About this mod
Adds about 30 low-level quests to Seyda Neen, Balmora, and a particular category of people.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

Fresh off the boat in Seyda Neen? Feel a bit rudderless? Not sure where you can go without leveling up some skills?
This mod adds about 30 quests to NPCs that are relatively easy for new players to run across. Some quests are easy to find and some slightly less easy. Most of these quests are suitable for new characters and give opportunities for combat, persuasion, and security. Some of the quest rewards include interesting items for newer players.
This mod also adds books. Some are of minor interest to loremasters, some are just more information for a quest, one is a bit silly, and the other 23 are recipes.
This mod makes minor additions to the following Cells (probably won't conflict except with terrain changes or overhauls):
Ald-ruhn (-2, 7)
Ascadian Isles Region (-1, -4)
Balmora, The Razor Hole
Bitter Coast Region (-2, -11)
Bitter Coast Region (-3, -8)
Bitter Coast Region (-3, -8)
Bitter Coast Region (-6, -7)
Bitter Coast Region (-7, -5)
Ebonheart (2, -13)
Ebonheart, Six Fishes
Mount Kand
Pelagiad (0, -8)
Samarys Ancestral Tomb
Sarimisun-Assa Egg Mine
Sarys Ancestral Tomb
Vivec, Library of Vivec
West Gash Region (-1, -1)
West Gash Region (-1, 0)
West Gash Region (-2, -1)
West Gash Region (-3, 0)
West Gash Region (-3, 1)
Where's the Quest?
How to Start Most Seyda Neen Quests:
Talk to Hrisskar, accept or decline his quest, then talk to Raflod the Braggart.
Talk to Erene Llenim outside.
Talk to Fine-Mouth in his house.
Talk to Thavere Vedrano at the lighthouse.
Talk to Eldafire outside.
Talk to Darvame Hleran at her silt strider.
Talk to Tarhiel post-rescue.
How to Start Most Balmora Quests:
Talk to Clagius Clanler in his shop.
Talk to Benunius Agrudilius in his inn.
Talk to Culumaire at the Lucky Lockup.
Talk to Dorisa Darvel in her shop, then talk to her again.
Talk to Hul outside.
Talk to Dralsea Arethi outside.
Talk to Thorek in his shop (ask for latest rumors a few times, or ask the same of Arathor).
Talk to Ra'Virr in his shop.
Talk to Shannat in the Morag Tong guildhall.
Certain People All Have a Quest:
Deliver the package to Caius, talk about orders once, then ask each of the Blades Trainers for orders.
The mod is "compatible" with LGNPC Seyda Neen (or at least an old version of it) in that it references and builds on the LGNPC dialogue in a few cases.
Special Thanks
To SanchoTomato for highly detailed testing and feedback that went above-and-beyond my expectations.
To Benefactor for feedback and suggestions.
To the Morrowind Modding Discord for answering dumb questions because I don't remember how half of this works.