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About this mod

Yeah. I did it.

Permissions and credits
So, after uploading the Gavan Dakrih mod, the project lead of Starwind joked I should create a Gavan Dakrih Boss fight where we fight the multiverse of Gavan Dakrih. So, I did it for shits and giggles. Included are the following Gavans:
  • Tiny Gavan
  • Cool Gavan
  • Nerdy Gavan
  • Pretty Gavan
  • Mandalorian Gavan
  • Alien Gavan
  • Angry Gavan
  • Kashyyk Gavan
  • Tatooine Gavan
  • Manaan Gavan

You can find them and fight them on the bridge to the Siddah Ca encampment.


Starwind Enhanced
OpenMW V0.48 or higher!
And all of it's requirements!

Join the Starwind Discord Server where we talk, hang out, play games, eat candy, and work on Starwind! It's pretty active and pretty cool so if you do, that's nice. If you do join, say "I'm here for the Blue Milk Bantha Steaks."

It means nothing and we'll just look at you weird if you do.

Also, I can't believe I have to explain this, but some people don't understand what "Total Conversion" means: Starwind totally and completely transforms base game Morrowind into a completely new game. Don't install Starwind expecting the base game to be unaltered.