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Melchior Dahrk

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Inspired by their mention of growing in the badlands of Morrowind in Sermon 12, a regional variety of pomegranates can now be found growing atop Mount Assarnibibi.

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Inspired by their mention of growing in the badlands of Morrowind in Sermon 12 in association with the "Pomegranate Banquet", a regional variety of pomegranates can now be found growing atop Mount Assarnibibi. Although the blight has severely diminished the number of healthy trees in the Molag Amur region, further increasing the rarity of the fruit, these few trees have found shelter atop the holy mountain.

Then Vivec left the capital of Veloth and wandered far into the ash. He found a span of badlands to practice his giant-form... And Molag Bal crushed the warrior-poet's feet, which were not invulnerable, and had legions cleave them off... And the legions that took the feet were summoned again and ordered to begin a banquet. Pomegranates sprang from the badlands and tents were raised.

-- The Thirty-Six Lessons of Vivec, Sermon Twelve

The mod also includes a brief quest to give some exposition to the introduction of pomegranates to the game. Look for a Velothi merchant at the Molag Mar silt strider port and hear his request.

The tree itself has been "Morrowind-ified" rather than sticking to the real world example by crossing it with a desert rose to give it a more rugged appearance given the location where it is native. Many thanks to revenorror who contributed the pomegranate fruit model to OAAB_Data.