About this mod
The search for a missing apprentice turns into a sadistic, maddening trial. Escape the grip of your demented captor and make a new friend in the process. If you escape with your lives, that is. Part of Summer Modjam 2023.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits

The Last Leap is a short but jam-packed quest mod with unique challenges and a branched ending. The quest begins in the Balmora Guild of Mages, where you will find a Khajiit named Khalip the Wildcat who is worrying over his lost apprentice.
I recommend a character of tenth level or higher for this quest, though a lower-level character might make it through if you're quick and clever enough.
A full (and very spoilery) walkthrough will be available in the forum tab.
Modjam themes are Verticality (very much so) and Go for Broke (if you're feeling generous).
This mod uses the very impressive Gun Gale Tower resource by Tel Shadow.
Thanks for playing! And remember, it's always a good idea to save your game before you walk into any strange portals.
This mod makes tiny additions to the cells "Balmora, Guild of Mages" and "Balmora, West Gash Region, -3, -2", and as such might be incompatible with other mods that edit those areas.