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  1. DuskWulf
    • premium
    • 78 kudos

    The names of anyone who's contributed will be posted here.


    itsWHISPERn7 - For their work on the Fatigue Damage Only feature.


    Mort - For their brilliant stealth mods that inspired this one.

    Animals I've missed?

    If you encounter an animal (that isn't daedric, or a dwemer construct, et cetera) that isn't covered by Bonk/Feedbag? Please tell me. If it's base game, I'll include them immediately. I think I have all of Morrowind's animals included but there's always blindspots. I use the models as detection because that allows for catching a greater degree of critters than going by ID would. If the creature is from a mod? It'll depend. If the mod is feature complete and in a playable state? I'll do my best to get them in as quickly as possible. I'm not supporting incomplete mods as they're liable to change a lot and that could cause bugs if at any point I'm not able to maintain Bonk/Feedbag.

    If you want to go the extra mile, check your MWSE.log after playing as it'll have the mesh of the critter in question. If you can give me that, it'll result in a much faster inclusion.

    Replying to your comments.

    I hope I'm doing okay with this comments section. I have severe social anxiety and I'm currently recovering from it a little. Still, these interactions are difficult, especially since I'm never sure what to tell people or not. Regardless, I do hope you enjoy the mod. I shared it because I knew there had to be other people out there who really wanted this as much as I did.

    I'm not really good at being communicative—for obvious reasons—but I want to keep you in the loop with what's happening with my mods as much as I can.

    Bonk showcase video.

    DarkElfGuy did a really awesome showcase vide of my mod! You can check it out in the videos section if you want more than just a gif. I mean, it's worth checking out because entertaining commentary alone. So, yes. Thanks much to DarkElfGuy!

    The thinking behind Bonk.

    I've seen this topic talked about elsewhere so I figured I'd offer my opinion on it here. In fictional fantasy and superheroic realities, the average person is hardier than they are in our reality. When Spider-Man or Bat-Man knocks someone out, they can wake up and walk away from it without any negative after-effects. So if a hero doesn't go overboard and murder someone, chances are they'll be fine.

    This isn't the case in reality, of course, but fiction allows us some leeway where we can deal with hostile intent without murder or grievous harm. We can observe that no harm comes to someone who's been knocked out in a variety of Elder Scrolls and Fallout games, so this fictional aspect was already around before Bonk entered the scene.

    That's all that really needs to be said about it.

    Bonk's present and future; Your suggestions.

    Bonk has come a long way, it's funny to think now that a battlemage with a hammer and drain fatigue spells is equally as viable as a sneaky thief. That was always the goal, but it just took a while to get here. I'm still not done, though! I have more ideas over the long term as for where I can take Bonk and I'm happy to hear your ideas, too.

    Bonk has hit 1.0 and I'll leave that version there as a stable release. If I screw anything up, it's a nice fallback where everything is just guaranteed to work. The same is true for Feedbag for now, too. It's just nice to have that safety net so I'll never leave anyone with a mod they don't want. I think it's safe to say that Bonk/Feedbag users are happy with where those mods are right now. I mean, I haven't had any complaints, so I can only assume so? And I've done testing as rigorous as one person can. (Though lately itsWHISPERn7 has done some amazing testing for me, and I really appreciate that!!)

    The next versions of Bonk/Feedbag will just be some further optimisations before I figure out what I want the next features to be. I've got plans—for Bonk, especially—and having the stable version means I can move ahead without worry. If you have any suggestions for things you'd want to see? Now's the time.

    What about Feedbag?

    Feedbag now has its own modpage!


    Here's what upcoming updates will contain. There will be experimental releases leading up to bigger features.

    ~ 1.6-ish

    • Sneak-attacking a dwemer automaton with a hand-to-hand/blunt weapon with an electrical enchantment or a lightning spell has the chance to knock them out (fatigue damage), the notion being that you're short-circuiting them;
    • Using hand-to-hand/blunt weapons with electrical enchantments or lightning spells on dwemer automatons only does fatigue damage if the Fatigue Damage Only option is enabled.
    ~ 2.0-ish

    • An optional alarm system that can be raised if an actor sees a knocked out actor;
    • The ability to move a body from one place to another, where occlusion clipping might keep it out of sight.
    ~ 3.0-ish

    • If you join the Blades, Caius Cosades gives you a scroll which allows you to cast an on-touch recall spell that transports unconscious foes to a Blades internment prison (as a roleplay option, and this shouldn't require an esp as items/spells can be made and dialogue changed through lua code).
    ~ 3.5-ish

    • Add knockout darts to the game, giving non-magical ranged players a new option.
  2. DuskWulf
    • premium
    • 78 kudos
    Bug reporting steps.

