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About this mod

Alien atmospheres, ethereal pads, mystic sounds...
A Great House Telvanni music expansion of original tracks by me created for the Morrowind MUSE mod. Featuring 5 new exploration tracks and 3 new combat tracks, the inscrutability of this strange and otherworldly house has never been so apparent.

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MUSE Expansion:

Alien atmospheres, ethereal pads, mystic sounds...

A Great House Telvanni music expansion of original tracks by me created for the Morrowind MUSE mod. Featuring 5 new exploration tracks and 3 new combat tracks, the inscrutability of this strange and otherworldly house has never been so apparent.

Inspired by the Hans Zimmer soundtrack for Dune. "If you're on an alien world, why not make the music sound alien?"


- The ninth in a series of planned expansions for MUSE that will bring new levels of immersion to your gameplay and dungeon delving. Each mod will have it's own unique mood & tone for all tracks that will help diversify your music experience and prevent the repetition that can occur with the (albeit great) default soundtrack.
- 5 new exploration tracks that play in Telvanni towns and villages (Sadrith Mora, Tel Vos, etc.)
- 3 new battle tracks that play when in combat with generic Telvanni guards, council members, and other members featured in quests you will most likely have a violent encounter with
- Featuring instrumentation as strange and synthetic as the Telvanni's own mushroom towers and extended lifespan. This is probably the least Soule-like these packs will ever get, but it really makes Telvanni areas stand out.
- All tracks created using modern production techniques, sample libraries, synths, and plugins

- Requires MUSE and all of it's related prerequisites (such as Morrowind Script Extender)
- Install using MO2 or your other favorite mod manager, and verify nothing overwrites the files
- For manual installation, unzip the mod and place the music and MWSE folders into your Morrowind/Data Files directory and overwrite when asked


- Fully compatible with the other MUSE mods on my page
- Without modification, this mod is incompatible with any other MUSE mods that edit that same cells as this one, or have dynamic music that occurs when fighting this mod's enemy types. i.e. SHoTN, TR, or Solstheim music replacers are probably okay, as are other mods that only edit regional music files, but others may not be. Compatibility with any music mod is possible by dragging the music tracks from those mods into the proper music folder subdirectories contained in this mod. View the official MUSE page & posts for more details on mixing and matching.