New Forum Section Available - Software Programs

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I would like to extend my thanks to Dark0ne and give him kudos for allowing us to try out a new idea and carve out a section of his forums as a dedicated area for modders and the tools they use.

We open today a new set of doors to the Nexus Forums. An entire section of the forums dedicated to the tools used for modding various games. Whether you are new to the tools or an old hat, take a look and see if you find something new or interesting. If you know of a tutorial or site that is particularly helpful to learning the tool for modding, let us know and we will add it to the main listing.

Basic information is provided about each tool, where they exist on the Internet, how much they cost (if anything), links to specific tutorials created for modding, links to general purpose tutorials and tutorial sites. If you are interested in learning Blender or want to do some research on a particular problem or want to request a tutorial for a particular subject, you now have someplace to visit that is detached from specific games. People well-versed in a particular tool or needing help that used to hang out in just one game area can now run across other people looking to give or receive help in the same area. This will improve efficiency, communication and hopefully provide a better chance to find what you are looking for.

Here are the forum sections currently available today:

Software Programs
--> 3D Modeling
-----> 3ds Max
-----> Blender
-----> Maya
-----> Miscellaneous / Other
--> 2D Imaging
-----> Adobe Photoshop
-----> GIMP
-----> Paint.NET
-----> Miscellaneous / Other
--> Audio
-----> AVS Audio Editor
-----> Audacity
-----> Source Forge
-----> Miscellaneous / Other
--> Video
-----> AVS Video Editor
-----> FRAPS
-----> VirtualDub
-----> Windows Movie Maker
-----> Miscellaneous / Other


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  1. LHammonds
    • supporter
    • 1,192 kudos

    There is another normalmapping tool from Nvidia.
    It's for free and uses Cuda, so i think users of Nvidia cards shoud have a look on it.

    It can be found here:
    Nvidia Melody

    Ah yes...I have that tool uploaded here on the Nexus. I'll add that one too. But it is not just for NVidia card owners. I have an ATI card and the program works just fine on it as well.

  2. Calhoun347
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Says source forge on the post, should be Sound Forge.
  3. Thomas_hx
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    There is another normalmapping tool from Nvidia.
    It's for free and uses Cuda, so i think users of Nvidia cards shoud have a look on it.

    It can be found here:
    Nvidia Melody
  4. mdhay
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Sketchup would be a valuable addition. whilst the free one cannot export to the right format for Fallout, Source engine games can read it fine providing the hammer pluging is installed, and it's very easy to learn. <img class=">
  5. LHammonds
    • supporter
    • 1,192 kudos

    Another program you could add is Cyberlink PowerDirector.
    It is a powerful video editing program that came free with my new nvidia video card. $100 value.

    I'll add it as well even though I personally detest that software. I've had nothing but trouble with their software on several machines and upgrading to the full version did nothing to help the situation and their support stinks. Always had to end up using a different package to get around the issues with it...mainly with Blu-Ray.

  6. mattmartin77
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Another program you could add is Cyberlink PowerDirector.
    It is a powerful video editing program that came free with my new nvidia video card. $100 value.
  7. LHammonds
    • supporter
    • 1,192 kudos

    Don't forget the program Goldwave

    I didn't forget it...cause I never knew about it. <img class=">

    I'll check it out and add it to the list. Know of any tutorials for it or anything specific to modding?

  8. XxLunaMothxX
    • premium
    • 85 kudos
    Don't forget the program "Goldwave" it's the one I like to use. It's free for the most part (theres a paid version) and it seems easier to use than audicity (to me). You should add it to the list. Link Below...
  9. malacath von stahlriven
    malacath von stahlriven
    • premium
    • 23 kudos
    Very nice addition <img class=">

    As a user of 3dsMax, Photoshop and various other related softwares, It is nice to see a part of this forums dedicated to them.
  10. LHammonds
    • supporter
    • 1,192 kudos

    It's nice to see a support section for art, but I think a generic 2d/3d section would do just fine. It's much easier to find/give help with a single subforum.

    I thought about that too but people looking for help with Blender don't need to be mixed in with video, audio or imaging software. The main idea is to have the most predominant software with their own sections so people can:

    1. Find useful information (pinned topics)
    2. Search forum postings in a specific location and find relevant material...rather than searching every post on the forum with that word/phrase in it.
    3. Easily find people that can help you with a specific tool.
    4. Easily find people that you can help with a specific tool.

    I think that if a forum is too general, it will be too difficult for important information to bubble up to the top and there would be too much weeding through completely unrelated topics. There are only a handful of programs being used for modding and of those, only a few are complex enough to warrant an entire section dedicated to discussions and tutorials about them. The initial layout of the forums includes what I think are the predominately-used tools used in the modding scene as entire forum sections to themselves such as 3ds Max, Blender, Adobe Photoshop. The ones I think won't garner much attention or effort live in the miscellaneous section which is the general catch all for that sub-section. Some of the tools I've seen used (and use myself) had dedicated topics created for everyone to use and at least provide a template of sorts for any new tools that crop up. Speaking of templates, I thought it best to try and keep all initial postings using a similar template so that if you become familiar with how the info / links are arranged in one thread, they will be immediately familiar in other tool threads. This becomes very helpful if a topic grows to contain a large number of links.

    This arrangement of links also prompts people to post information on those topics if they are aware of a tutorial that is not posted. Having entire sections that have None yet...Know of any? could spark people to create tutorials for sections that have none. Yes, that's me dreaming...but then again, I posted a request for a tutorial on how to install two versions of Blender at the same time and WHAM, one was posted. I really like the section prompting for people to put in their requests for tutorials they would like created. For tutorial authors that are on the hunt for tutorial to create next, this is a great avenue to research.

    If a particular tool diminishes or just does not seem to have much activity, it can be downgraded from a dedicated section to just a dedicated topic in the misc section and vise versa.

    As I see it, if there is community participation and the forums are managed well, I could see this as becoming an invaluable section to modders...unlike any forum we've seen to date...maybe not as awe-inspiring as the content management system that is the Nexus sites but as forums go, it could be a huge hot spot for modders of all skill ranges.

    Speaking of skills sets, I have a great idea for a tool related to that but I don't think it will ever get created (I just don't have the time to code it) so I won't bother describing that one.