    If you're going to report an issue, please adhere to the following.

    — Try the compatibility options.

    There are known incompatibilities between Bonk and other mods. So compatibility options have been provided in the menu. Try messing with those to see if it fixes anything.

    — Try disabling other lua mods.

    The reason for this is that lua can be rife with incompatibility issues. For example, if someone defines a global function accidentally in their mod instead of a local that overrides another function that's used, that then breaks all mods relying on that overwritten function. So many reasons for conflicts, incompatibilities, or breakages can exist. We need to be certain what's causing it. It's not always as obvious as it might seem. In MWSE-lua, and in any game that supports lua mods, I—as both a user and a developer—have seen many cases of a bug being caused by another mod entirely.

    If you do find you're having a compatibility issue with another mod, you can report that as an incompatibility and I'll look into it to see if I can make a compatibility patch.

    — Provide a debug log.

    If you've ruled out other mods, you've tried the compatibility options, and you're still having issues? In the options, you can turn on debugging. Turn that on and then do what you've been doing that casues the problem. Then provide me with debug logs so that I can try to figure it out.

    Thank you!
  3. GaRRetZAV
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hi! If someone has a problem with making damage to knockouted enemy with blunt weapon or hand-to-hand, just find the file "Functions.lua" at "Bonk\modules\staydown" and delete the following line:

    e.damage = 0

    Good luck!
  4. Manysko
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is there any chance this can be made for OpenMW?
    1. drakeotomy
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      It doesn't work with OMW? Dang...
  5. frankenstick
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This might be a stupid question, do i need the patches for Pickpocket and Stealth Improved, if the main mods' current releases are newer than those?
  6. lusjanochka
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    Hi! I love the idea of this mod! :)
    However, I am experiencing a slight issue - no matter what I do, in the mod menu, bonk has no keybind options. I do not know how to trigger a bonk (so far, not managed it), either.

    Help would be very welcome.
    1. PlanB900
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I am having the same issue - the mod works well but I am unable to set the keybind options for cleanup/wakeup.
    2. FaustoMuscas
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey, if you're still having problems with this here's what worked for me:

      All I did was download and install both pickpocket and stealth overhaul aswell as their respective patches from Bonk's files section, these two mods are recommended to be used with Bonk but aren't required, at least, they're not supposed to be, however, with them installed I've actually been able to trigger bonks aswell as get the correct messages on my hud, stealth overhaul in particular seems to have done the trick.
      One thing is still not working though, the option to change key binds in MCM is still not there, however by going to the build.lua file located in MWSE\mods\Bonk\modules\clean I found out that the default button to tie up NPC is left shift, you can probably change it from there if you know a little about coding or through simple trial and error.
      Hope this helps
  7. FaustoMuscas
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey I'd love to use this mod but I can't get it to work:
    I haven't been able to trigger a Bonk, weather with blunt or hand-to-hand and additionaly the mod menu doesn't have any keybind options.
    I got this error message in MWSE.log :
    Lua error encountered during UI event from element MCM_PreviousButton:
    .\Data Files\MWSE\core\mcm\components\settings\slider.lua:52: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'value' (a table value)
    stack traceback:
    .\Data Files\MWSE\core\mcm\components\settings\slider.lua:52: in function 'enable'
    .\Data Files\MWSE\core\mcm\components\component.lua:196: in function 'create'
    ...a Files\MWSE\core\mcm\components\categories\category.lua:99: in function 'createSubcomponents'
    ...a Files\MWSE\core\mcm\components\categories\category.lua:108: in function 'createContentsContainer'
    .\Data Files\MWSE\core\mcm\components\component.lua:191: in function 'create'
    ...ta Files\MWSE\core\mcm\components\templates\template.lua:95: in function 'clickTab'
    ...ta Files\MWSE\core\mcm\components\templates\template.lua:199: in function <...ta Files\MWSE\core\mcm\components\templates\template.lua:188>
    Error in event callback: Data Files/MWSE/mods/Bonk/modules/check/functions.lua:54: attempt to index a nil value
    stack traceback:
    .\Data Files\MWSE\core\lib\event.lua:166: in function '__index'
    Data Files/MWSE/mods/Bonk/modules/check/functions.lua:54: in function 'check'
    Data Files/MWSE/lib/WulfLib/modules/check-1.3/functions.lua:62: in function 'basics'
    Data Files/MWSE/mods/Bonk/modules/knockout/functions.lua:3: in function <Data Files/MWSE/mods/Bonk/modules/knockout/functions.lua:2>
    [C]: in function 'xpcall'
    .\Data Files\MWSE\core\lib\event.lua:179: in function 'trigger'
    .\Data Files\MWSE\core\lib\event.lua:199: in function <.\Data Files\MWSE\core\lib\event.lua:169>

