they're a necessary pain in the backside.

    Many people are ignorant (some willfully) of how online advertising works or like to make assump...

  • Interview with Insane Mind Games - creators of "Breaking Wheel"

    Over the past couple of months, we have introduced a 'Sunday discussion' that I'm pleased to see has gone down well with our community. We have had a steady mix of internal mod authors and external talent, all of whom have provided interesting and insightful interviews. 

    This Sunday went by without even a sniff of a discussion, but that's not to say we didn't do one. Just, it was a bit delayed. We spoke to the Insane Mind Games development team that is head up b...

  • Making of a modder (part 1)

    Recently I posted an article on the site explaining my journey from complete modding virgin to modding beginner. It was a great experience as I navigated mods, tweaked different settings and waded through the various problems to get certain mods to work, which is where the communities knowledge really came in useful.

    But now, I'm going to take it one step further; I'm going to go through the process of making a mod!

    Naturally, I'll start small and not ...

  • Staff Picks - 07 Dec 2016

    Back again with another Staff Picks, the regular feature where we spotlight some of the amazing work that is found on Nexus Mods. These mods may be old or new, popular or unknown, serious or silly - anything goes!

    For the first time, Dark0ne has submitted a pick, and I have to say it's a real gem. Can definitely see this one being add to my 'necessary mods for Fallout 4' list.

    Just remember that other mods on the site may do roughly the same thing, so k...

  • The Sunday Discussion - Caliente - Author of "Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-"

    * please note: the links in this article take you to Calientes mod pages which contain nude images which are NSFW

    Today we chat to Caliente, the author of one of the most downloaded mods on Nexus Mods, CBBE (Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition), which has reached nearly 10 million downloads and is now in the process of being ported across to Skyrim Special Edition. We catch up and discuss gaming history, inspiration and what Caliente likes to do to chill out and relax.


  • Staff picks - 30 Nov 2016

    We're back again with another "Staff Picks", the regular feature where we will spotlight some of the amazing work that can be found on Nexus Mods. These mods may be old or new, popular or unknown, serious or silly - anything goes!

    Just remember that there are other mods on the site that may do roughly the same thing, so keep your eyes peeled and understand that these are just our own personal picks. That said, hopefully you'll find something you may not have see...

  • The Sunday discussion - Duncan Harris, screenshot artist and owner of

    Here on Nexus Mods we have a very vibrant, busy and incredibly talented screen-capture community. I'm going to be spending time getting to know our artists and introduce them into this series to showcase some of their work, find out what makes them tick, what tools they use and if they have any tips for others.

    Though to begin, I reached out to someone outside the community who I also hold in very high regard, the very humble and often elusive professional screen-capture artist...

  • Staff picks - 23 Nov 2016

    We're back again with another "Staff Picks", the regular feature where we spotlight some of the amazing work that can be found on Nexus Mods. These mods may be old or new, popular or unknown, serious or silly - anything goes!

    Just remember that other mods on the site may do roughly the same thing, so keep your eyes peeled and understand that these are just our personal picks. That said, hopefully you'll find something you may not have seen before and who knows, ...

  • The Sunday discussion - Cavou - Author of the Texture Improvement Project for Dark Souls II

    This week we move to the critically acclaimed Dark Souls series and chat to a young modder who goes by the name Cavou. Fed up with the tiling of the textures in the vanilla game, he set out to replace each offending texture to give a more immersive experience.

    Hey Cavou, thanks for chatting to me today, it’s most appreciated. Jumping straight in, would you mind telling us a little bit about yourself?

    I’m currently 21 years old, though I was 19 at the ...

  • Morrowind Modding Madness

    The Morrowind Modding Community is hosting a four-week long event starting on December 1st called Morrowind Modding Madness, a team-based modding competition where modders form teams and try to meet weekly challenges in order to prevail until the end and win. This is an intensive competition where modders must strategize and collaborate together in order to release four mods in four different random categories from December 1st until the 31st.

    If you'd like to learn more, there&...

