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Created by

Von Djangos

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About this mod

Some small tweaks to make parts of the main quest more immersive.

Permissions and credits
This is a small mod I've made to deepen certain aspects of the main quest. It adds:

1) More interactive ways to deal the thugs threatening Huleeya.
2) A little more nuance to the Hassour Zainsubani informant quest.
3) A 10% chance for Cauis to be smoking a bowl of Skooma.

That's it!

Should be compatible with the following mods:

Main Quest Enhancers by Trainwiz

Main Quest Overhaul by Alice

It may conflict with the following mod (untested!)

Main Quest by Caran7hir

Cauis HAF face by Stripes
Skooma animation by Grumbling Vomit
Skooma inhale sound by Merlord
"Cammona Paradise" by BeedletheBard