    Just repeated over and over again


    Okay so I've managed to get the mod working for the most part.
    All I did was download and install both pickpocket and stealth overhaul aswell as their respective patches from Bonk's files section, these two mods are recommended to be used with Bonk but aren't required, at least, they're not supposed to be, however with them installed the error message is gone and I've actually been able to trigger bonks aswell as get the correct messages on my hud, stealth overhaul in particular seems to have done the trick.
    One thing is still not working though, the option to change key binds in MCM is still not there, however by going to the build.lua file located in MWSE\mods\Bonk\modules\clean I found out that the default button to tie up NPC is left shift, you can probably change it from there if you know a little about coding or through simple trial and error.
    I hope this might help out other people who are having similar problems
  8. chaoseffectetc
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I had a question about this amazing mod: I see reference to the hotkeys for tie up/wake up being customizable, but in the MCM menu I see no way to do this. Can someone let me know if I am missing something? In the hotkey menu I just see 1) turn on messages, 2) the two messages options), 3) a slider that says something about hotkeys but has no scale to it, just a slide that seems to do nothing.

    Thank you!
  9. JoylessJoker15
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    can you make it that messages do pop up but a failed knockout because of being seen only once per (time we can adjust in mcm) ? i often want to crouch and the game behaves in the way you predict, 400 plus messages that i failed to knock out the enemy (while attacking a knocked out enemy
    1. DuskWulf
      • premium
      • 78 kudos
      You're getting the messages whilst attacking a knocked out enemy? Could you please provide more details of the process?

      What weapon are you using while crouching? What weapon are you attacking the enemy with when they're unconscious? It all helps. Thank you.
    2. JoylessJoker15
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      my fists, sword, blunt weapon, etc.
  10. Moofull
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I can't seem to "bonk" anyone no matter what Blunt weapon I get my hands on I sneak and attack from behind. nothing Bonk is showing up on the mod menu it's not disabled it just doesn't work Feel like it should work new game or not
    1. DuskWulf
      • premium
      • 78 kudos
      Could you try the bug reporting steps in the sticky? Thanks!
  11. OrganicShelter
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    For some reason, I can't damage enemies in hand-to-hand combat when they are knocked out even when the option to do so is turned off. Is this supposed to happen?
    1. DuskWulf
      • premium
      • 78 kudos
      Indeed it is, though it isn't my mod dictating that.

      The MWSE-lua event for handling hand-to-hand damage is separate from that of all weapons, the reason for this is that hand-to-han ddamage is programmatically different in Morrowind to that of any other damage.

      In Morrowind, I believe uniquely for the truly 3D Elder Scrolls games, hand-to-hand deals only fatigue damage in vanilla. It would take a mod for hand-to-hand to deal health damage. The Fatigue Damage Only option is meant to provide a means for that kind of functionality to be applied to blunt weapons aswell, to bring blunt weapons into line with the two kinds of attacks that can do a knockout.

      You can read about this here...

      I'm not sure why Bethesda made this choice for this particular game, but as you can see from the article, it's default game behaviour for hand-to-hand to do only fatigue damage and no health damage.

      It would be very easy to create a mod that grants damage to hand-to-hand though, I believe there are already a number of combat mods on the Nexus which do this already as I know I'm fairly unique in my predilections. If those mods are too complex though, it wouldn't be hard for me to whip up a mod for you that does just that.
    2. OrganicShelter
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Sorry for the very late reply, but the bug happens when the enemy fatigue is exhausted. This happens too with blunt weapons. The unconscious enemy is not taking any damage when they are supposed to.
    3. DuskWulf
      • premium
      • 78 kudos
      I'm very confused because there are only very specific conditions under which blunt weapon damage can be mitigated and they're all controlled by options in the mod's settings. Can you give me a debug log that I can look at? Basically, enable the debug option in Bonk's settings and try hitting a foe who's down for the count. If Bonk is doing anything unusual, it'll show up in the logs.

  12. itsWHISPERn7
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Loving the updates and the new menu art!  Keep up the great work!