  • Staff Picks - 16 Nov 2016

    Welcome to the new "Staff Picks", a new regular feature where we will spotlight some of the amazing work found on Nexus Mods. These mods may be old or new, popular or unknown, serious or silly... anything goes! Hopefully you'll find something you may not have seen before, and who knows, maybe we'll even learn a little about ourselves along the way. ;)

    BlindJudge’s pick:

    Game: Dying Light
    Mod: Timepiece
    Author: Impus

    I’ve ...

  • The Sunday Discussion - Druid Gameworks, developers of Witanlore: Dreamtime

    A team of like-minded modders, coders and creative individuals, an idea, and a strong desire to deliver a story they are passionate about to the gaming world. Oh, and of course, humanoid bears with swords, shields, and mystical totems!


    Witanlore: Dreamtime isn’t just a game; it's a love affair. Following two failed Kickstarter attempts for their game “Unwritten: Echoes of Twilight,” the Druid Gameworlds team scaled back their idea to concentrat...

  • My journey into modding

    As hard as it may be to fathom, before I began working for Nexus Mods, I had never really tried to "mod" anything. I mean, the only form of "modding" I had ever done in my life was add a spoiler to my first car back in 1996; put a window into the side of my first, self-built computer; and maybe change a console game with one of the cheat cartridges that were available at the time. Modding just seemed irrelevant to me, like an unnecessary hassle; I already liked the game so why on...

  • The Sunday discussion - Chesko

    Hello and welcome to what is going to become a regular feature here on Nexus Mods; the Sunday Discussion. Over the coming weeks we hope to bring you many interviews with all manner of individuals. Ranging from people such as Jokerine, Elianora, Caliente (and a whole lot more), to special guests, developers and even some of the staff members. Join us on Twitter and Facebook if you want to be notified when they are released.

    We’re going to start this feature off with a real treat. C...

  • Creation Kit for Skyrim Special Edition

    If you are a Skyrim mod author and have been waiting patiently for the Creation Kit for Skyrim Special Edition, we have good news.
    Pete Hines has shared a code, via Twitter, allowing access to the Creation Kit for Skyrim Special Edition!

    EDIT: The Creation Kit is now live for all users! Simply restart the Bethesda Launcher and it should appear.

    There are a few things you should note before jumping to the end of this article to grab the code.

  • Various Nexus related things from the Skyrim SE launch aftermath

    Hi folks,

    As most of you know, Skyrim Special Edition was released on Friday and naturally, a lot of people are clamouring to get mods for the game. Skyrim has always been our most popular game on Nexus Mods and the release of the Special Edition has seen an unprecedented amount of users access our site over the past 36 hours. There are currently 16,500 people online this Saturday afternoon (in the UK) when, on a normal Saturday, it would be around 8,500 people. As you can imagine, ...

  • Skyrim Special Edition Nexus Mod Manager support

    The continued dedication that our community displays towards Skyrim as a modding platform never ceases to amaze us. Looking back, other titles have come and gone but the Skyrim modding community remains as strong as ever. In fact, the Skyrim Nexus hit the 1 billion downloads mark at the end of last month. One Billion! Modders everywhere have made the harsh icy lands of Skyrim their home and with the release of the Special Edition, it would seem this tradition is likely to continue.

  • Skyrim Special Edition site launch

    There won’t be many people who frequent the Nexus that won’t have heard of a certain big release happening this Friday the 28th October. Skyrim: Special Edition will finally be released and after our recent discussion with the community, we have set up Skyrim: Special Edition as a new game on Nexus Mods. We’re now ready to accept the myriad of mods already being created by people who were lucky enough to get access to the beta test. The new url is

  • Upcoming features and interviews

    We’re in the throes of the redesign at the moment and while I have left the actual development to our seasoned professionals, I have still been on the lookout for new content to fill it with. Like I mentioned in the redesign post of yesteryear, we are making the news and articles a bit more of a prominent feature. We’ve been in the process of collecting information, preparing interviews with prominent members of our vast and varied community and looking for ideas that we can follow up on for...